504 research outputs found

    Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA): A Uniform Specification for System-on-Chip (SoC) Verification

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    Modern Systems-on-Chip (SoC) designs are increasingly heterogeneous and contain specialized semi-programmable accelerators in addition to programmable processors. In contrast to the pre-accelerator era, when the ISA played an important role in verification by enabling a clean separation of concerns between software and hardware, verification of these "accelerator-rich" SoCs presents new challenges. From the perspective of hardware designers, there is a lack of a common framework for the formal functional specification of accelerator behavior. From the perspective of software developers, there exists no unified framework for reasoning about software/hardware interactions of programs that interact with accelerators. This paper addresses these challenges by providing a formal specification and high-level abstraction for accelerator functional behavior. It formalizes the concept of an Instruction Level Abstraction (ILA), developed informally in our previous work, and shows its application in modeling and verification of accelerators. This formal ILA extends the familiar notion of instructions to accelerators and provides a uniform, modular, and hierarchical abstraction for modeling software-visible behavior of both accelerators and programmable processors. We demonstrate the applicability of the ILA through several case studies of accelerators (for image processing, machine learning, and cryptography), and a general-purpose processor (RISC-V). We show how the ILA model facilitates equivalence checking between two ILAs, and between an ILA and its hardware finite-state machine (FSM) implementation. Further, this equivalence checking supports accelerator upgrades using the notion of ILA compatibility, similar to processor upgrades using ISA compatibility.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Verified Proofs of Higher-Order Masking

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    In this paper, we study the problem of automatically verifying higher-order masking countermeasures. This problem is important in practice (weaknesses have been discovered in schemes that were thought secure), but is inherently exponential: for tt-order masking, it involves proving that every subset of tt intermediate variables is distributed independently of the secrets. Some type systems have been proposed to help cryptographers check their proofs, but many of these approaches are insufficient for higher-order implementations. We propose a new method, based on program verification techniques, to check the independence of sets of intermediate variables from some secrets. Our new language-based characterization of the problem also allows us to design and implement several algorithms that greatly reduce the number of sets of variables that need to be considered to prove this independence property on \emph{all} valid adversary observations. The result of these algorithms is either a proof of security or a set of observations on which the independence property cannot be proved. We focus on AES implementations to check the validity of our algorithms. We also confirm the tool\u27s ability to give useful information when proofs fail, by rediscovering existing attacks and discovering new ones

    Security Verification of Low-Trust Architectures

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    Low-trust architectures work on, from the viewpoint of software, always-encrypted data, and significantly reduce the amount of hardware trust to a small software-free enclave component. In this paper, we perform a complete formal verification of a specific low-trust architecture, the Sequestered Encryption (SE) architecture, to show that the design is secure against direct data disclosures and digital side channels for all possible programs. We first define the security requirements of the ISA of SE low-trust architecture. Looking upwards, this ISA serves as an abstraction of the hardware for the software, and is used to show how any program comprising these instructions cannot leak information, including through digital side channels. Looking downwards this ISA is a specification for the hardware, and is used to define the proof obligations for any RTL implementation arising from the ISA-level security requirements. These cover both functional and digital side-channel leakage. Next, we show how these proof obligations can be successfully discharged using commercial formal verification tools. We demonstrate the efficacy of our RTL security verification technique for seven different correct and buggy implementations of the SE architecture.Comment: 19 pages with appendi

    SoK: Computer-Aided Cryptography

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    Computer-aided cryptography is an active area of research that develops and applies formal, machine-checkable approaches to the design, analysis, and implementation of cryptography. We present a cross-cutting systematization of the computer-aided cryptography literature, focusing on three main areas: (i) design-level security (both symbolic security and computational security), (ii) functional correctness and efficiency,and (iii) implementation-level security (with a focus on digital side-channel resistance). In each area, we first clarify the role of computer-aided cryptography—how it can help and what the caveats are—in addressing current challenges. We next present a taxonomy of state-of-the-art tools, comparing their accuracy,scope, trustworthiness, and usability. Then, we highlight their main achievements, trade-offs, and research challenges. After covering the three main areas, we present two case studies. First, we study efforts in combining tools focused on different areas to consolidate the guarantees they can provide. Second, we distill the lessons learned from the computer-aided cryptography community’s involvement in the TLS 1.3 standardization effort.Finally, we conclude with recommendations to paper authors,tool developers, and standardization bodies moving forward

    Formally verified countermeasures against cache based attacks in virtualization platforms

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    Cache based attacks are a class of side-channel attacks that are particularly effective in virtualized or cloud-based environments, where they have been used to recover secret keys from cryptographic implementations. One common approach to thwart cache-based attacks is to use constant-time implementations, which do not branch on secrets and do not perform memory accesses that depend on secrets. However, there is no rigorous proof that constant-time implementations are protected against concurrent cache attacks in virtualization platforms; moreover, many prominent implementations are not constant-time. An alternative approach is to rely on system-level mechanisms. One recent such mechanism is stealth memory, which provisions a small amount of private cache for programs to carry potentially leaking computations securely. We weaken the definition of constant-time, introducing a new program classification called S-constant-time, that captures the behavior of programs that correctly use stealth memory. This new definition encompasses some widely used cryptographic implementations. However, there was no rigorous analysis of stealth memory and S-constant-time, and no tool support for checking if applications are S-constant-time. In this thesis, we propose a new information-flow analysis that checks if an x86 application executes in constant-time or S-constant-time. Moreover, we prove that (S-)constant-time programs do not leak confidential information through the cache to other operating systems executing concurrently on virtualization platforms. The soundness proofs are based on new theorems of independent interest, including isolation theorems for virtualization platforms, and proofs that (S-)constant-time implementations are non-interfering with respect to a strict information flow policy which disallows that control flow and memory accesses depend on secrets. We formalize our results using the Coq proof assistant and we demonstrate the effectiveness of our analyses on cryptographic implementations, including PolarSSL AES, DES and RC4, SHA256 and Salsa20.Los ataques basados en el cache son una clase de ataques de canal lateral (side-channel) particularmente efectivos en entornos virtualizados o basados en la nube, donde han sido usados para recuperar claves secretas de implementaciones criptográficas. Un enfoque común para frustrar los ataques basados en cache es usar implementaciones de tiempo constante (constant-time), las cuales no tienen bifurcaciones basadas en secretos, y no realizan accesos a memoria que dependan de secretos. Sin embargo, no existe una prueba rigurosa de que las implementaciones de tiempo constante están protegidas de ataques concurrentes de cache en plataformas de virtualización. Además, muchas implementaciones populares no son de tiempo constante. Un enfoque alternativo es utilizar mecanismos a nivel del sistema. Uno de los más recientes de estos es stealth memory, que provee una pequeña cantidad de cache privado a los programas para que puedan llevar a cabo de manera segura computaciones que potencialmente filtran información. En este trabajo se debilita la definición de tiempo constante, introduciendo una nueva clasificación de programas llamada S-constant-time, que captura el comportamiento de programas que hacen un uso correcto de stealth memory. Esta nueva definición abarca implementaciones criptográficas ampliamente utilizadas. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no había un análisis riguroso de stealth memory y S-constant-time, y ningún soporte de herramientas que permitan verificar si una aplicación es S-constant-time. En esta tesis, proponemos un nuevo análisis de flujo de información que verifica si una aplicación x86 ejecuta en constant-time o S-constant-time. Además, probamos que los programas (S-)constant-time no filtran información confidencial a través del cache a otros sistemas operativos ejecutando concurrentemente en plataformas de virtualización. La pruebas de corrección están basadas en propiedades que incluyen teoremas, de interés en sí mismos, de aislamiento para plataformas de virtualización y pruebas de que las implementaciones (S-)constant-time son no interferentes con respecto a una política estricta de flujo de información que no permite que el control de flujo y los accesos a memoria dependan de secretos. Formalizamos nuestros resultados utilizando el asistente de pruebas Coq, y mostramos la efectividad de nuestros análisis en implementaciones criptográficas que incluyen PolarSSL AES, DES y RC4, SHA256 y Salsa20

    Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2021

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing

    Cyber-security for embedded systems: methodologies, techniques and tools

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    CryptOpt: Verified Compilation with Random Program Search for Cryptographic Primitives

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    Most software domains rely on compilers to translate high-level code to multiple different machine languages, with performance not too much worse than what developers would have the patience to write directly in assembly language. However, cryptography has been an exception, where many performance-critical routines have been written directly in assembly (sometimes through metaprogramming layers). Some past work has shown how to do formal verification of that assembly, and other work has shown how to generate C code automatically along with formal proof, but with consequent performance penalties vs. the best-known assembly. We present CryptOpt, the first compilation pipeline that specializes high-level cryptographic functional programs into assembly code significantly faster than what GCC or Clang produce, with mechanized proof (in Coq) whose final theorem statement mentions little beyond the input functional program and the operational semantics of x86-64 assembly. On the optimization side, we apply randomized search through the space of assembly programs, with repeated automatic benchmarking on target CPUs. On the formal-verification side, we connect to the Fiat Cryptography framework (which translates functional programs into C-like IR code) and extend it with a new formally verified program-equivalence checker, incorporating a modest subset of known features of SMT solvers and symbolic-execution engines. The overall prototype is quite practical, e.g. producing new fastest-known implementations for the relatively new Intel i9 12G, of finite-field arithmetic for both Curve25519 (part of the TLS standard) and the Bitcoin elliptic curve secp256k1