8 research outputs found

    Optical fibre communication evolution and research opportunities

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    Performance Enhancement of Quality of Service of IP Mobility for Real-Time Traffic

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    Future Internet traffic will be huge both for real time and non-real time traffic in an IP mobility environment due to proliferation of mobile nodes. MIPv4 is one of IETF defined IP mobility protocols but with QoS issues like end-to-end delay due to triangular routing, jitter and throughput. OPNET Modeler 14.5 was used in this research to simulate MIPv4 based WiMax network combining MPLS and Diffserv to improve upon the service quality of the network. The end-to-end delay for 20 mobile nodes (MN) was reduced considerably to less than 0.09 second for VoIP traffic and 0.7 second for video conferencing. Jitter was virtually eliminated and good improvement on service throughput. With this improvement in MIPv4 network performance, it can be integrated with MIPv6 network for better future Internet service delivery

    A Rural Next Generation Network (R-NGN) and Its Testbed

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    Rural Next Generation Networks (R-NGN) technology allows Internet protocol (IP) based systems to be used in rural areas. This paper reports a testbed of R-NGN that uses low cost Ethernet radio links, combined with media gateways and a softswitch. The network consists of point-to-point IP Ethernet 2.4 GHz wireless link, IP switches and gateways in each community, standard copper wires and telephone sets for users. It uses low power consumption, and suitable for low density users. This combination allows low cost systems as well as multiservices (voice, data, and multimedia) for rural communications. An infrastructure has been deployed in two communities in Cipicung Girang, a village 10 km outside Bandung city, Indonesia. Two towers link the communities with a network of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) campus. In addition, local wirelines connect community houses to the network. Currently there are four houses connected to each community node (for a total of eight house), upon which we can perform various tests and measurements

    Target cell coverage aware handover algorithm for ultradense heterogeneous networks

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    Network densification is considered as the leading approach to meet the expectations of high data rates, sub 1ms latency, negligible packet loss rates, flexible deployment and other key network and user performance attributes however, several obstacles such as interference management, mobility management, back haul implementations, etc. exists that prevent a full commercial rollout. One of these hurdles includes the significant increase in number of handovers for mobile users due the ultra-dense deployment strategy of eNBs. In this work, we attempt to tackle this problem by developing a novel Cell Coverage Aware (CCA) strategy which augments the conventional strongest cell approach by factoring Target cell coverage size. Network performance attributes such as throughput, end to end delay, jitter and packet loss ratio for video streaming, VOIP and web browsing applications were monitored since they directly impact user QoE. Simulations were performed using NS3 discrete event simulator. In order to validate to performance of our approach, we perform a comparative analysis of our algorithm and the traditional approach under various traffic types. Results show that a handover saving of 33.3% can be achieved with CCA for considered topology at the cost of a marginal reduction network performance

    A Network Algorithm for 3D/2D IPTV Distribution using WiMAX and WLAN Technologies

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThe appearance of new broadband wireless technologies jointly with the ability to offer enough quality of service to provide IPTV over them, have made possible the mobility and ubiquity of any type of device to access the IPTV network. The minimum bandwidth required in the access network to provide appropriate quality 3D/2D IPTV services jointly with the need to guarantee the Quality of Experience (QoE) to the end user, makes the need of algorithms that should be able to combine different wireless standards and technologies. In this paper, we propose a network algorithm that manages the IPTV access network and decides which type of wireless technology the customers should connect with when using multiband devices, depending on the requirements of the IPTV client device, the available networks, and some network parameters (such as the number of loss packets and packet delay), to provide the maximum QoE to the customer. The measurements taken in a real environment from several wireless networks allow us to know the performance of the proposed system when it selects each one of them. The measurements taken from a test bench demonstrate the success of our system.This work has been partially supported by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, though the PAID-15-10 multidisciplinary projects, by the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Portugal, and by National Funding from the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 Project.Lloret, J.; Cánovas Solbes, A.; Rodrigues, JJPC.; Lin, K. (2013). A Network Algorithm for 3D/2D IPTV Distribution using WiMAX and WLAN Technologies. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 67(1):7-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0929-4S730671Abukharis S, MacKenzie R, Farrell TO (2009) Improving QoS of Video Transmitted Over 802.11 WLANs Using Frame Aggregation. London Communications Symposium.. London, United Kingdom, September 03–04Alejandro Canovas, Fernando Boronat, Carlos Turro and Jaime Lloret (2009) Multicast TV over WLAN in a University Campus Network, The Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2009), Valencia (Spain), April 20–25Alfonsi B (2005) “I want my IPTV: Internet Protocol television predicted a winner,” IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol.6, no.2Birlik F, Gurbuz Ö, Ercetin O (2009) IPTV Home Networking via 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks: An Implementation Experience. IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 3Cai LX, Ling X, Shen X, Mark JW, Cai L (2009) Supporting voice and video applications over IEEE 802.11n WLANs. Wireless Networks 15:443–454Cunningham G, Perry P, Murphy J, Murphy L (2009) Seamless Handover of IPTV Streams in a Wireless LAN Network. Transactions on Broadcasting, IEEE 55(4):796–801Dai Z, Fracchia R, Gosteau J, Pellati P, Vivier G (2008) Vertical Handover Criteria and Algorithm in IEEE802.11 and 802.16 Hybrid Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2008. ICC’08. Beijing, China, 19–23Gidlund M, Ekling J (2008) VoIP and IPTV distribution over wireless mesh networks in indoor environment. IEEE Trans Consum Electron 54(4):1665–1671Hellberg C, Greene D, Boyes T (2007) Broadband network architectures: designing and deploying triple-play services. Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ, USAHsu H-T, Kuo F-Y, Lu P-H (2010) Design of WiFi/WiMAX dual-band E-shaped patch antennas through cavity model approach. Microw Opt Technol Lett 52(2):471–474IEEE 802.11 Working Group, At http://www.ieee802.org/11/index.shtml [last access: July 2011]IEEE Std 802.11™-2007 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) SpecificationsIEEE Std 802.16™-2009, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems. At http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/download/802.16-2009.pdf [last access: July 2011]inCode Telecom group Inc. (2006) The Quad-Play—the First Wave of the Converged Services Evolution. White paper, FebruaryIPTV Focus Group, Available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/IPTV/ [last access: July 2011]Jindal S, Jindal A, Gupta N (2005) Grouping WI-MAX, 3 G and WI-FI for wireless broadband, The First IEEE and IFIP International Conference in Central Asia on Internet 2005, September 26–29, Bishkek, KyrgyzstanJin-Yu Zhang, Man-Gui Liang (2008) “IPTV QoS Implement Mechanism in WLAN,” Int. Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. pp 117-120, 15–17Karen Fernanda Medina Velez and Ivonne Alexandra Revelo Arias (2006) Diseño y planificación de una red inalámbrica basada en los estandares IEEE 802.16 (WIMAX) y 802.11 (WIFI) para proveer de internet de banda ancha a poblaciones de las provincias de Loja y Zamora Chinchipe, Tesis Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones (IET), Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, EcuadorKnightson K, Morita N, Towle T (2005) NGN architecture: generic principles, functional architecture, and implementation. IEEE Commun Mag 43(10):49–56Lai C, Min Chen (2011) Playback-Rate Based Streaming Services for Maximum Network Capacity in IP Multimedia Subsystem, IEEE System Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2165190Lee K-H, Trong ST, Lee B-G, Kim Y-T (2008) QoS-Guaranteed IPTV Service Provisioning in Home Network with IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN,” IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium. pp 71-76Marcelo Atenas, Sandra Sendra, Miguel Garcia, Jaime Lloret (2010) IPTV Performance in IEEE 802.11n WLANs, IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecomm 2010), Miami (USA), December 6–10Miguel Garcia, Jaime Lloret, Miguel Edo, Raquel Lacuesta (2009) IPTV Distribution Network Access System Using WiMAX and WLAN Technologies, International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2009), Munich (Germany), June 11–13Park AH, Choi JK (2007) “QoS guaranteed IPTV service over Wireless Broadband network”, The 9th Int. Conference on Advanced Communication Technology 2:1077–1080Retnasothie FE, Ozdemir MK, YÄucek T, Zhang J, Celebi H, Muththaiah R (2006) “Wireless IPTV over WiMAX: Challenges and applications”. IEEE Wamicon, Clearwater, FLSchollmeier G, Winkler C (2004) Providing sustainable QoS in next-generation networks. IEEE Communication Magazine 42(6):102–107She J, Hou F, Ho P-H, Xie L-L (2007) IPTV over WiMAX: Key Success Factors, Challenges, and Solutions [Advances in Mobile Multimedia]. IEEE Commun Mag 45(8):87–93Shihab E, Cai L, Wan F, Gulliver TA, Tin N (2008) Wireless mesh networks for in-home IPTV distribution. IEEE Netw 22(1):52–57Shihab E, Wan F, Cai L, Gulliver A, Tin N (2007) “Performance Analysis of IPTV in Home Networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications (GLOBECOM 2007), Washington, DC, pp 26–30Singh H, ChangYeul Kvvon, Seong Soo Kim, Chiu Ngo (2008) “IPTV over WirelessLAN: Promises and Challenges,” 5th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, pp.626-631Super AG technologies, At http://www.digicom.it/italiano/supporto/WhitePaper/Wireless108M_whitepaper.pdf [last access: July 2011]VLC Media Player, Available at www.videolan.org [last access: July 2011]Wen-Hsing Kuo, Tehuang Liu, Wanjiun Liao (2007) Utility-Based Resource Allocation for Layer-Encoded IPTV Multicast in IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) Wireless Networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007 (ICC 2007), 24–28. Glasgow, Scotland pp 1754-1759Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer, Available at www.wireshark.org [last access: July 2011]Xiao Y, Du X, Zhang J, Hu F, Guizani S (2007) Internet protocol television (IPTV): the killer application for the next-generation internet. IEEE Commun Mag 45(11):126–134Yarali A, Rahman S, Mbula B (2008) WIMAX: The innovate Broadband Wireless access technology. Journal of Communications 3(2):53–6

    An integrated bandwidth allocation and admission control framework for the support of heterogeneous real-time traffic in class-based IP networks

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    The support of real-time traffic in class-based IP networks requires the reservation of resources in all the links along the end-to-end paths through appropriate queuing and forwarding mechanisms. This resource allocation should be accompanied by appropriate admission control procedures in order to guarantee that newly admitted real-time traffic flows do not cause any violation to the Quality of Service (QoS) experienced by the already established real-time traffic flows. In this paper we initially aim to highlight certain issues with respect to the areas of bandwidth allocation and admission control for the support of real-time traffic in class-based IP networks. We investigate the implications of topological placement of both the bandwidth allocation and admission control schemes. We show that the performance of bandwidth allocation and admission control schemes depends highly on the location of the employed procedures with respect to the end-users requesting the services and the various network boundaries (access, metro, core, etc.). Based on our results we conclude that the strategies for applying these schemes should be location-aware, because the performance of bandwidth allocation and admission control at different points in a class-based IP network, and for the same traffic load, can be quite different and can deviate greatly from the expected performance. Through simulations we also try to provide a quantitative view of the aforementioned deviations. Taking the implications of this “location-awareness” into account, we subsequently present a new Measurement-based Admission Control (MBAC) scheme for real-time traffic that uses measurements of aggregate bandwidth only, without keeping the state of any per-flow information. In this scheme there is no assumption made on the nature of the traffic characteristics of the real-time traffic flows, which can be of heterogeneous nature. Through simulations we show that the admission control scheme is robust with respect to traffic heterogeneity and measurement errors. We also show that our scheme compares favorably against other admission control schemes in the literature

    Architecture and algorithm for reliable 5G network design

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    This Ph.D. thesis investigates the resilient and cost-efficient design of both C-RAN and Xhaul architectures. Minimization of network resources as well as reuse of already deployed infrastructure, either based on fiber, wavelength, bandwidth or Processing Units (PU), is investigated and shown to be effective to reduce the overall cost. Moreover, the design of a survivable network against a single node (Baseband Unit hotel (BBU), Centralized/Distributed Unit (CU/DU) or link failure proposed. The novel function location algorithm, which adopts dynamic function chaining in relation to the evolution of the traffic estimation also proposed and showed remarkable improvement in terms of bandwidth saving and multiplexing gain with respect to conventional C-RAN. Finally, the adoption of Ethernet-based fronthaul and the introduction of hybrid switches is pursued to further decrease network cost by increasing optical resource usage

    Quality-of-service management in IP networks

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    Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet Protocol (IF) Networks has been the subject of active research over the past two decades. Integrated Services (IntServ) and Differentiated Services (DiffServ) QoS architectures have emerged as proposed standards for resource allocation in IF Networks. These two QoS architectures support the need for multiple traffic queuing systems to allow for resource partitioning for heterogeneous applications making use of the networks. There have been a number of specifications or proposals for the number of traffic queuing classes (Class of Service (CoS)) that will support integrated services in IF Networks, but none has provided verification in the form of analytical or empirical investigation to prove that its specification or proposal will be optimum. Despite the existence of the two standard QoS architectures and the large volume of research work that has been carried out on IF QoS, its deployment still remains elusive in the Internet. This is not unconnected with the complexities associated with some aspects of the standard QoS architectures. [Continues.