101 research outputs found

    Pseudorandom Strings from Pseudorandom Quantum States

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    A fundamental result in classical cryptography is that pseudorandom generators are equivalent to one-way functions and in fact implied by nearly every classical cryptographic primitive requiring computational assumptions. In this work, we consider a variant of pseudorandom generators called quantum pseudorandom generators (QPRGs), which are quantum algorithms that (pseudo)deterministically map short random seeds to long pseudorandom strings. We provide evidence that QPRGs can be as useful as PRGs by providing cryptographic applications of QPRGs such as commitments and encryption schemes. Our main result is showing that QPRGs can be constructed assuming the existence of logarithmic-length quantum pseudorandom states. This raises the possibility of basing QPRGs on assumptions weaker than one-way functions. We also consider quantum pseudorandom functions (QPRFs) and show that QPRFs can be based on the existence of logarithmic-length pseudorandom function-like states. Our primary technical contribution is a method for pseudodeterministically extracting uniformly random strings from Haar-random states.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figur

    Pseudorandom States, Non-Cloning Theorems and Quantum Money

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    We propose the concept of pseudorandom states and study their constructions, properties, and applications. Under the assumption that quantum-secure one-way functions exist, we present concrete and efficient constructions of pseudorandom states. The non-cloning theorem plays a central role in our study---it motivates the proper definition and characterizes one of the important properties of pseudorandom quantum states. Namely, there is no efficient quantum algorithm that can create more copies of the state from a given number of pseudorandom states. As the main application, we prove that any family of pseudorandom states naturally gives rise to a private-key quantum money scheme.Comment: 20 page

    Quantum commitments and signatures without one-way functions

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    In the classical world, the existence of commitments is equivalent to the existence of one-way functions. In the quantum setting, on the other hand, commitments are not known to imply one-way functions, but all known constructions of quantum commitments use at least one-way functions. Are one-way functions really necessary for commitments in the quantum world? In this work, we show that non-interactive quantum commitments (for classical messages) with computational hiding and statistical binding exist if pseudorandom quantum states exist. Pseudorandom quantum states are sets of quantum states that are efficiently generated but their polynomially many copies are computationally indistinguishable from the same number of copies of Haar random states [Ji, Liu, and Song, CRYPTO 2018]. It is known that pseudorandom quantum states exist even if BQP=QMA (relative to a quantum oracle) [Kretschmer, TQC 2021], which means that pseudorandom quantum states can exist even if no quantum-secure classical cryptographic primitive exists. Our result therefore shows that quantum commitments can exist even if no quantum-secure classical cryptographic primitive exists. In particular, quantum commitments can exist even if no quantum-secure one-way function exists. In this work, we also consider digital signatures, which are other fundamental primitives in cryptography. We show that one-time secure digital signatures with quantum public keys exist if pseudorandom quantum states exist. In the classical setting, the existence of digital signatures is equivalent to the existence of one-way functions. Our result, on the other hand, shows that quantum signatures can exist even if no quantum-secure classical cryptographic primitive (including quantum-secure one-way functions) exists

    Cryptography from Pseudorandom Quantum States

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    Pseudorandom states, introduced by Ji, Liu and Song (Crypto\u2718), are efficiently-computable quantum states that are computationally indistinguishable from Haar-random states. One-way functions imply the existence of pseudorandom states, but Kretschmer (TQC\u2720) recently constructed an oracle relative to which there are no one-way functions but pseudorandom states still exist. Motivated by this, we study the intriguing possibility of basing interesting cryptographic tasks on pseudorandom states. We construct, assuming the existence of pseudorandom state generators that map a λ\lambda-bit seed to a ω(logλ)\omega(\log\lambda)-qubit state, (a) statistically binding and computationally hiding commitments and (b) pseudo one-time encryption schemes. A consequence of (a) is that pseudorandom states are sufficient to construct maliciously secure multiparty computation protocols in the dishonest majority setting. Our constructions are derived via a new notion called {\em pseudorandom function-like states} (PRFS), a generalization of pseudorandom states that parallels the classical notion of pseudorandom functions. Beyond the above two applications, we believe our notion can effectively replace pseudorandom functions in many other cryptographic applications

    Pseudorandom Strings from Pseudorandom Quantum States

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    A fundamental result in classical cryptography is that pseudorandom generators are equivalent to one-way functions and in fact implied by nearly every classical cryptographic primitive requiring computational assumptions. In this work, we consider a variant of pseudorandom generators called quantum pseudorandom generators (QPRGs), which are quantum algorithms that (pseudo)deterministically map short random seeds to long pseudorandom strings. We provide evidence that QPRGs can be as useful as PRGs by providing cryptographic applications of QPRGs such as commitments and encryption schemes. Our main result is showing that QPRGs can be constructed assuming the existence of logarithmic-length quantum pseudorandom states. This raises the possibility of basing QPRGs on assumptions weaker than one-way functions. We also consider quantum pseudorandom functions (QPRFs) and show that QPRFs can be based on the existence of logarithmic-length pseudorandom function-like states. Our primary technical contribution is a method for pseudodeterministically extracting uniformly random strings from Haar-random states

    Quantum Pseudorandomness and Classical Complexity

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    We construct a quantum oracle relative to which BQP = QMA but cryptographic pseudorandom quantum states and pseudorandom unitary transformations exist, a counterintuitive result in light of the fact that pseudorandom states can be "broken" by quantum Merlin-Arthur adversaries. We explain how this nuance arises as the result of a distinction between algorithms that operate on quantum and classical inputs. On the other hand, we show that some computational complexity assumption is needed to construct pseudorandom states, by proving that pseudorandom states do not exist if BQP = PP. We discuss implications of these results for cryptography, complexity theory, and quantum tomography

    Computational Pseudorandomness, the Wormhole Growth Paradox, and Constraints on the AdS/CFT Duality (Abstract)

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    Pseudorandom and Pseudoentangled States from Subset States

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    Pseudorandom states (PRS) are an important primitive in quantum cryptography. In this paper, we show that subset states can be used to construct PRSs. A subset state with respect to SS, a subset of the computational basis, is 1SiSi. \frac{1}{\sqrt{|S|}}\sum_{i\in S} |i\rangle. As a technical centerpiece, we show that for any fixed subset size S=s|S|=s such that s=2n/ω(poly(n))s = 2^n/\omega(\mathrm{poly}(n)) and s=ω(poly(n))s=\omega(\mathrm{poly}(n)), where nn is the number of qubits, a random subset state is information-theoretically indistinguishable from a Haar random state even provided with polynomially many copies. This range of parameter is tight. Our work resolves a conjecture by Ji, Liu and Song. Since subset states of small size have small entanglement across all cuts, this construction also illustrates a pseudoentanglement phenomenon.Comment: 9 pages; add a minimum background on pseudoentanglemen

    Low-Stabilizer-Complexity Quantum States Are Not Pseudorandom

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