9 research outputs found

    Bio-Fertilizers via Co-Digestion: a Review

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    In diversifying the economies of most oil producing countries especially in regions with arable lands, Agriculture becomes the next choice aside mineral deposits. This has led to a search for an alternative to inorganic fertilizers, the alternatives are the biofertilizers. The paper discussed the classification of the anaerobic co-digestion process based on the application of inoculants to the biodigester feedstock to speed up the digestion process and the absence of inoculants. Biodigester feedstock also looked at the various mechanisms in the digestion process which includes hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis, the pathways were illustrated with chemical equations and various microorganisms that take part in the anaerobic process were mentioned and tabulated. The types of biofertilizers, merits, and demerits, the difference between biofertilizers and organic fertilizers were comprehensively discussed. Current trends on the application of the co-digestion technique to improve the yield, nutrient, and safety of biofertilizers and also the recent progression on the technique were mentioned

    Organic Waste Management in the Hospitality Area for the Development and Conservation of Ecotourism in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, Indonesia: Literature Review

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    The Mandalika Special Economic Zone is included in five super Priority Travel Destinations throughout Indonesia. Mandalika has two main potential tourist attractions: the beauty of white sand and green hills along the coastline that stretches for 7.2 km. The target for Mandalika for Total Hotels & Resorts is 10,000 units, and villas, condominiums, and townhouses are 3800 units which will potentially become a source of waste. The total landfill in Mandalika is 215.7 tonnes/per year. Waste management, including waste reduction and handling in Mandalika, must be of particular concern to area managers, tourism managers, communities, tourists and local governments. Efforts that the Regional Government has made are increasing the number of landfills, garbage collection vehicles and cleaners. In addition, what is no less important is the need to educate the public about cleanliness and training in organic and inorganic waste management. Community involvement around Mandalika will positively impact the local community's economy because the results of waste processing by recycling and composting can be re-sold

    Indoor/Outdoor Concentration of Pollutants Around Major Roundabouts in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The escalation of daily human activities has led to a surge in gaseous pollutants and particulates, with indoor environments often exhibiting higher pollutant levels than outdoor air. This study delves into the intricate relationship between outdoor pollutants and indoor settings near traffic intersections within the Ilorin metropolis. The research focuses on six strategically chosen locations with intensified vehicular and human interactions. Data on particulate concentration were collected at various time intervals.The Met One Aerocet 531s apparatus assessed indoor and outdoor particulate matter concentrations. Additionally, the Crowcon Gas Pro, a versatile multi-gas measurement equipment, facilitated the quantification of gaseous pollutants, including Oxygen, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen sulfide, and Methane. The assessment of other gaseous pollutants, such as NO, NO2, and NH3, was conducted using the ToxiRAE II apparatus, which offers diverse measurement capabilities. The Kestrel weather tracker contributed to the study by furnishing microclimatic parameters. All measurement instruments were strategically positioned at approximately 1.5 meters above ground level.Vehicular density variation emerged as a pivotal criterion in the evaluation process. Findings revealed elevated outdoor PM10 concentrations during rush hours at the roundabouts, indicating heightened pollutant emissions during peak traffic times. Conversely, intriguingly elevated indoor PM10 concentrations were observed within specific indoor environments during non-rush hour periods. This phenomenon potentially results from the interplay of meteorological fluctuations and indoor activities, underscoring the complexity of pollutant dispersion dynamics.Indoor-to-outdoor concentration ratios emerged as a significant metric, consistently exceeding unity across diverse sites. This observation substantiates the presence of indoor-based pollutant sources, necessitating vigilant monitoring and effective mitigation strategies to mitigate potential health risks for indoor occupants.This research contributes vital insights into the intricate domain of air quality assessment, offering nuanced perspectives on pollutant distribution dynamics, indoor exposure scenarios, and ensuing health implications. By addressing the complex nexus between outdoor and indoor environments, this study emphasizes the imperative of adopting comprehensive strategies to curtail pollutant emissions at their source, foster sustainable urban planning, and enhance the quality of indoor environments. The outcomes resonate with broader endeavours to address the far-reaching consequences of air pollution on both ecological equilibrium and human well-being

    Феромонна комунікація комах: етологічний підхід

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    The article considers different approaches to insect pheromone communication as a form of social behaviour: zoological, physiological, genetic and zoopsychological. It is indicated that social behaviour extends to the mating process for insects, which is analysed in this paper from the point of view of various scientific approaches. Finding a sexual partner is considered physiologically as pheromone communication, genetically – features of sex chromosomes, zoologically – on the one hand directly, it’s the process of courtship, and on the other one, it’s the influence of environmental factors. The dependence of the mating process on internal physiological stimuli and environmental factors such as lighting (lunar or solar), non-standard photoperiod, the presence of a substrate of a specific colour, temperature, wind speed, the presence of food objects, the spatial placement of sexual partners above the surface of the earth is considered on particular examples. The features of things on which insects are found, the visual image associated with pheromones, from nutrition, sexual maturity of individuals, and the complex action of factors. The dependence of the mating process on internal physiological stimuli, genetic characteristics, and environmental factors explains the non-randomness of this process and social dimension. The application of various ethological approaches allows for analysing often accompanying information obtained during chemical and biological research. At the same time, clarifying the integrity of the process of social behaviour is possible thanks to the ethological approach, which allows synthesising the obtained data into a single whole.У статті розглядаються різні підходи щодо феромонної комунікації комах як однієї з форм соціальної поведінки, а саме зоологічний, фізіологічний, генетичний та зоопсихологічний. Вказано, що для комах соціальна поведінка розповсюджується на процес спарювання, який в даній роботі проаналізовано з точки зору різних наукових підходів. Розглянуто процес пошуку статевого партнера фізіологічно як феромонну комунікацію, генетично – особливості статевих хромосом, зоологічно – з одного боку безпосередньо процес залицяння, а з іншого вплив факторів середовища. На конкретних прикладах розглянуто залежність процесу спарювання від фізіологічних внутрішніх стимулів та факторів навколишнього середовища таких як освітлення (місячне або сонячне), нестандартний фотоперіод, наявність субстрату певного кольору, температура, швидкість вітру, наявність харчових об’єктів, просторове розміщення статевих партнерів над поверхнею землі, особливостей предметів, на яких знаходяться комахи, зорового образу, пов’язаного з феромонами, від харчування, статевої зрілості особин, а також комплексної дії факторів. Залежність процесу спарювання як від фізіологічних внутрішніх стимулів, генетичних особливостей так і від факторів навколишнього середовища пояснює невипадковість цього процесу і його соціальну площину. Саме застосування різноманітних етологічних підходів дозволяє здійснювати аналіз найчастіше супутньої інформації, отриманої в ході хіміко-біологічних досліджень, тоді як з’ясування цілісності процесу соціальної поведінки можливе завдяки етологічному підходу, який дозволяє синтезувати отримані дані в єдине ціле

    Screening of Kunun-zaki for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) and Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Salmonella spp.

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    Kunun-zaki is an indigenous, fermented, non-alcoholic cereal-based beverage produced and consumed primarily in Northern Nigeria. Due to its high nutritional and moisture content, it provides an ideal environment for the growth of foodborne pathogens. This study determined the presence of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) and Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing Salmonella spp in Kunun-zaki sold in Umuahia metropolis, Nigeria. Out of the 40 Kunun-zaki samples examined, Salmonella spp was detected in 19 (47.5%), whereas S. aureus was detected in 22 (55%) of the samples. The total Salmonella count ranged from 1.90×105-9.70×106 (CFU/ml), whereas the total S. aureus count ranged from 3.40×104-7.50×106 (CFU/ml); these microbial counts do not conform to the standard limits of detectable microbes in ready-to-eat food samples as stipulated by the Center for Food Safety. All the isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing using the modified Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. On the one hand, most of the Salmonella spp were resistant to the beta-lactam class of antibiotics used (IMP 58%, MEM 90%, AMP 53%). On the other hand, the Salmonella isolates showed the highest sensitivities to ceftazidime (95%) and ofloxacin (90%). The S. aureus isolates revealed high susceptibility to the ofloxacin (96%), and major resistance to oxacillin (41%) and the oxyimino-cephalosporin antibiotics used (CAZ 55%, CTR 41%). MRSA, VRSA and ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae are amongst the most critical multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens. In this study, 26% of the Salmonella spp isolates were confirmed to be ESBL producers, whereas 41% of the isolates were MRSA, 23% were VRSA, and 68% were Vancomycin intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA). Hence, the Kunun-zaki could constitute a reservoir for the dissemination of multidrug-resistant foodborne pathogens if not correctly quality controlled

    Garis Panduan Audit Akreditasi : Bidang Kejuruteraan dan Senibina

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    Огляд особливостей соціального навчання представників роду Сorvus

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    This article considers learning as one of the forms of the normal functioning of a social group. The article analyses and summarises modern literary publications on the peculiarities of social learning of representatives of the genus Corvus.In the course of the analysis of modern scientific literature, it is found that social experience at an early age significantly affects the development of models of social interaction, which, in addition to parents, are influenced by the relationship with peers. Among peers, siblings have a high tolerance and socially positive behaviour. The influence of the social context also depends on the combination of male-male and male-female sexes. The female-female social coalition is a rare phenomenon among ravens, but there is evidence of such interaction, so that it can be identified as a promising area of research. Most of the analysed sources indicate that kinship ties increase the productivity of crows in terms of social learning in kin and interfamilial groups.It is emphasised that the social and cognitive behaviour of representatives of the genus Corvus is due to the existence of neural memory mechanisms. Neural networks may integrate individual discrimination and control of social behaviour in memory-based dominance in ravens. Sex and aggressiveness are crucial as personal characteristics for dominance formation. Distinction explains individual differences in anxiety responses that have a social context.The social learning of some members of the genus Corvus is clearly expressed in the ability to maintain cultural variations in vocalisation within the population and manufacturing tools for food production. The basic models of actions for using tools may have their evolutionary origin in food storage (caching). Individual learning by trial and error is considered a social learning component within kinship and between groups.В даній статті навчання розглядається як одна з форм нормального функціонування соціальної групи. Проведено аналіз та узагальнення сучасних літературних публікацій стосовно особливостей соціального навчання представників роду Corvus.В ході аналізу сучасної наукової літератури встановлено, що соціальний досвід у ранньому віці суттєво впливає на розвиток моделей соціальної взаємодії, на які крім батьків впливає взаємозв’язок з однолітками. Серед однолітків саме брати і сестри мають високий ступінь толерантності та соціально-позитивної поведінки. Вплив соціального контексту залежить також від поєднання птахів за статтю «самець-самець» та «самець-самка». Соціальна коаліція «самка-самка» рідкісне явище серед воронових, але є докази такої взаємодії, тому його можна виділити як перспективний напрямок досліджень. Більшість проаналізованих джерел свідчать про те, що родинні зв’язки підвищують продуктивність воронів щодо соціального навчання як в родинних так і в міжродинних групах.Підкреслено, що соціально-когнітивна поведінка представників роду Corvus обумовлена існуванням нейронних механізмів пам’яті. Нейронні мережі можуть брати участь в інтеграції індивідуальної дискримінації та контролю соціальної поведінки в домінуванні на основі пам’яті у воронових. Стать і агресивність є визначальними як індивідуальні характеристики для формування домінування. Домінування пояснює індивідуальні відмінності у реакціях на тривогу, які мають соціальний контекст.Соціальне навчання деяких представників роду Corvus яскраво виражена у здатності підтримувати культурні варіації вокалізації всередині популяції та виготовленні інструментів для добування їжі. Зроблено припущення, що основні моделі дій для використання інструментів можуть мати своє еволюційне походження в запасанні їжі (кешуванні). Індивідуальне навчання методом проб і помилок розглядається як складова соціального навчання всередині родинних груп та між групами

    Awareness and Implications of Aircraft Noise on the Airport Staff of Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport Kano, Nigeria

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    Noise pollution, operationally defined as 'unwanted sound', has become an environmental contaminant of massive proportions. Noise causes annoyance, frustration, impediment to learning, and general stress. Of all present-day sources of noise, the noise from surface transportation, above all that from road vehicles, is the most diffused and difficult to control. Aircraft, industrial noise, noisy neighbours, and their pets are other familiar sources of noise aggravation. Noise pollution is a harmful environmental impact of sound, which, by its nature, volume, or duration, is likely to have health effects.This research aims to measure the noise level within the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport, examine the effects of aircraft noise on employees, assess the awareness level of workers on the impact of aircraft noise, and determine the level of compliance with safety standards.This study examined the implications and awareness of aircraft noise at the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA). The noise level within the five selected locations was measured. A noise meter was used to measure the noise at the new fire station, old fire station, international terminal building, domestic terminal building, and main apron. Primary and secondary data were used; fifty questionnaires were randomly distributed to staff from the fire department, aviation security, ground handlers of the Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO) and Skyway Aviation Handling Company Plc (SAHCO), airfield staff of the operations department, and airliners. The data obtained from the noise meter were analyzed using the mean noise level, whereas descriptive statistics and simple percentages were used to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaire.The level of staff awareness of aircraft noise implications due to prolonged exposure and safety regulations was determined. The noise produced within the study area is between 65 and 98 decibels. Seventy-four percent of the responders think that aircraft noise is a nuisance, with more than 50% aware of the implications of noise exposure. In contrast, only 24% have experienced some of the effects of aircraft noise, such as headache, cardiovascular loss, and hearing loss. It was discovered that employers are not providing enough safety kits for their employees, and most staff do not undergo safety training and are not aware of any laws regulating noise. In conclusion, staff need training on noise pollution, its effects, and ways to reduce health implications

    Water and Wastewater Treatment in Nigeria: Advancements, Challenges, Climate Change and Socioeconomic Impacts

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    The research addresses the prevalent issue of inadequate water and wastewater treatment in Nigeria. Over the years, advanced countries have developed substantial and robust systems for the treatment of water and wastewater, which ensures the preservation and sustenance of societal health and mitigates against the negative impacts that untreated and unregulated wastewater could cause to the environment, including water pollution, transmission of illnesses, destruction of ecosystems etc. The study examines the historical and most recent water treatment methods, which entail boiling and more advanced techniques such as Membrane Filtration, Ultraviolet Disinfection and Reverse Osmosis. Also, an overview of the potential threats to water treatment, including poor power supply, poor infrastructure, poor waste management system, Poverty, Policy Issues, and corruption, was conducted. With the advent of technology, treatment methods such as biological and chemical treatments have been instituted. For example, Biological Treatment entails using bacteria to destroy contaminants in water, leveraging the natural ability of microorganisms to survive in unseemly harsh conditions. The paper explores the economic analysis of waste management strategies in Nigeria, stating the costs, benefits and challenges faced.While implementing these strategies can be costly due to a lack of infrastructural and institutional capacity, it benefits societal health protection and promotes environmental sustainability in the long run. Stakeholder engagement, such as supporting water and wastewater treatment technology implementation and setting up local committees. That can help educate and ensure proper disposal of waste and wastewater by homeowners, industries and local businesses, which is discussed as an essential factor in providing adequate water reforms. The research examines important organisations in Nigeria responsible for conducting research, developing policies, enforcing environmental laws, and developing national guidelines and standards. These organisations include the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, the National Water Resources Institute, River Basin Development Authorities, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Ministry of Environment and the National Environmental Rules and Regulations Enforcement Agency. We examined the relationship between climate change, water and wastewater treatment, discussing the effects of climate change on water resources, including irregular rainfall patterns, decreasing ice sheets, increasing sea levels, floods and droughts. The efforts of the Nigerian government to combat climate change, such as the introduction of the national climate change policy and the enactment of the Climate Change Act 2021, were highlighted. The study also highlights the need for comprehensive strategies and cooperation to achieve long-term climate goals and promote climate-resilient economic development. We looked into the socioeconomic impact of effluent discharge and socioeconomic factors related to climate change in Nigeria. It reveals how wastewater affects agricultural activities such as fishing and farming and negatively impacts aquatic life, farmers and consumers. Discussions revolved around societal rights and obligations stated in the Nigerian Constitution regarding the government's responsibility to provide access to Healthcare, shelter, food, employment, and education. Recommendations were made, emphasising the need for properly designed and operated water treatment systems, prioritising water management, the importance of considering local conditions and the use of appropriate technology in ensuring the success of projects. Financial support from international organisations is essential. However, local commitment is likewise crucial for long-term sustainability