627 research outputs found

    Pseudo-polynomial functions over finite distributive lattices

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    In this paper we consider an aggregation model f: X1 x ... x Xn --> Y for arbitrary sets X1, ..., Xn and a finite distributive lattice Y, factorizable as f(x1, ..., xn) = p(u1(x1), ..., un(xn)), where p is an n-variable lattice polynomial function over Y, and each uk is a map from Xk to Y. The resulting functions are referred to as pseudo-polynomial functions. We present an axiomatization for this class of pseudo-polynomial functions which differs from the previous ones both in flavour and nature, and develop general tools which are then used to obtain all possible such factorizations of a given pseudo-polynomial function.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    The arity gap of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices

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    Let A and B be arbitrary sets with at least two elements. The arity gap of a function f: A^n \to B is the minimum decrease in its essential arity when essential arguments of f are identified. In this paper we study the arity gap of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices and present a complete classification of such functions in terms of their arity gap. To this extent, we present a characterization of the essential arguments of polynomial functions, which we then use to show that almost all lattice polynomial functions have arity gap 1, with the exception of truncated median functions, whose arity gap is 2.Comment: 7 page

    A generalization of Goodstein's theorem: interpolation by polynomial functions of distributive lattices

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    We consider the problem of interpolating functions partially defined over a distributive lattice, by means of lattice polynomial functions. Goodstein's theorem solves a particular instance of this interpolation problem on a distributive lattice L with least and greatest elements 0 and 1, resp.: Given an n-ary partial function f over L, defined on all 0-1 tuples, f can be extended to a lattice polynomial function p over L if and only if f is monotone; in this case, the interpolating polynomial p is unique. We extend Goodstein's theorem to a wider class of n-ary partial functions f over a distributive lattice L, not necessarily bounded, where the domain of f is a cuboid of the form D={a1,b1}x...x{an,bn} with ai<bi, and determine the class of such partial functions which can be interpolated by lattice polynomial functions. In this wider setting, interpolating polynomials are not necessarily unique; we provide explicit descriptions of all possible lattice polynomial functions which interpolate these partial functions, when such an interpolation is available.Comment: 12 page

    The arity gap of order-preserving functions and extensions of pseudo-Boolean functions

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    The aim of this paper is to classify order-preserving functions according to their arity gap. Noteworthy examples of order-preserving functions are so-called aggregation functions. We first explicitly classify the Lov\'asz extensions of pseudo-Boolean functions according to their arity gap. Then we consider the class of order-preserving functions between partially ordered sets, and establish a similar explicit classification for this function class.Comment: 11 pages, material reorganize
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