91 research outputs found

    Improving Conversational Recommender System via Contextual and Time-Aware Modeling with Less Domain-Specific Knowledge

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    Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) has become an emerging research topic seeking to perform recommendations through interactive conversations, which generally consist of generation and recommendation modules. Prior work on CRS tends to incorporate more external and domain-specific knowledge like item reviews to enhance performance. Despite the fact that the collection and annotation of the external domain-specific information needs much human effort and degenerates the generalizability, too much extra knowledge introduces more difficulty to balance among them. Therefore, we propose to fully discover and extract internal knowledge from the context. We capture both entity-level and contextual-level representations to jointly model user preferences for the recommendation, where a time-aware attention is designed to emphasize the recently appeared items in entity-level representations. We further use the pre-trained BART to initialize the generation module to alleviate the data scarcity and enhance the context modeling. In addition to conducting experiments on a popular dataset (ReDial), we also include a multi-domain dataset (OpenDialKG) to show the effectiveness of our model. Experiments on both datasets show that our model achieves better performance on most evaluation metrics with less external knowledge and generalizes well to other domains. Additional analyses on the recommendation and generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in different scenarios

    Cedar River Mini-School

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    A mini-school was set up in Cedar River Elementary School in Maple Valley, Washington. The mini-school will keep the same students and teachers together for a three-year period of time. There will be a fourth, fifth, and sixth grade classroom, each with its own teacher. Research suggests that students in small schools perceive a closer, warmer relationship with their teachers, fellow students and other adults and a stronger connection with the school. This project presents a justification for and a description of the mini-school. The only conclusions reached come from the development of the mini-school, not in an evaluation of it, since the mini-school has not been in session yet

    Development of computer-assisted instruction units in calculus

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    Simulation of meteorological satellite (METSAT) data using LANDSAT data

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    The information content which can be expected from the advanced very high resolution radiometer system, AVHRR, on the NOAA-6 satellite was assessed, and systematic techniques of data interpretation for use with meteorological satellite data were defined. In-house data from LANDSAT 2 and 3 were used to simulate the spatial, spectral, and sampling methods of the NOAA-6 satellite data

    Firelands Bulletin 1976-1977

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    Bowling Green State University Firelands catalog for 1976-1977.https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/catalogs/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Payload/orbiter contamination control requirement study: Spacelab configuration contamination study

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    The assessment of the Spacelab carrier induced contaminant environment was continued, and the ability of Spacelab to meet established contamination control criteria for the space transportation system program was determined. The primary areas considered included: (1) updating, refining, and improving the Spacelab contamination computer model and contamination analysis methodology, (2) establishing the resulting adjusted induced environment predictions for comparison with the applicable criteria, (3) determining the Spacelab design and operational requirements necessary to meet the criteria, (4) conducting mission feasibility analyses of the combined Spacelab/Orbiter contaminant environment for specific proposed mission and payload mixes, and (5) establishing a preliminary Spacelab mission support plan as well as model interface requirements; A summary of those activities conducted to date with respect to the modelling, analysis, and predictions of the induced environment, including any modifications in approach or methodology utilized in the contamination assessment of the Spacelab carrier, was presented

    Cumulative risk and youth problem behaviors : the role of IQ, cognitive problem-solving ability, and self-esteem

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    This study examined the relationships among cumulative environmental risk exposure, youth personal attributes (IQ, cognitive problem-solving ability, and self-esteem) and indicators of youth maladjustment in a nationally representative sample of adolescent youth. Cross-sectional analyses revealed a significant positive, linear association between cumulative risk and both externalizing and internalizing problem behavior. The concurrent association between cumulative risk and internalizing problem behavior was significantly stronger for female and Caucasian youth. A protective effect of self-esteem on both externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors was demonstrated as well as a weak protective effect of cognitive problem-solving ability on externalizing problem behaviors. Longitudinal findings indicated that cumulative risk was a significant predictor of change over time in internalizing problem behavior. Cognitive problem-solving ability and self-esteem demonstrated compensatory roles in the risk-maladjustment relationship, suggesting that the protective quality of these assets is immediate rather than long-term

    Water Resources Planning, Social Goals, and Indicators: Methodological Development and Empirical Test

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    A methodology for comprehensive evaluation of water resources development and use (Techcom) has been developed and partially field tested. A model of societal goals consists of nine primary goals successively articualted into increasingly specific subgoals. Achievement of subgoals is perceived as affected by measurable social indicators whose values are perturbed by water resources actions. Linking the elements of the goals taxon by connectives result in an evaluation system. historical, political and philosophical considerations of the proposed system are discussed in Part I. Part II describes the results of the Rio Grande of New Mexico test including public perception and weighting of the subgoals and goals, and development of specific connectives. Future values of 128 social indicators for 5 action plans for four 5-year intervals to 1987 are estimated using a computerized system based on an inversion of an input-output model interacting with social and environmental indicator connectives. A computerized system for quantified planning inquiry provides comparisons of relative goal achievement and permits review of all planning information through a simple retrieval procedure providing visual display or hard copy. The methodology is conveived as applicable generally to natural resources actions
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