12,371 research outputs found

    Improving Candidate Quality of Probabilistic Logic Models

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    Many real-world phenomena exhibit both relational structure and uncertainty. Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (PILP) uses Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) extended with probabilistic facts to produce meaningful and interpretable models for real-world phenomena. This merge between First Order Logic (FOL) theories and uncertainty makes PILP a very adequate tool for knowledge representation and extraction. However, this flexibility is coupled with a problem (inherited from ILP) of exponential search space growth and so, often, only a subset of all possible models is explored due to limited resources. Furthermore, the probabilistic evaluation of FOL theories, coming from the underlying probabilistic logic language and its solver, is also computationally demanding. This work introduces a prediction-based pruning strategy, which can reduce the search space based on the probabilistic evaluation of models, and a safe pruning criterion, which guarantees that the optimal model is not pruned away, as well as two alternative more aggressive criteria that do not provide this guarantee. Experiments performed using three benchmarks from different areas show that prediction pruning is effective in (i) maintaining predictive accuracy for all criteria and experimental settings; (ii) reducing the execution time when using some of the more aggressive criteria, compared to using no pruning; and (iii) selecting better candidate models in limited resource settings, also when compared to using no pruning

    The SURE Reliability Analysis Program

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    The SURE program is a new reliability analysis tool for ultrareliable computer system architectures. The program is based on computational methods recently developed for the NASA Langley Research Center. These methods provide an efficient means for computing accurate upper and lower bounds for the death state probabilities of a large class of semi-Markov models. Once a semi-Markov model is described using a simple input language, the SURE program automatically computes the upper and lower bounds on the probability of system failure. A parameter of the model can be specified as a variable over a range of values directing the SURE program to perform a sensitivity analysis automatically. This feature, along with the speed of the program, makes it especially useful as a design tool

    A general graphical user interface for automatic reliability modeling

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    Reported here is a general Graphical User Interface (GUI) for automatic reliability modeling of Processor Memory Switch (PMS) structures using a Markov model. This GUI is based on a hierarchy of windows. One window has graphical editing capabilities for specifying the system's communication structure, hierarchy, reconfiguration capabilities, and requirements. Other windows have field texts, popup menus, and buttons for specifying parameters and selecting actions. An example application of the GUI is given

    Designing optimal low-thrust gravity-assist trajectories using space-pruning and a multi-objective approach

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    A multi-objective problem is addressed consisting of finding optimal low-thrust gravity-assist trajectories for interplanetary and orbital transfers. For this, recently developed pruning techniques for incremental search space reduction - which will be extended for the current situation - in combination with subdivision techniques for the approximation of the entire solution set, the so-called Pareto set, are used. Subdivision techniques are particularly promising for the numerical treatment of these multi-objective design problems since they are characterized (amongst others) by highly disconnected feasible domains, which can easily be handled by these set oriented methods. The complexity of the novel pruning techniques is analysed, and finally the usefulness of the novel approach is demonstrated by showing some numerical results for two realistic cases
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