2,931 research outputs found

    Schr\"{o}dinger cat state of trapped ions in harmonic and anharmonic oscillator traps

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    We examine the time evolution of a two level ion interacting with a light field in harmonic oscillator trap and in a trap with anharmonicities. The anharmonicities of the trap are quantified in terms of the deformation parameter τ\tau characterizing the q-analog of the harmonic oscillator trap. Initially the ion is prepared in a Schr\"{o}dinger cat state. The entanglement of the center of mass motional states and the internal degrees of freedom of the ion results in characteristic collapse and revival pattern. We calculate numerically the population inversion I(t), quasi-probabilities Q(t),Q(t), and partial mutual quantum entropy S(P), for the system as a function of time. Interestingly, small deformations of the trap enhance the contrast between population inversion collapse and revival peaks as compared to the zero deformation case. For \beta =3 and 4,(4,(% \beta determines the average number of trap quanta linked to center of mass motion) the best collapse and revival sequence is obtained for \tau =0.0047 and \tau =0.004 respectively. For large values of \tau decoherence sets in accompanied by loss of amplitude of population inversion and for \tau \sim 0.1 the collapse and revival phenomenon disappear. Each collapse or revival of population inversion is characterized by a peak in S(P) versus t plot. During the transition from collapse to revival and vice-versa we have minimum mutual entropy value that is S(P)=0. Successive revival peaks show a lowering of the local maximum point indicating a dissipative irreversible change in the ionic state. Improved definition of collapse and revival pattern as the anharminicity of the trapping potential increases is also reflected in the Quasi- probability versus t plots.Comment: Revised version, 16 pages,6 figures. Revte

    From Quantum Optics to Quantum Technologies

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    Quantum optics is the study of the intrinsically quantum properties of light. During the second part of the 20th century experimental and theoretical progress developed together; nowadays quantum optics provides a testbed of many fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics such as coherence and quantum entanglement. Quantum optics helped trigger, both directly and indirectly, the birth of quantum technologies, whose aim is to harness non-classical quantum effects in applications from quantum key distribution to quantum computing. Quantum light remains at the heart of many of the most promising and potentially transformative quantum technologies. In this review, we celebrate the work of Sir Peter Knight and present an overview of the development of quantum optics and its impact on quantum technologies research. We describe the core theoretical tools developed to express and study the quantum properties of light, the key experimental approaches used to control, manipulate and measure such properties and their application in quantum simulation, and quantum computing.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, Accepted, Prog. Quant. Ele

    Using Quantum Computers for Quantum Simulation

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    Numerical simulation of quantum systems is crucial to further our understanding of natural phenomena. Many systems of key interest and importance, in areas such as superconducting materials and quantum chemistry, are thought to be described by models which we cannot solve with sufficient accuracy, neither analytically nor numerically with classical computers. Using a quantum computer to simulate such quantum systems has been viewed as a key application of quantum computation from the very beginning of the field in the 1980s. Moreover, useful results beyond the reach of classical computation are expected to be accessible with fewer than a hundred qubits, making quantum simulation potentially one of the earliest practical applications of quantum computers. In this paper we survey the theoretical and experimental development of quantum simulation using quantum computers, from the first ideas to the intense research efforts currently underway.Comment: 43 pages, 136 references, review article, v2 major revisions in response to referee comments, v3 significant revisions, identical to published version apart from format, ArXiv version has table of contents and references in alphabetical orde

    Quantum transitions and quantum entanglement from Dirac-like dynamics simulated by trapped ions

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    Quantum transition probabilities and quantum entanglement for two-qubit states of a four level trapped ion quantum system are computed for time-evolving ionic states driven by Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonians with interactions mapped onto a \mbox{SU}(2)\otimes \mbox{SU}(2) group structure. Using the correspondence of the method of simulating a 3+13+1 dimensional Dirac-like Hamiltonian for bi-spinor particles into a single trapped ion, one preliminarily obtains the analytical tools for describing ionic state transition probabilities as a typical quantum oscillation feature. For Dirac-like structures driven by generalized Poincar\'e classes of coupling potentials, one also identifies the \mbox{SU}(2)\otimes \mbox{SU}(2) internal degrees of freedom corresponding to intrinsic parity and spin polarization as an adaptive platform for computing the quantum entanglement between the internal quantum subsystems which define two-qubit ionic states. The obtained quantum correlational content is then translated into the quantum entanglement of two-qubit ionic states with quantum numbers related to the total angular momentum and to its projection onto the direction of the trapping magnetic field. Experimentally, the controllable parameters simulated by ion traps can be mapped into a Dirac-like system in the presence of an electrostatic field which, in this case, is associated to ionic carrier interactions. Besides exhibiting a complete analytical profile for ionic quantum transitions and quantum entanglement, our results indicate that carrier interactions actively drive an overall suppression of the quantum entanglement.Comment: 27 pags, 5 fig

    Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond

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    We review recent developments in the physics of ultracold atomic and molecular gases in optical lattices. Such systems are nearly perfect realisations of various kinds of Hubbard models, and as such may very well serve to mimic condensed matter phenomena. We show how these systems may be employed as quantum simulators to answer some challenging open questions of condensed matter, and even high energy physics. After a short presentation of the models and the methods of treatment of such systems, we discuss in detail, which challenges of condensed matter physics can be addressed with (i) disordered ultracold lattice gases, (ii) frustrated ultracold gases, (iii) spinor lattice gases, (iv) lattice gases in "artificial" magnetic fields, and, last but not least, (v) quantum information processing in lattice gases. For completeness, also some recent progress related to the above topics with trapped cold gases will be discussed.Comment: Review article. v2: published version, 135 pages, 34 figure

    Towards quantum simulation with circular Rydberg atoms

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    The main objective of quantum simulation is an in-depth understanding of many-body physics. It is important for fundamental issues (quantum phase transitions, transport, . . . ) and for the development of innovative materials. Analytic approaches to many-body systems are limited and the huge size of their Hilbert space makes numerical simulations on classical computers intractable. A quantum simulator avoids these limitations by transcribing the system of interest into another, with the same dynamics but with interaction parameters under control and with experimental access to all relevant observables. Quantum simulation of spin systems is being explored with trapped ions, neutral atoms and superconducting devices. We propose here a new paradigm for quantum simulation of spin-1/2 arrays providing unprecedented flexibility and allowing one to explore domains beyond the reach of other platforms. It is based on laser-trapped circular Rydberg atoms. Their long intrinsic lifetimes combined with the inhibition of their microwave spontaneous emission and their low sensitivity to collisions and photoionization make trapping lifetimes in the minute range realistic with state-of-the-art techniques. Ultra-cold defect-free circular atom chains can be prepared by a variant of the evaporative cooling method. This method also leads to the individual detection of arbitrary spin observables. The proposed simulator realizes an XXZ spin-1/2 Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor couplings ranging from a few to tens of kHz. All the model parameters can be tuned at will, making a large range of simulations accessible. The system evolution can be followed over times in the range of seconds, long enough to be relevant for ground-state adiabatic preparation and for the study of thermalization, disorder or Floquet time crystals. This platform presents unrivaled features for quantum simulation