11 research outputs found

    A note on the security of KHL scheme

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    Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR

    Public Key Trace and Revoke Scheme Secure against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack

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    A (public key) Trace and Revoke Scheme combines the functionality of broadcast encryption with the capability of traitor tracing. Specifically, (1) a trusted center publishes a single public key and distributes individual secret keys to the users of the system; (2) anybody can encrypt a message so that all but a specified subset of “revoked ” users can decrypt the resulting ciphertext; and (3) if a (small) group of users combine their secret keys to produce a “pirate decoder”, the center can trace at least one of the “traitors ” given access to this decoder. We construct the first chosen ciphertext (CCA2) secure Trace and Revoke Scheme based on the DDH assumption. Our scheme is also the first adaptively secure scheme, allowing the adversary to corrupt players at any point during execution, while prior works (e.g., [19, 21]) only achieves a very weak form of non-adaptive security even against chosen plaintext attacks. In fact, no CCA2 scheme was known even in the symmetric setting. Of independent interest, we present a slightly simpler construction that shows a “natural separation ” between the classical notion of CCA2 security and the recently proposed [20, 1] relaxed notion of gCCA2 security.

    An efficient public key trace and revoke scheme secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack

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    Abstract. We propose a new public key trace and revoke scheme secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. Our scheme is more efficient than the DF scheme suggested by Y. Dodis and N. Fazio[9]. Our scheme reduces the length of enabling block of the DF scheme by (about) half. Additionally, the computational overhead of the user is lower than that of the DF scheme; instead, the computational overhead of the server is increased. The total computational overhead of the user and the server is the same as that of the DF scheme, and therefore, our scheme is more practical, since the computing power of the user is weaker than that of the server in many applications. In addition, our scheme is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack under only the decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption and the collision-resistant hash function H assumption, whereas the DF scheme also needs the one-time MAC (message authentication code) assumption.

    An Efficient Public Key Trace and Revoke Scheme Secure against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack

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    An efficient public key trace and revoke scheme secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack

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    We propose a new public key trace and revoke scheme secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. Our scheme is more efficient than the DF scheme suggested by Y. Dodis and N. Fazio[9]. Our scheme reduces the length of enabling block of the DF scheme by (about) half. Additionally, the computational overhead of the user is lower than that of the DF scheme; instead, the computational overhead of the server is increased. The total computational overhead of the user and the server is the same as that of the DF scheme, and therefore, our scheme is more practical, since the computing power of the user is weaker than that of the server in many applications. In addition, our scheme is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack under only the decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption and the collision-resistant hash function H assumption, whereas the DF scheme also needs the one-time MAC (message authentication code) assumption.X119sciescopu

    Building Efficient Fully Collusion-Resilient Traitor Tracing and Revocation Schemes

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    In [BSW06,BW06] Boneh et al. presented the first fully collusion-resistant traitor tracing and trace & revoke schemes. These schemes are based on composite order bilinear groups and their security depends on the hardness of the subgroup decision assumption. In this paper we present new, efficient trace & revoke schemes which are based on prime order bilinear groups, and whose security depend on the hardness of the Decisional Linear Assumption or the External Diffie-Hellman (XDH) assumption. This allows our schemes to be flexible and thus much more efficient than existing schemes in terms a variety of parameters including ciphertext size, encryption time, and decryption time. For example, if encryption time was the major parameter of concern, then for the same level of practical security as [BSW06] our scheme encrypts 6 times faster. Decryption is 10 times faster. The ciphertext size in our scheme is 50% less when compared to [BSW06]. We provide the first implementations of efficient fully collusion-resilient traitor tracing and trace & revoke schemes. The ideas used in this paper can be used to make other cryptographic schemes based on composite order bilinear groups efficient as well

    On Cryptographic Building Blocks and Transformations

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    Cryptographic building blocks play a central role in cryptography, e.g., encryption or digital signatures with their security notions. Further, cryptographic building blocks might be constructed modularly, i.e., emerge out of other cryptographic building blocks. Essentially, one cryptographically transforms the underlying block(s) and their (security) properties into the emerged block and its properties. This thesis considers cryptographic building blocks and new cryptographic transformations