8 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, documents can be scattered across a company in different versions, formats, and languages, and even on different systems. Not only is the resulting content chaos inefficient, it brings with it a number of risks. However, information that is contained in unstructured documents is increasingly becoming a key business resource. Enterprise content management (ECM) is used to manage unstructured content on an enterprise-wide scale. Despite the practical importance of ECM, research is still at an immature state and the process perspective is widely neglected. We suggest a process-oriented approach to identifying, assessing, documenting, classifying and visualizing enterprise content. Within a globally operating engineering company, we check to what extent the applicability of the designed research artifact can be assumed. We give process-oriented guidelines to identify and document enterprise content. Our 7W Framework (7WF) for content assessment contains a collection of metadata (attributes, typical attribute values) to create customized content surveys. Different visual representations of content are proposed, including a document map. Combining business processes and the content of an enterprise, the document map is able to integrate the ECM perspectives and provides decision support. Technical requirements can be derived from it and in-depth analysis of business-critical content is enabled

    Management quality management processes in a naval ship construction company: A qualitative case analysis

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    This industrial research study investigates the challenges encountered in the quality management implementation in a naval ship construction and maintenance company. This study will provide a proper view of the work completed in the process of ship construction and maintenance, especially in the Quality Department and will recommend improvements in quality, particularly in the building of a ship. Specifically, it aims to deeply examine the application of quality management knowledge and tools in the process-based work inspection planning, work monitoring activities and record-keeping information management. Additionally, the role of the Quality Department in the ship construction projects has been the main focus of this research study. In achieving the objectives, this case study has applied the qualitative approach which involved activities such as interviewing the focus group especially in Quality Department, observing the work-related activities that involve with quality work inspection process and reviewing quality-related documentation base on the ship construction work report and quality work inspection activities. The results of the three approaches were then triangulated and analysed by using Nvivo sohare for identification of relevant themes that normally use by qualitative researcher. The study has revealed the importance of team work and high understanding among various departments in managing the inspection planning and work-related information. It has identified the issues that had occurred in during the research, provided an analysis that can benefit the company and contributed to academic knowledge and also enhance the company's vision and mission. Furthermore, with proper improvement activities aligned with the actual work process will also result in higher productivity and quality of work processes as well as reducing the difficulties and problems encountered in the implementation of the quality management of this company

    The reuse of machining knowledge to improve designer awareness through the configuration of knowledge libraries in PLM

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    The nature of competition induces the need to constantly improve and perform better. For global aerospace manufacturers, this is as timely an epithet as ever as market forces urge for more growth, better financial return and market position. The macroeconomic aspect is compounded by the growth of product complexity and the need for higher product quality, hence the drive to reduce waste places emphasis upon production costs and the need to improve product performance. This paper focuses upon a rapid development and deployment method that enables the capture and representation of machining knowledge so that it may be shared and reused by design engineers to accelerate the design-make process. The study and mapping of information and knowledge relationships are described and put forward as a lightweight ontology. From this, a set of knowledge document templates were created to facilitate the capture, structuring and sharing of machining knowledge within a collaborative multidisciplinary aerospace engineering environment. An experimental pilot system has been developed to test and demonstrate that knowledge document templates can accelerate the sharing of machining knowledge within an industrial product lifecycle management environment. The results are discussed to provide a case for further development and application within the product domain

    Políticas de Gestão de Pessoas (GP) e Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC): relação propositiva por meio da revisão integrativa

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    A pesquisa visa desenvolver argumentos sobre relação entre a ĂĄrea da GestĂŁo de Pessoas (GP) com o campo da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) por meio de revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura. Para tanto, segue-se com uma abordagem descritiva, por meio de seleção de artigos disponĂ­veis no Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) e Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library (SPELL), dos Ășltimos 5 anos com coleta de dados em novembro de 2021. ApĂłs 4 levantamentos com os descritores ‘gestĂŁo’ e ‘responsabilidade’ ‘pessoas’ ou ‘recursos humanos’, resultou em 47 artigos no SPELL e 21 artigos no Scielo. Com a anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo foram tecidos argumentos em torno da integração das categorias ‘Recursos humanos e organizaçÔes sociais’, ‘OrganizaçÔes sociais e a representação voluntĂĄria’, ‘Dilemas Ă©ticos sobre as informaçÔes’, ‘GuardiĂ”es da Ă©tica’, ‘Suporte’, ‘MĂŁo-de-obra, capital e qualidade’, ‘Servidores pĂșblicos’, ‘Conduta humanizadora dos processos’, ‘GestĂŁo de recursos humanos no setor pĂșblico’, ‘PĂșblico interno, postura socialmente responsĂĄvel’, ‘NegociaçÔes’, ‘Criatividade, função geração de ideias’, ‘Avaliação de desempenho e participação’, ‘Recursos humanos, Leis e Teletrabalho’, ‘PrĂł-negĂłcio inclusivo e SustentĂĄvel’, ‘AusĂȘncia de modelo transcultural (oriente e ocidente)’, ‘Discursos versus prĂĄtica’, ‘Ecossistema, diversificação da economia local’, ‘Equidade de gĂȘnero, diversidade geracional, interseccionalidade – diferenças sociais, de gĂȘnero e competĂȘncias’, ‘Hierarquias, burocracias excessivas’, ‘Economia do conhecimento’, ‘VisĂŁo de mundo progressista’. Os argumentos envolvem a urgĂȘncia face a emergĂȘncia dos estudos com foco no pensar coletivamente sobre como responder Ă s necessidades da sociedade, convocando as pessoas para projetar organizaçÔes mais colaborativas, resilientes e responsivas

    Metadata i Cross Media Redaktionsprocesser

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    Olika typer av media Àr inte lÀngre bundna till specifika distributionskanaler i samma grad som de en gÄng varit. Nya krav pÄ mediainnehÄll samt -tillgÀnglighet har lett till att företag inom mediabranschen mÄste anpassa sig genom att tillÀmpa nya rutiner för skapande och administrering av innehÄll. Detta inverkar inte endast pÄ arbetsrutiner, utan leder i sin tur till nya krav pÄ DAMS system i vilka metadata kommer inneha en vÀsentlig roll. Utan vÀlstrukturerad metadata kommer mÄnga arbetsuppgifter visa sig extremt tidskrÀvande. Den hÀr studien erbjuder en genomförlig och aktuell empirisk forskning med insyn pÄ tillÀmpningen av metadata inom innehÄllsproduktionen hos vÀlkÀnda medieföretag som utövar cross media publicering. Företag som deltog i studien kan beskrivas som nyhetsbyrÄer, tidnings- eller tidsskriftsutgivare. En abstrakt metadatastruktur bestÄende av essens, kontextuell, strukturell, och administrativ metadata var konstruerad pÄ basen av uptÀckt metadata hos de besökta företagen. Denna struktur avspeglar nuvarande krav pÄ metadata inom cross media företag. Metadatastandarder rekommenderas som bas för kartlÀggning mellan lÀmpliga metadatafÀlt och de i strukturen angivna metadata-attributen. PÄ basis av resultaten gavs Àven förslag pÄ framtida krav pÄ metadata inom cross media redaktionssystem. Metadata var Àven analyserad pÄ basen av typ, egenskaper, och anvÀndning. Subjektiva Äsikter om nuvarande metadatavanor togs Àven i beaktande. Redaktionsprocesser inklusive metadatalivscykeln var modellerade med BPMN. Bland de företag som deltog i studien uppkom skillnader i processer anknytna till cross media publicering. Alla deltagande parter visade dock ett gemensamt intresse för att förbÀttra den nuvarande situationen. En annan gemensam överenskommelse uppstod i formen av ett framtida krav pÄ redaktionssystem gÀllande temaeller Àmnescentrerad planering av innehÄll. I synnerhet essensbaserad metadata Àr i starkt behov av förbÀttringar för att klara av framtida krav. Medieföretag har insett att investeringar i metadata inte endast minskar pÄ arbetsbördan och Àr till förmÄn för administrering av tillgÄngar, utan ocksÄ erbjuder totalt nya möjligheter för affÀrsverksamhet.Different types of media such as text, images, audio, and video are no longer restricted to different publishing channels in the same way that they used to be. Media companies are adopting new routines for handling and creating content to better suit the new demands, which in turn puts new requirements on digital asset management systems (DAMS). Metadata will have an essential role in managing content in these systems, and without well structured metadata many tasks become extremely time consuming. This study provides an extensive, up-to-date, empirical research of the current use of metadata across the content creation process within well known media companies involved in cross media publishing. Three case companies were selected for this study: a newspaper, a magazine publisher, and a news agency. Observations and surveys, including interviews and questionnaires were conducted at the research sites. A metadata framework consisting of essence, contextual, structural, and administrative metadata field attributes was created based on the discovered metadata in case companies. The framework serves as a platform for current metadata needs in media companies utilizing cross media publishing. Metadata standards are suggested to be used as a source for mapping suitable metadata fields to the provided metadata attributes. Suggestions for future requirements on metadata in editorial systems were also given based on the results. In addition to the metadata framework, discovered metadata was also assessed based on nature, characteristics, and use. Subjective viewpoints of current metadata practices are also taken into account. Current editorial processes including the metadata time-cycle were modeled with BPMN annotation language. There were differences in cross media publishing routines between the case companies, but all participants showed a common interest to enhance current practices. A mutual requirement on future editorial systems was the inclusion of theme or topic based planning of content. The results showed that especially essence based metadata needs improvements in order to cope with future requirements. Media companies have realized that investing in metadata not only reduces workload and is beneficial from an asset management perspective, but also provides completely new business opportunities

    Application de la sémantique intertextuelle à la modélisation de constats d'infraction de la ville de Québec

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    Rendu possible grĂące Ă  une bourse du Laboratoire de cyberjustice.Nous modĂ©lisons un type de constat d’infraction avec le mĂ©talangage XML en appliquant l’approche de la sĂ©mantique intertextuelle au design d’objets informationnels de Marcoux. Nous Ă©tablissons notre propre mĂ©thode Ă  partir de trois mĂ©thodes de modĂ©lisation dite « classiques » : la mĂ©thode de Maler et El Andaloussi, le Document Engineering de Glushko et la mĂ©thode RASKE de Salminen. PremiĂšrement, nous procĂ©dons Ă  l’analyse d’un corpus sĂ©lectionnĂ© de documents et rĂ©sumons les informations recueillies sur notre objet d’étude et sur son contexte d’utilisation. Nous transposons ensuite le RĂšglement sur la forme des constats d’infraction (C-25.1, r. 1) vers un nouveau mĂ©dium, la dĂ©finition de type de document, et Ă©laborons sa spĂ©cification de la sĂ©mantique intertextuelle. Le rĂ©sultat de notre travail est un prototype d’un modĂšle permettant la crĂ©ation d’un type de constat d’infraction en XML originairement Ă©lectronique, et qui gĂ©nĂšre Ă©galement un rendu de sa signification en langue naturelle sur une page-Ă©cran d’un navigateur. En scĂ©narisant la DTD pour Ă©laborer des modĂšles de contenus qui soient les plus sĂ©quentiels possible, et en distribuant les thĂšmes abordĂ©s dans le RĂšglement sur la forme des constats d’infraction en accord avec la syntaxe de la langue naturelle française, nous simplifions le rendu de la sĂ©mantique intertextuelle du constat XML et amĂ©liorons possiblement son idiomaticitĂ©.In the current thesis, we propose an XML modelling of a legal document, the statement of offense, using Marcoux’s intertextual semantics approach to information object design. Our method combines the modelling approaches of Maler and El Andaloussi, Glushko's Document Engineering and Salminen's RASKE method. We first analyse a selected corpus of documents, and identify information relevant to our topic and its context of use. We then transpose the document from a paper medium onto a XML-based electronic medium by i) the construction of a Document Type Definition (DTD) and ii) the elaboration of its intertextual semantics specification. The result is a prototype that enables the authoring of a statement of offence in XML, and allows for the automatic rendering of the document’s intended meaning in a natural language via a web browser. By designing the DTD so that the content models are mostly introduced sequentially, and by distributing the themes included in the "RĂšglement sur la forme des constats d’infraction" in accordance with the syntax of the French language, we simplify the rendering of the intertextual semantics and possibly improve its idiomaticity

    Contributions to enterprise content management and qualitative and quantitative decision support

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    The effects of Olympic inclusion on sport : the case of trampolining in England

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of Olympic inclusion on sport through the case study of trampolining in England. This was considered in terms of changes to elite trampolining, recreational trampolining and school trampolining across the dimensions of organisational structure, funding and support, and underlying policy. This has been achieved through constructing a primarily qualitative piece of work underpinned by a critical realist ontology and epistemology. 45 individuals involved in the sport of trampolining or working in the more general sport delivery system were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Most of the direct implications of the inclusion of trampolining in the Olympics have only affected the elite level of the sport. Adding trampolining to the Olympic programme was viewed as a very positive thing by interviewees involved in the sport because it was seen to improve the status of the sport. The forced merger of the British Trampoline Federation with British Gymnastics received significant criticism from former British Trampoline Federation members due to a perceived loss of power and autonomy. However this amalgamation did raise standards of governance and management in elite trampolining, as did increased expectations from organisations such as UK Sport. As a consequence of the increased professionalisation of the governance of elite trampolining, there is now more tension between paid staff and volunteers. Since the sport has been in the Olympic programme elite trampolining has benefitted from significant funding from UK Sport and also support from the English Institute of Sport and the British Olympic Association. Assistance from all three organisations is extremely ring-fenced and channelled towards the elite. For example, English Institute of Sport support is totally focussed on a very limited number of named individuals who compete at an international level. Funding from UK Sport is dependent on British Gymnastics meeting ambitious performance targets in trampolining and so forms an incentive contract which has dictated the focus within the National Governing Body. Hence the balance between elite trampolining and sport for all has swung towards the higher echelon of the sport from both economic and structural perspectives. Few benefits from trampolining being in the Olympic programme filter down to the recreational and school levels of the sport and those that have tend to be indirect impacts. This is partly due to a lack of coherent governance both within the sport and also in terms of the wider sporting landscape. Support given to recreational trampolining by English Gymnastics, Sport England and County Sport Partnerships, and support given to school trampolining by the British Schools Gymnastics Association, the Youth Sport Trust and School Sport Partnerships appears to be relatively unaffected by trampolining being in the Olympics. Also there are more pressing issues and priorities in recreational and school trampolining which prevented the Olympic inclusion of trampolining having a greater impact. For example, at a recreational level there is often a shortage of trampoline clubs to cater for demand and similarly in schools there is often a lack of trampolines and trained teachers.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo