1,593 research outputs found

    Generation Y: evaluating services experiences through mobile ethnography

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    Purpose: This paper suggests mobile ethnography as a method for data collection, where Generation Y customers are integrated as active investigators. The paper aims to contribute to the debate on museums as experience-centred places, to understanding how the experience is perceived by Generation Y, to identifying the customer journey, to providing an insight into service experience consumption and to deriving managerial implication for the museum industry of how to approach Generation Y. Design/methodology/approach: Mobile ethnography is applied to the National Museum of Australia in Canberra with a sample of Generation Y visitors as the future visitor market. Findings: The paper finds that there is a need to involve museum management in measuring museum experiences, especially with regard to the definition and improvement of the service-delivery processes. Service experience must be appropriately managed by museum operators by collecting, evaluating, storing and reusing relevant data on customer experience. Mobile ethnography and tools such as MyServiceFellow offer an important potential source of sustainable competitive advantage by improving customer experience, particularly for Gen Y. Research limitations/implications: The most significant limitation is the exploratory nature of the single case study derived from a small sample within only one museum. Originality/value: This is one of the few studies to have addressed mobile ethnography in a service context and examined the museum experience of Generation Y. The paper finds that there is a need to involve museum management in service design to improve the service-delivery process, especially with regard to the different mindsets of the Millennials

    Smart Tourism Intermingling with Indian Spiritual Destinations: Role of e-WoM Sentiments in marketing

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    The purpose of this study is to see how smart tourism and sentiments help tourists seeking spiritual experiences that are deep-rooted in ancient Indian traditions as opposed to materialistic getaways. Exploratory research through sentiments of YouTube and Tweets followers are collected in sample. A qualitative-quantitative research method is used in this paper to analyse the sentiments on Indian popular spiritual destinations. Smart tourism allows larger, coordinated efforts for Innovation, quality of life and sustainable tourism through rich data infrastructure within the ambit of specific destinations. Within a context, personalisation and real-time monitoring can occur where sentiments are positive or highly positive for that matter. Fundamental to tourists’ experiences is an aesthetic obsession with authenticity. The diversity of smart technologies applicable to experiences in the smart spiritual tourism sphere is still to be defined on a more granular level where religion still holds the glue. This paper seeks to explore the smart tourism experience concept applied to spirituality (STES) in more depth to facilitate further contributions. A smart tourism experience can be co-created for better delivery and a conducive environment for such an experience to emerge. Each spiritual destination is unique and complex. Policy responses can address the impact mainly through knowledge (human) resources

    The Omnichannel phenomenon: unveiling the role of Channel Integration for consumers and retailers

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    This thesis work is aimed at deepening the knowledge of the phenomenon called "Omnichannel", as the main challenge of modern retailing. Omnichannel is a new retailing configuration, which envisages drastic changes compared to the Multi- and Cross-channel models. Although the Omnichannel phenomenon has been extensively studied in recent years, it is also missing a comprehensive framework. This is also shown by the variety of alternative definitions of "Omnichannel" existing in literature. The three studies presented in this thesis start from this assumption, and come to identify and investigate an element that clearly emerges as the core of Omnichannel: Channel Integration. The first study, an extensive literature review conducted with bibliometric techniques, allowed us to frame the extent of Omnichannel in terms of papers, topics and issues addressed. Furthermore, through the use of co-citation analysis, a clustering technique based on the triangulation of citations, the theoretical foundations of Omnichannel have been identified. 4 research clusters were traced back to: Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management, Channel Management, and Channel Integration. Results also show that Channel Integration is the main element of Omnichannel, capable of creating synergies with other clusters and capturing the perspectives of the consumer and retailer at the same time. The second study qualifies as an extension of these results to the future of Omnichannel, through qualitative research. It was in fact decided to proceed by discussing the topic with a panel of 18 international experts, with proven academic and managerial background. The participants commented on the results emerging from our previous study and expressed themselves on: areas, topics, methodologies and settings of priority development; generation of new theories or application of pre-existing theories; challenges, issues and retailers’ needs in Omnichannel. The results were then coded and analyzed to create a research agenda divided into 5 macro-themes of interest: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) Omnichannel transition issues, d) the human factor in Omnichannel, and e) augmented and intelligent Omnichannel environments. The experts also validated the model in 4 research clusters proposed by our first study and confirmed the central role of Channel Integration. For the third and final study, we therefore decided to investigate the role of Channel Integration in Omnichannel contexts, from the perspective of customer journeys (theme a) emerging from Study 2). We employed quantitative methodologies (MCA, CFA, SEM) to test the effect of touchpoints - which constitute the various steps of customer journeys - on consumers’ perception of Channel Integration, and the effect of the latter on patronage intention towards the retailer. Through the Categorization Theory, we proposed that the touchpoints capable of activating a Channel Integration perception are different depending on the sector and on the type of consumer (first-time and repeat customer). The research, conducted on two panels of Italian consumers in the grocery and fashion sectors – 1.031 and 759 participants, respectively –, led to the identification of substantial differences related to context and target, and confirmed a positive effect of Channel Integration perception on customer loyalty through patronage intention. The work therefore has, overall, both theoretical and managerial implications.Il presente lavoro di tesi è volto ad approfondire la conoscenza del fenomeno denominato Omnicanalità, quale principale sfida del retailing moderno. Si tratta di una nuova configurazione di retailing, che prevede cambiamenti drastici rispetto ai modelli di Multi- e Cross-canalità che l’hanno preceduta. Nonostante si tratti di un fenomeno ampiamente studiato negli ultimi anni, abbiamo rilevato una sostanziale difficoltà nel suo inquadramento, che si evince anche dalla molteplicità di definizioni alternative di “Omnicanalità” esistenti in letteratura. I tre studi che costituiscono questa tesi partono da questo presupposto, arrivando ad individuare e investigare l’elemento che emerge chiaramente come il fulcro dell’Omnicanalità. Il primo studio, una estesa literature review condotta con tecniche bibliometriche, ci ha permesso di inquadrare l’Omnicanalità in termini di studi condotti in letteratura e tematiche affrontate. Inoltre, mediante la co-citation analysis, una tecnica di clustering basata sulla triangolazione delle citazioni, sono state ricostruite le basi teoriche dell’Omnicanalità. Attraverso l’interpretazione dei contributi fondamentali così individuati, sono stati identificati 4 cluster di ricerca: Consumer Behavior, Management Strategico, Channel Management, e Channel Integration. Dall’analisi emerge anche come la Channel Integration sia l’elemento centrale dell’Omnicanalità, in grado sia di creare sinergie con gli altri cluster sia di catturare al contempo le prospettive del consumatore e del retailer. Il secondo studio si qualifica come un’estensione di tali risultati al futuro dell’Omnicanalità, attraverso un’analisi di tipo qualitativo. Si è infatti deciso di procedere discutendo il tema con un panel di 18 esperti internazionali, dalla comprovata esperienza sia accademica che professionale. I partecipanti hanno commentato i risultati emergenti dallo studio precedente e si sono espressi in merito a: aree, temi, metodologie e contesti prioritari per lo studio dell’Omnicanalità; sfide, problematiche e necessità di ricerca in tale ambito. I risultati sono stati codificati e analizzati per produrre una research agenda articolata in 5 macro-tematiche di interesse: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) problematiche di transizione verso l’Omnicanalità, d) il fattore umano nell’Omnicanalità, ed e) la gestione di ambienti Omnicanale tecnologicamente avanzati ed intelligenti. Gli esperti hanno inoltre validato il modello in 4 research clusters da noi proposto e confermato la centralità della Channel Integration. Per il terzo ed ultimo studio, si è pertanto deciso di investigare ulteriormente il tema della Channel Integration in contesti Omnicanale, secondo la prospettiva delle customer journeys (punto a) emerso dal secondo studio). Attraverso metodologie quantitative (MCA, CFA, SEM), si testa l’effetto dei touchpoints – che costituiscono i vari step delle customer journeys – sulla percezione di Channel Integration maturata dal consumatore, e l’effetto di questa sulla patronage intention verso il retailer. Attraverso la Categorization Theory, si propone che i touchpoint in grado di attivare una percezione di Channel Integration siano diversi a seconda del contesto settoriale – sulla base di differenti categorie di prodotto – e della tipologia di consumatore (first-time e repeat customer). La ricerca, condotta su due panel di consumatori italiani nei settori grocery e fashion – con 1.031 e 759 partecipanti, rispettivamente –, ha portato all’individuazione ed alla discussione di tali touchpoint, evidenziando differenze sostanziali tra i touchpoint che determinano la channel integration tra settori e tra target, e ha confermato un effetto positivo della percezione di Channel Integration sulla customer loyalty attraverso la patronage intention. Il lavoro presenta pertanto implicazioni sia teoriche che manageriali

    Religion and brand activism: Faith-based segments in the UK and their engagement in boycotting behaviour.

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    At present, brand activism has become an emerging marketing strategy for companies who aim to distinguish themselves in a fragmented marketplace by publicly addressing social and political issues. In a bid to foster loyalty and nurture lifelong customers, brands are aligning their values with meaning causes to spark change and inspire action. However, several brands have faced criticism or faced boycotts because of their decisions to support contentious causes. The contrasting positions adopted by brands such as Huda Beauty and McDonald's Israel amid the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict serve as a notable example. Existing works have focused on consumer motives for, responses to, and the effectiveness of brand boycotting. Also examined is the role of consumer affinity and animosity play in the context of boycotting campaigns. In addition to this, social media has simplified the process for activists to connect with a broader audience and garner more substantial support for their causes. With this said, the impact of religious animosity on people's attitudes toward macro boycotts is said to be culturally dependent. Yet, little research was located on the boycotting behaviour of faith-based segment in secular societies like the UK. Thus, the purpose of the paper is to examine the impact religion (and religious commitment) has on faith-based segments when boycotting brands. The objectives of the paper are threefold. First, to uncover individual motives and expectations (i.e., from personal views to social expectations). Second, identify their engagement and participation (i.e., communication, product, purchase and response) in boycotts online and offline. Third, to understand how faith-based segment perceive or measure the success of their boycotts (i.e., business impact vs. society impact). The study will encompass followers of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism, and includes respondents with no religious affiliation. variations will be assessed among religion and religiosity group, with the latter being measured through two dimensions (i.e., intrinsic and extrinsic). The implication of this research enables companies to understand the mechanism of consumer boycotting behaviour in instances of brand activism

    Key Determinants on Switching Intention in Cambodian Banking Market

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    The current study investigated the determinants affecting customers’ intentions to switch banks, with a focus on the determinants of service quality, convenience, perceived value, and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Path Analysis was applied in this study to analyse the data collected from 323 participants. The findings highlighted that service quality significantly influenced perceived value, while convenience significantly influenced both perceived value and customer satisfaction. Likewise, perceived value significantly affected customer satisfaction. Finally, both perceived value and customer satisfaction, significantly impacted on switching intentions. As a result, the present study can help all service providers, especially banks, to better understand the significant impacts of these influential determinants on switching intentions. As a result, it can help them to design and develop an appropriate strategy to enhance these determinants and reduce future switching intentions
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