30 research outputs found

    Content-Based Weak Supervision for Ad-Hoc Re-Ranking

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    One challenge with neural ranking is the need for a large amount of manually-labeled relevance judgments for training. In contrast with prior work, we examine the use of weak supervision sources for training that yield pseudo query-document pairs that already exhibit relevance (e.g., newswire headline-content pairs and encyclopedic heading-paragraph pairs). We also propose filtering techniques to eliminate training samples that are too far out of domain using two techniques: a heuristic-based approach and novel supervised filter that re-purposes a neural ranker. Using several leading neural ranking architectures and multiple weak supervision datasets, we show that these sources of training pairs are effective on their own (outperforming prior weak supervision techniques), and that filtering can further improve performance.Comment: SIGIR 2019 (short paper

    Cross-Domain Sentence Modeling for Relevance Transfer with BERT

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    Standard bag-of-words term-matching techniques in document retrieval fail to exploit rich semantic information embedded in the document texts. One promising recent trend in facilitating context-aware semantic matching has been the development of massively pretrained deep transformer models, culminating in BERT as their most popular example today. In this work, we propose adapting BERT as a neural re-ranker for document retrieval to achieve large improvements on news articles. Two fundamental issues arise in applying BERT to ``ad hoc'' document retrieval on newswire collections: relevance judgments in existing test collections are provided only at the document level, and documents often exceed the length that BERT was designed to handle. To overcome these challenges, we compute and aggregate sentence-level evidence to rank documents. The lack of appropriate relevance judgments in test collections is addressed by leveraging sentence-level and passage-level relevance judgments fortuitously available in collections from other domains to capture cross-domain notions of relevance. Our experiments demonstrate that models of relevance can be transferred across domains. By leveraging semantic cues learned across various domains, we propose a model that achieves state-of-the-art results on three standard TREC newswire collections. We explore the effects of cross-domain relevance transfer, and trade-offs between using document and sentence scores for document ranking. We also present an end-to-end document retrieval system that integrates the open-source Anserini information retrieval toolkit, discussing the related technical challenges and design decisions

    Generating Synthetic Data for Neural Keyword-to-Question Models

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    Search typically relies on keyword queries, but these are often semantically ambiguous. We propose to overcome this by offering users natural language questions, based on their keyword queries, to disambiguate their intent. This keyword-to-question task may be addressed using neural machine translation techniques. Neural translation models, however, require massive amounts of training data (keyword-question pairs), which is unavailable for this task. The main idea of this paper is to generate large amounts of synthetic training data from a small seed set of hand-labeled keyword-question pairs. Since natural language questions are available in large quantities, we develop models to automatically generate the corresponding keyword queries. Further, we introduce various filtering mechanisms to ensure that synthetic training data is of high quality. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach using both automatic and manual evaluation. This is an extended version of the article published with the same title in the Proceedings of ICTIR'18.Comment: Extended version of ICTIR'18 full paper, 11 page

    Evaluating Research Dataset Recommendations in a Living Lab

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    The search for research datasets is as important as laborious. Due to the importance of the choice of research data in further research, this decision must be made carefully. Additionally, because of the growing amounts of data in almost all areas, research data is already a central artifact in empirical sciences. Consequentially, research dataset recommendations can beneficially supplement scientific publication searches. We formulated the recommendation task as a retrieval problem by focussing on broad similarities between research datasets and scientific publications. In a multistage approach, initial recommendations were retrieved by the BM25 ranking function and dynamic queries. Subsequently, the initial ranking was re-ranked utilizing click feedback and document embeddings. The proposed system was evaluated live on real user interaction data using the STELLA infrastructure in the LiLAS Lab at CLEF 2021. Our experimental system could efficiently be fine-tuned before the live evaluation by pre-testing the system with a pseudo test collection based on prior user interaction data from the live system. The results indicate that the experimental system outperforms the other participating systems.Comment: Best of 2021 Labs: LiLA

    Towards Query Logs for Privacy Studies: On Deriving Search Queries from Questions

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    Translating verbose information needs into crisp search queries is a phenomenon that is ubiquitous but hardly understood. Insights into this process could be valuable in several applications, including synthesizing large privacy-friendly query logs from public Web sources which are readily available to the academic research community. In this work, we take a step towards understanding query formulation by tapping into the rich potential of community question answering (CQA) forums. Specifically, we sample natural language (NL) questions spanning diverse themes from the Stack Exchange platform, and conduct a large-scale conversion experiment where crowdworkers submit search queries they would use when looking for equivalent information. We provide a careful analysis of this data, accounting for possible sources of bias during conversion, along with insights into user-specific linguistic patterns and search behaviors. We release a dataset of 7,000 question-query pairs from this study to facilitate further research on query understanding.Comment: ECIR 2020 Short Pape

    Reply With: Proactive Recommendation of Email Attachments

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    Email responses often contain items-such as a file or a hyperlink to an external document-that are attached to or included inline in the body of the message. Analysis of an enterprise email corpus reveals that 35% of the time when users include these items as part of their response, the attachable item is already present in their inbox or sent folder. A modern email client can proactively retrieve relevant attachable items from the user's past emails based on the context of the current conversation, and recommend them for inclusion, to reduce the time and effort involved in composing the response. In this paper, we propose a weakly supervised learning framework for recommending attachable items to the user. As email search systems are commonly available, we constrain the recommendation task to formulating effective search queries from the context of the conversations. The query is submitted to an existing IR system to retrieve relevant items for attachment. We also present a novel strategy for generating labels from an email corpus---without the need for manual annotations---that can be used to train and evaluate the query formulation model. In addition, we describe a deep convolutional neural network that demonstrates satisfactory performance on this query formulation task when evaluated on the publicly available Avocado dataset and a proprietary dataset of internal emails obtained through an employee participation program.Comment: CIKM2017. Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 201

    Pretrained Transformers for Text Ranking: BERT and Beyond

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    The goal of text ranking is to generate an ordered list of texts retrieved from a corpus in response to a query. Although the most common formulation of text ranking is search, instances of the task can also be found in many natural language processing applications. This survey provides an overview of text ranking with neural network architectures known as transformers, of which BERT is the best-known example. The combination of transformers and self-supervised pretraining has been responsible for a paradigm shift in natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval (IR), and beyond. In this survey, we provide a synthesis of existing work as a single point of entry for practitioners who wish to gain a better understanding of how to apply transformers to text ranking problems and researchers who wish to pursue work in this area. We cover a wide range of modern techniques, grouped into two high-level categories: transformer models that perform reranking in multi-stage architectures and dense retrieval techniques that perform ranking directly. There are two themes that pervade our survey: techniques for handling long documents, beyond typical sentence-by-sentence processing in NLP, and techniques for addressing the tradeoff between effectiveness (i.e., result quality) and efficiency (e.g., query latency, model and index size). Although transformer architectures and pretraining techniques are recent innovations, many aspects of how they are applied to text ranking are relatively well understood and represent mature techniques. However, there remain many open research questions, and thus in addition to laying out the foundations of pretrained transformers for text ranking, this survey also attempts to prognosticate where the field is heading

    PARADE: Passage Representation Aggregation for Document Reranking

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    We present PARADE, an end-to-end Transformer-based model that considers document-level context for document reranking. PARADE leverages passage-level relevance representations to predict a document relevance score, overcoming the limitations of previous approaches that perform inference on passages independently. Experiments on two ad-hoc retrieval benchmarks demonstrate PARADE's effectiveness over such methods. We conduct extensive analyses on PARADE's efficiency, highlighting several strategies for improving it. When combined with knowledge distillation, a PARADE model with 72\% fewer parameters achieves effectiveness competitive with previous approaches using BERT-Base. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/canjiali/PARADE}