4 research outputs found

    Translating logic programs into conditional rewriting systems

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    In this paper a translation from a subclass of logic programs consisting of the simply moded logic programs into rewriting systems is defined. In these rewriting systems conditions and explicit substitutions may be present. We argue that our translation is more natural than previously studied ones and establish a result showing its correctness

    A framework for incremental learning of logic programs

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    AbstractIn this paper, a framework for incremental learning is proposed. The predicates already learned are used as background knowledge in learning new predicates in this framework. The programs learned in this way have nice modular structure with conceptually separate components. This modularity gives the advantages of portability, reliability and efficient compilation and execution.Starting with a simple idea of Miyano et al. [21,22] for identifying classes of programs which satisfy the condition that all the terms occurring SLD-derivations starting with a query are no bigger than the terms in the initial query, we identify a reasonably big class of polynomial time learnable logic programs. These programs can be learned from a given sequence of examples and a logic program defining the already known predicates. Our class properly contains the class of innermost simple programs of [32] and the class of hereditary programs of [21,22]. Standard programs for gcd, multiplication, quick-sort, reverse and merge are a few examples of programs that can be handled by our results but not by the earlier results of [21,22, 32]

    Proving existential termination of normal logic programs

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    Automated Termination Proofs for Logic Programs by Term Rewriting

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    There are two kinds of approaches for termination analysis of logic programs: "transformational" and "direct" ones. Direct approaches prove termination directly on the basis of the logic program. Transformational approaches transform a logic program into a term rewrite system (TRS) and then analyze termination of the resulting TRS instead. Thus, transformational approaches make all methods previously developed for TRSs available for logic programs as well. However, the applicability of most existing transformations is quite restricted, as they can only be used for certain subclasses of logic programs. (Most of them are restricted to well-moded programs.) In this paper we improve these transformations such that they become applicable for any definite logic program. To simulate the behavior of logic programs by TRSs, we slightly modify the notion of rewriting by permitting infinite terms. We show that our transformation results in TRSs which are indeed suitable for automated termination analysis. In contrast to most other methods for termination of logic programs, our technique is also sound for logic programming without occur check, which is typically used in practice. We implemented our approach in the termination prover AProVE and successfully evaluated it on a large collection of examples.Comment: 49 page