34 research outputs found

    Tensor Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry: from Hartree-Fock Energy to Excited States

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    We resume the recent successes of the grid-based tensor numerical methods and discuss their prospects in real-space electronic structure calculations. These methods, based on the low-rank representation of the multidimensional functions and integral operators, led to entirely grid-based tensor-structured 3D Hartree-Fock eigenvalue solver. It benefits from tensor calculation of the core Hamiltonian and two-electron integrals (TEI) in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) complexity using the rank-structured approximation of basis functions, electron densities and convolution integral operators all represented on 3D n×n×nn\times n\times n Cartesian grids. The algorithm for calculating TEI tensor in a form of the Cholesky decomposition is based on multiple factorizations using algebraic 1D ``density fitting`` scheme. The basis functions are not restricted to separable Gaussians, since the analytical integration is substituted by high-precision tensor-structured numerical quadratures. The tensor approaches to post-Hartree-Fock calculations for the MP2 energy correction and for the Bethe-Salpeter excited states, based on using low-rank factorizations and the reduced basis method, were recently introduced. Another direction is related to the recent attempts to develop a tensor-based Hartree-Fock numerical scheme for finite lattice-structured systems, where one of the numerical challenges is the summation of electrostatic potentials of a large number of nuclei. The 3D grid-based tensor method for calculation of a potential sum on a L×L×LL\times L\times L lattice manifests the linear in LL computational work, O(L)O(L), instead of the usual O(L3logL)O(L^3 \log L) scaling by the Ewald-type approaches

    A literature survey of low-rank tensor approximation techniques

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    During the last years, low-rank tensor approximation has been established as a new tool in scientific computing to address large-scale linear and multilinear algebra problems, which would be intractable by classical techniques. This survey attempts to give a literature overview of current developments in this area, with an emphasis on function-related tensors

    Block Circulant and Toeplitz Structures in the Linearized Hartree–Fock Equation on Finite Lattices: Tensor Approach

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    This paper introduces and analyses the new grid-based tensor approach to approximate solution of the elliptic eigenvalue problem for the 3D lattice-structured systems. We consider the linearized Hartree-Fock equation over a spatial L1×L2×L3L_1\times L_2\times L_3 lattice for both periodic and non-periodic problem setting, discretized in the localized Gaussian-type orbitals basis. In the periodic case, the Galerkin system matrix obeys a three-level block-circulant structure that allows the FFT-based diagonalization, while for the finite extended systems in a box (Dirichlet boundary conditions) we arrive at the perturbed block-Toeplitz representation providing fast matrix-vector multiplication and low storage size. The proposed grid-based tensor techniques manifest the twofold benefits: (a) the entries of the Fock matrix are computed by 1D operations using low-rank tensors represented on a 3D grid, (b) in the periodic case the low-rank tensor structure in the diagonal blocks of the Fock matrix in the Fourier space reduces the conventional 3D FFT to the product of 1D FFTs. Lattice type systems in a box with Dirichlet boundary conditions are treated numerically by our previous tensor solver for single molecules, which makes possible calculations on rather large L1×L2×L3L_1\times L_2\times L_3 lattices due to reduced numerical cost for 3D problems. The numerical simulations for both box-type and periodic L×1×1L\times 1\times 1 lattice chain in a 3D rectangular "tube" with LL up to several hundred confirm the theoretical complexity bounds for the block-structured eigenvalue solvers in the limit of large LL.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1408.383