15 research outputs found

    I/O-Efficient Dynamic Planar Range Skyline Queries

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    We present the first fully dynamic worst case I/O-efficient data structures that support planar orthogonal \textit{3-sided range skyline reporting queries} in \bigO (\log_{2B^\epsilon} n + \frac{t}{B^{1-\epsilon}}) I/Os and updates in \bigO (\log_{2B^\epsilon} n) I/Os, using \bigO (\frac{n}{B^{1-\epsilon}}) blocks of space, for nn input planar points, tt reported points, and parameter 0ϵ10 \leq \epsilon \leq 1. We obtain the result by extending Sundar's priority queues with attrition to support the operations \textsc{DeleteMin} and \textsc{CatenateAndAttrite} in \bigO (1) worst case I/Os, and in \bigO(1/B) amortized I/Os given that a constant number of blocks is already loaded in main memory. Finally, we show that any pointer-based static data structure that supports \textit{dominated maxima reporting queries}, namely the difficult special case of 4-sided skyline queries, in \bigO(\log^{\bigO(1)}n +t) worst case time must occupy Ω(nlognloglogn)\Omega(n \frac{\log n}{\log \log n}) space, by adapting a similar lower bounding argument for planar 4-sided range reporting queries.Comment: Submitted to SODA 201

    Fast Parallel Operations on Search Trees

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    Using (a,b)-trees as an example, we show how to perform a parallel split with logarithmic latency and parallel join, bulk updates, intersection, union (or merge), and (symmetric) set difference with logarithmic latency and with information theoretically optimal work. We present both asymptotically optimal solutions and simplified versions that perform well in practice - they are several times faster than previous implementations

    I/O-Efficient Planar Range Skyline and Attrition Priority Queues

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    In the planar range skyline reporting problem, we store a set P of n 2D points in a structure such that, given a query rectangle Q = [a_1, a_2] x [b_1, b_2], the maxima (a.k.a. skyline) of P \cap Q can be reported efficiently. The query is 3-sided if an edge of Q is grounded, giving rise to two variants: top-open (b_2 = \infty) and left-open (a_1 = -\infty) queries. All our results are in external memory under the O(n/B) space budget, for both the static and dynamic settings: * For static P, we give structures that answer top-open queries in O(log_B n + k/B), O(loglog_B U + k/B), and O(1 + k/B) I/Os when the universe is R^2, a U x U grid, and a rank space grid [O(n)]^2, respectively (where k is the number of reported points). The query complexity is optimal in all cases. * We show that the left-open case is harder, such that any linear-size structure must incur \Omega((n/B)^e + k/B) I/Os for a query. We show that this case is as difficult as the general 4-sided queries, for which we give a static structure with the optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B). * We give a dynamic structure that supports top-open queries in O(log_2B^e (n/B) + k/B^1-e) I/Os, and updates in O(log_2B^e (n/B)) I/Os, for any e satisfying 0 \le e \le 1. This leads to a dynamic structure for 4-sided queries with optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B), and amortized update cost O(log (n/B)). As a contribution of independent interest, we propose an I/O-efficient version of the fundamental structure priority queue with attrition (PQA). Our PQA supports FindMin, DeleteMin, and InsertAndAttrite all in O(1) worst case I/Os, and O(1/B) amortized I/Os per operation. We also add the new CatenateAndAttrite operation that catenates two PQAs in O(1) worst case and O(1/B) amortized I/Os. This operation is a non-trivial extension to the classic PQA of Sundar, even in internal memory.Comment: Appeared at PODS 2013, New York, 19 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.4511, arXiv:1207.234

    I/O-efficient 2-d orthogonal range skyline and attrition priority queues

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    In the planar range skyline reporting problem, we store a set P of n 2D points in a structure such that, given a query rectangle Q = [a_1, a_2] x [b_1, b_2], the maxima (a.k.a. skyline) of P \cap Q can be reported efficiently. The query is 3-sided if an edge of Q is grounded, giving rise to two variants: top-open (b_2 = \infty) and left-open (a_1 = -\infty) queries. All our results are in external memory under the O(n/B) space budget, for both the static and dynamic settings: * For static P, we give structures that answer top-open queries in O(log_B n + k/B), O(loglog_B U + k/B), and O(1 + k/B) I/Os when the universe is R^2, a U x U grid, and a rank space grid [O(n)]^2, respectively (where k is the number of reported points). The query complexity is optimal in all cases. * We show that the left-open case is harder, such that any linear-size structure must incur \Omega((n/B)^e + k/B) I/Os for a query. We show that this case is as difficult as the general 4-sided queries, for which we give a static structure with the optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B). * We give a dynamic structure that supports top-open queries in O(log_2B^e (n/B) + k/B^1-e) I/Os, and updates in O(log_2B^e (n/B)) I/Os, for any e satisfying 0 \le e \le 1. This leads to a dynamic structure for 4-sided queries with optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B), and amortized update cost O(log (n/B)). As a contribution of independent interest, we propose an I/O-efficient version of the fundamental structure priority queue with attrition (PQA). Our PQA supports FindMin, DeleteMin, and InsertAndAttrite all in O(1) worst case I/Os, and O(1/B) amortized I/Os per operation. We also add the new CatenateAndAttrite operation that catenates two PQAs in O(1) worst case and O(1/B) amortized I/Os. This operation is a non-trivial extension to the classic PQA of Sundar, even in internal memory

    Efficient abstractions for visualization and interaction

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    Abstractions, such as functions and methods, are an essential tool for any programmer. Abstractions encapsulate the details of a computation: the programmer only needs to know what the abstraction achieves, not how it achieves it. However, using abstractions can come at a cost: the resulting program may be inefficient. This can lead to programmers not using some abstractions, instead writing the entire functionality from the ground up. In this thesis, we present several results that make this situation less likely when programming interactive visualizations. We present results that make abstractions more efficient in the areas of graphics, layout and events

    The Log-Interleave Bound: Towards the Unification of Sorting and the BST Model

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    We study the connections between sorting and the binary search tree model, with an aim towards showing that the fields are connected more deeply than is currently known. The main vehicle of our study is the log-interleave bound, a measure of the information-theoretic complexity of a permutation π\pi. When viewed through the lens of adaptive sorting -- the study of lists which are nearly sorted according to some measure of disorder -- the log-interleave bound is comparable to the most powerful known measure of disorder. Many of these measures of disorder are themselves virtually identical to well-known upper bounds in the BST model, such as the working set bound or the dynamic finger bound, suggesting a connection between BSTs and sorting. We present three results about the log-interleave bound which solidify the aforementioned connections. The first is a proof that the log-interleave bound is always within a lglgn\lg \lg n multiplicative factor of a known lower bound in the BST model, meaning that an online BST algorithm matching the log-interleave bound would perform within the same bounds as the state-of-the-art lglgn\lg \lg n-competitive BST. The second result is an offline algorithm in the BST model which uses O(LIB(π))O(\text{LIB}(\pi)) accesses to search for any permutation π\pi. The technique used to design this algorithm also serves as a general way to show whether a sorting algorithm can be transformed into an offline BST algorithm. The final result is a mergesort algorithm which performs work within the log-interleave bound of a permutation π\pi. This mergesort also happens to be highly parallel, adding to a line of work in parallel BST operations

    Purely Functional Worst Case Constant Time Catenable Sorted Lists

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    Abstract. We present a purely functional implementation of search trees that requires O(log n) time for search and update operations and supports the join of two trees in worst case constant time. Hence, we solve an open problem posed by Kaplan and Tarjan as to whether it is possible to envisage a data structure supporting simultaneously the join operation in O(1) time and the search and update operations in O(log n) time


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    Schema languages such as DTD, XML Schema, and Relax NG have been steadily growing in importance in the XML community. A schema language provides a mechanism for defining the type of XML documents; i.e., the set of constraints that specify the structure of XML documents that are acceptable as data for a certain programming task. A number of recent language designs—many of them descended from the XDuce language of Hosoya, Pierce, and Vouillon—have showed how such schemas can be used statically for type-checking XML processing code and dynamically for evaluation of XML structures. The technical foundation of such languages is the notion of regular types, a mild generalization of nondeterministic top-down tree automata, which correspond to a core of most popular schema notations, and the no-tion of regular patterns—regular types decorated with variable binders—a powerful and convenient primitive for dynamic inspection of XML values. This dissertation is concerned with one of XDuce’s descendants, Xtatic. The goal of the Xtatic project is to bring the regular type and regular pattern technologies to a wide audience by integrating them with a mainstream object-oriented language. My research focuses on an efficient implementation of Xtatic including a compiler that generates fast and compact target program