4,318 research outputs found

    An investigation into adaptive power reduction techniques for neural hardware

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    In light of the growing applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in the signal processing field [1] and the present thrust of the semiconductor industry towards lowpower SOCs for mobile devices [2], the power consumption of ANN hardware has become a very important implementation issue. Adaptability is a powerful and useful feature of neural networks. All current approaches for low-power ANN hardware techniques are ‘non-adaptive’ with respect to the power consumption of the network (i.e. power-reduction is not an objective of the adaptation/learning process). In the research work presented in this thesis, investigations on possible adaptive power reduction techniques have been carried out, which attempt to exploit the adaptability of neural networks in order to reduce the power consumption. Three separate approaches for such adaptive power reduction are proposed: adaptation of size, adaptation of network weights and adaptation of calculation precision. Initial case studies exhibit promising results with significantpower reduction

    Event-Driven Contrastive Divergence for Spiking Neuromorphic Systems

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and Deep Belief Networks have been demonstrated to perform efficiently in a variety of applications, such as dimensionality reduction, feature learning, and classification. Their implementation on neuromorphic hardware platforms emulating large-scale networks of spiking neurons can have significant advantages from the perspectives of scalability, power dissipation and real-time interfacing with the environment. However the traditional RBM architecture and the commonly used training algorithm known as Contrastive Divergence (CD) are based on discrete updates and exact arithmetics which do not directly map onto a dynamical neural substrate. Here, we present an event-driven variation of CD to train a RBM constructed with Integrate & Fire (I&F) neurons, that is constrained by the limitations of existing and near future neuromorphic hardware platforms. Our strategy is based on neural sampling, which allows us to synthesize a spiking neural network that samples from a target Boltzmann distribution. The recurrent activity of the network replaces the discrete steps of the CD algorithm, while Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) carries out the weight updates in an online, asynchronous fashion. We demonstrate our approach by training an RBM composed of leaky I&F neurons with STDP synapses to learn a generative model of the MNIST hand-written digit dataset, and by testing it in recognition, generation and cue integration tasks. Our results contribute to a machine learning-driven approach for synthesizing networks of spiking neurons capable of carrying out practical, high-level functionality.Comment: (Under review

    A differential memristive synapse circuit for on-line learning in neuromorphic computing systems

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    Spike-based learning with memristive devices in neuromorphic computing architectures typically uses learning circuits that require overlapping pulses from pre- and post-synaptic nodes. This imposes severe constraints on the length of the pulses transmitted in the network, and on the network's throughput. Furthermore, most of these circuits do not decouple the currents flowing through memristive devices from the one stimulating the target neuron. This can be a problem when using devices with high conductance values, because of the resulting large currents. In this paper we propose a novel circuit that decouples the current produced by the memristive device from the one used to stimulate the post-synaptic neuron, by using a novel differential scheme based on the Gilbert normalizer circuit. We show how this circuit is useful for reducing the effect of variability in the memristive devices, and how it is ideally suited for spike-based learning mechanisms that do not require overlapping pre- and post-synaptic pulses. We demonstrate the features of the proposed synapse circuit with SPICE simulations, and validate its learning properties with high-level behavioral network simulations which use a stochastic gradient descent learning rule in two classification tasks.Comment: 18 Pages main text, 9 pages of supplementary text, 19 figures. Patente

    Optimisation of two-dimensional ion trap arrays for quantum simulation

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    The optimisation of two-dimensional (2D) lattice ion trap geometries for trapped ion quantum simulation is investigated. The geometry is optimised for the highest ratio of ion-ion interaction rate to decoherence rate. To calculate the electric field of such array geometries a numerical simulation based on a "Biot-Savart like law" method is used. In this article we will focus on square, hexagonal and centre rectangular lattices for optimisation. A method for maximising the homogeneity of trapping site properties over an array is presented for arrays of a range of sizes. We show how both the polygon radii and separations scale to optimise the ratio between the interaction and decoherence rate. The optimal polygon radius and separation for a 2D lattice is found to be a function of the ratio between rf voltage and drive frequency applied to the array. We then provide a case study for 171Yb+ ions to show how a two-dimensional quantum simulator array could be designed

    Large-Scale Optical Neural Networks based on Photoelectric Multiplication

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    Recent success in deep neural networks has generated strong interest in hardware accelerators to improve speed and energy consumption. This paper presents a new type of photonic accelerator based on coherent detection that is scalable to large (N106N \gtrsim 10^6) networks and can be operated at high (GHz) speeds and very low (sub-aJ) energies per multiply-and-accumulate (MAC), using the massive spatial multiplexing enabled by standard free-space optical components. In contrast to previous approaches, both weights and inputs are optically encoded so that the network can be reprogrammed and trained on the fly. Simulations of the network using models for digit- and image-classification reveal a "standard quantum limit" for optical neural networks, set by photodetector shot noise. This bound, which can be as low as 50 zJ/MAC, suggests performance below the thermodynamic (Landauer) limit for digital irreversible computation is theoretically possible in this device. The proposed accelerator can implement both fully-connected and convolutional networks. We also present a scheme for back-propagation and training that can be performed in the same hardware. This architecture will enable a new class of ultra-low-energy processors for deep learning.Comment: Text: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Supplementary: 8 pages, 5, figures, 2 table

    Challenges and solutions for autonomous ground robot scene understanding and navigation in unstructured outdoor environments: A review

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    The capabilities of autonomous mobile robotic systems have been steadily improving due to recent advancements in computer science, engineering, and related disciplines such as cognitive science. In controlled environments, robots have achieved relatively high levels of autonomy. In more unstructured environments, however, the development of fully autonomous mobile robots remains challenging due to the complexity of understanding these environments. Many autonomous mobile robots use classical, learning-based or hybrid approaches for navigation. More recent learning-based methods may replace the complete navigation pipeline or selected stages of the classical approach. For effective deployment, autonomous robots must understand their external environments at a sophisticated level according to their intended applications. Therefore, in addition to robot perception, scene analysis and higher-level scene understanding (e.g., traversable/non-traversable, rough or smooth terrain, etc.) are required for autonomous robot navigation in unstructured outdoor environments. This paper provides a comprehensive review and critical analysis of these methods in the context of their applications to the problems of robot perception and scene understanding in unstructured environments and the related problems of localisation, environment mapping and path planning. State-of-the-art sensor fusion methods and multimodal scene understanding approaches are also discussed and evaluated within this context. The paper concludes with an in-depth discussion regarding the current state of the autonomous ground robot navigation challenge in unstructured outdoor environments and the most promising future research directions to overcome these challenges

    Understanding Controlled Evaporation Of Microdroplets Towards Scalable Micro/Nano Manufacturing

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    This research investigates the controlled evaporation of microdroplets to the nano scale regime for scalable micro/nano manufacturing. A customized direct write inkjet printing system was utilized to generate monodisperse microdroplets of different fluid types. Two novel approaches were employed to achieve the research objective. The first approach incorporated a convective heat source (i.e. resistive heated ring) to induce controlled heat flux for microdroplet evaporation after ejection from the inkjet system

    Demonstration of Entanglement of Electrostatically Coupled Singlet-Triplet Qubits

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    Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain interesting problems significantly faster than classical computers. To exploit the power of a quantum computation it is necessary to perform inter-qubit operations and generate entangled states. Spin qubits are a promising candidate for implementing a quantum processor due to their potential for scalability and miniaturization. However, their weak interactions with the environment, which leads to their long coherence times, makes inter-qubit operations challenging. We perform a controlled two-qubit operation between singlet-triplet qubits using a dynamically decoupled sequence that maintains the two-qubit coupling while decoupling each qubit from its fluctuating environment. Using state tomography we measure the full density matrix of the system and determine the concurrence and the fidelity of the generated state, providing proof of entanglement

    Integrated optomechanics and single-photon detection in diamond photonic integrated circuits

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    The development of quantum computers and quantum simulators promises to provide solutions to problems, which can currently not be solved on classical computers. Finding the best physical implementation for such technologies is an important research topic and using optical effects is a promising route towards this goal. It was theoretically shown that optical quantum computing is possible using only single-photon sources and detectors, and linear optical circuits. An experimental implementation of such quantum optical circuits requires a stable, robust and scalable architecture. This can be achieved via miniaturization of the optical devices in the form of photonic integrated circuits (PICs). The development of a suitable material platform for such PICs could therefore have a large impact on future technologies. Diamond is a particularly attractive material here, as it naturally offers a range of optically active defects, which can act as single-photon sources, quantum memories, or sensor elements. Besides its excellent optical properties, diamond also has a very high Young's modulus, which is important for optomechanics, and can be employed for potentially fast and low-loss tuning of PICs after fabrication. In this work, components for future quantum optical circuits are developed. This includes the first diamond optomechanical elements, as well as the first integrated single-photon detectors on a diamond material platform. Diamond micromechanical resonators with high quality factors are realized and their actuation via optical gradient forces and electrostatic forces is demonstrated. The accomplished superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors show excellent performance in terms of low timing jitter, high detection efficiency, and low noise-equivalent power. Moreover, a novel scalable method for PIC fabrication from high quality single crystal diamond is presented.Comment: PhD thesis at the department of physics of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Advisors: Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener and Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pernice. 152 pages, 84 figure