14 research outputs found

    A Review of Movie Recommendation System : Limitations, Survey and Challenges

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    Recommendation System is a major area which is very popular and useful for people to take proper decision. It is a method that helps user to find out the information which is beneficial for the user from variety of data available. When it comes to Movie Recommendation System, recommendation is done based on similarity between users (Collaborative Filtering) or by considering particular user's activity (Content Based Filtering) which he wants to engage with. So to overcome the limitations of collaborative and content based filtering generally, combination of collaborative and content based filtering is used so that a better recommendation system can be developed. Also various similarity measures are used to find out similarity between users for recommendation. In this paper, we have reviewed different similarity measures. Various companies like face book which recommends friends, LinkedIn which recommends job, Pandora recommends music, Netflix recommends movies, Amazon recommends products etc. use recommendation system to increase their profit and also benefit their customers. This paper mainly concentrates on the brief review of the different techniques and its methods for movie recommendation, so that research in recommendation system can be explored

    Goal-based hybrid filtering for user-to-user Personalized Recommendation

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    Recommendation systems are gaining great importance with e-Learning and multimedia on the internet. It fails in some situations such as new-user profile (cold-start) issue. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel goalbased hybrid approach for user-to-user personalized similarity recommendation and present its performance accuracy. This work also helps to improve collaborative filtering using k-nearest neighbor as neighborhood collaborative filtering (NCF) and content-based filtering as content-based collaborative filtering (CBCF). The purpose of combining k-nn with recommendation approaches is to increase the relevant recommendation accuracy and decrease the new-user profile (cold-start) issue. The proposed goal-based approach associated with nearest neighbors, compare personalized profile preferences and get the similarities between users. The paper discussed research architecture, working of proposed goal-based approach, its experimental steps and initial results.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i3.241


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    Improving Video Game Recommendations Using a Hybrid, Neural Network and Keyword Ranking Approach

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    Recommendations systems are software solutions for finding high-quality and relevant content for a given user type ranging from online shoppers, to music listeners, to video game players. Traditional recommendation systems use user review data to make recommendations, but we still want recommendations to perform well for new users with no review data. Currently, one of the problems that exists in recommendations is poor recommendation accuracy when only a small amount of data exists for a user, called the cold start problem. In this research we investigate solutions for the cold start problem in video game recommendations and we propose a solution that uses a hybrid neural network and keyword ranking approach. We evaluate this system with precision and recall metrics and compare the results to a traditional recommendation system. We present that this hybrid system offers performance gains when recommending to users who have low-medium previous reviews

    Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems based on Multi-Attribute Decision Making

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    Improving Accuracy and Scalability of Personal Recommendation Based on Bipartite Network Projection

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    Bipartite network projection method has been recently employed for personal recommendation. It constructs a bipartite network between users and items. Treating user taste for items as resource in the network, we allocate the resource via links between user nodes and item nodes. However, the taste model employed by existing algorithms cannot differentiate “dislike” and “unrated” cases implied by user ratings. Moreover, the distribution of resource is solely based on node degrees, ignoring the different transfer rates of the links. To enhance the performance, this paper devises a negative-aware and rating-integrated algorithm on top of the baseline algorithm. It enriches the current user taste model to encompass “like,” “dislike,” and “unrated” information from users. Furthermore, in the resource distribution stage, we propose to initialize the resource allocation according to user ratings, which also determines the resource transfer rates on links afterward. Additionally, we also present a scalable implementation in the MapReduce framework by parallelizing the algorithm. Extensive experiments conducted on real data validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms

    “WARES”, a Web Analytics Recommender System

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    Il est difficile d'imaginer des entreprises modernes sans analyse, c'est une tendance dans les entreprises modernes, même les petites entreprises et les entrepreneurs individuels commencent à utiliser des outils d'analyse d'une manière ou d'une autre pour leur entreprise. Pas étonnant qu'il existe un grand nombre d'outils différents pour les différents domaines, ils varient dans le but de simples statistiques d'amis et de visites pour votre page Facebook à grands et sophistiqués dans le cas des systèmes conçus pour les grandes entreprises, ils pourraient être shareware ou payés. Parfois, vous devez passer une formation spéciale, être un spécialiste certifiés, ou même avoir un diplôme afin d'être en mesure d'utiliser l'outil d'analyse. D'autres outils offrent une interface d’utilisateur simple, avec des tableaux de bord, pour satisfaire leur compréhension d’information pour tous ceux qui les ont vus pour la première fois. Ce travail sera consacré aux outils d'analyse Web. Quoi qu'il en soit pour tous ceux qui pensent à utiliser l'analyse pour ses propres besoins se pose une question: "quel outil doit je utiliser, qui convient à mes besoins, et comment payer moins et obtenir un gain maximum". Dans ce travail je vais essayer de donner une réponse sur cette question en proposant le système de recommandation pour les outils analytiques web –WARES, qui aideront l'utilisateur avec cette tâche "simple". Le système WARES utilise l'approche hybride, mais surtout, utilise des techniques basées sur le contenu pour faire des suggestions. Le système utilise certains ratings initiaux faites par utilisateur, comme entrée, pour résoudre le problème du “démarrage à froid”, offrant la meilleure solution possible en fonction des besoins des utilisateurs. Le besoin de consultations coûteuses avec des experts ou de passer beaucoup d'heures sur Internet, en essayant de trouver le bon outil. Le système lui–même devrait effectuer une recherche en ligne en utilisant certaines données préalablement mises en cache dans la base de données hors ligne, représentée comme une ontologie d'outils analytiques web existants extraits lors de la recherche en ligne précédente.It is hard to imagine modern business without analytics; it is a trend in modern business, even small companies and individual entrepreneurs start using analytics tools, in one way or another, for their business. Not surprising that there exist many different tools for different domains, they vary in purpose from simple friends and visits statistic for your Facebook page, to big and sophisticated systems designed for the big corporations, they could be free or paid. Sometimes you need to pass special training, be a certified specialist, or even have a degree to be able to use analytics tool, other tools offers simple user interface with dashboards for easy understanding and availability for everyone who saw them for the first time. Anyway, for everyone who is thinking about using analytics for his/her own needs stands a question: “what tool should I use, which one suits my needs and how to pay less and get maximum gain”. In this work, I will try to give an answer to this question by proposing a recommender tool, which will help the user with this “simple task”. This paper is devoted to the creation of WARES, as reduction from Web Analytics REcommender System. Proposed recommender system uses hybrid approach, but mostly, utilize content–based techniques for making suggestions, while using some user’s ratings as an input for “cold start” search. System produces recommendations depending on user’s needs, also allowing quick adjustments in selection without need of expensive consultations with experts or spending lots of hours for Internet search, trying to find out the right tool. The system itself should perform as an online search using some pre–cached data in offline database, represented as an ontology of existing web analytics tools, extracted during the previous online search

    Conversational Recommender System: Berbasis pada Kebutuhan Fungsional Produk

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    Menyatakan kebutuhan berdasarkan fitur teknis produk sering menyulitkan banyak calon pembeli, khususnya untuk produk multi fungsi dan mempunyai banyak fitur, seperti mobil, notebook, smartphone, server, kamera, dan sebagainya, dsb-dan sebagainya. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak semua orang familiar terhadap fitur teknis dari produk-produk tersebut. Menanyakan kebutuhan pengguna aspek kegunaan (kebutuhan fungsional) dari produk yang akan dibeli, adalah cara yang lebih natural dalam menggali kebutuhan pengguna. Oleh karena itu, buku ini menyajikan bagaimana membangun sebuah conversational recommender system (CRS) yang memperhatikan aspek kebutuhan fungsional produk. Ontologi dipilih sebagai pengetahuan dari sistem, karena nature dari struktur ontologi, memungkinkan untuk membuat pemetaan yang lebih fleksibel antara kebutuhan fungsional produk, spesifikasi, dan produk. Selain itu, dalam ontologi, memungkinkan untuk penyusunan masingmasing konsep (entitas) secara hirarkis, dan struktur seperti ini sangat menguntungkan, terutama untuk mendukung pengembangan model pembangkitan pertanyaan. Struktur ontologi ini mempunyai 3 kelas utama, yaitu FuncReq (merepresentassikan kebutuhan fungsional), Specification (merepresentasikan gradasi kualitas fitur teknis) dan Product (merepresentasikan klasifikasi produk). Ontologi merupakan basis pengetahuan dari sistem. Mekanisme interaksi dilakukan melalui dialog tanya jawab, rekomendasi produk dan penjelasan mengapa suatu produk direkomendasikan, seperti layaknya interaksi antara calon pembeli dengan professional sales support. Model komputasional untuk membangkitkan interaksi dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan eksplorasi relasi semantik dalam ontologi. Dengan model dan struktur ontologi ini, diharapkan pengembangan CRS yang disajikan dalam buku ini, dapat juga diterapkan untuk berbagai domain yang berbeda, khususnya untuk domain produk yang bersifat multi fungsi dan mempunyai banyak fitur (notebook, server, PC, mobil, kamera, smartphone, dan sebagainya, dsbdan sebagainya). iv Conversational Recommender System Berbasis Pada Kebutuhan Fungsional Produk Evaluasi terhadap CRS yang dibangun meliputi evaluasi dari sisi efisiensi maupun efektifitas. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa model interaksi dalam CRS berbasis kebutuhan fungsional mampu melakukan mekanisme query requirement dengan efisien, berdasarkan pengurangan jumlah sisa record secara signifikan dalam 4 interaksi. Dalam 4 interaksi, jumlah produk yang direkomendasikan kurang dari 20 dari 288 produk yang ada (< 0.6.9%). Dari sisi efektifitas, dilakukan user study yang melibatkan pengguna yang familiar (expert user) maupun tidak familiar (novice user) dengan fitur teknis produk. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan, CRS berbasis kebutuhan fungsional cukup efektif dalam memandu pengguna. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan, baik expert maupun novice user lebih menyukai model interaksi CRS berbasis kebutuhan fungsional daripada model interaksi pada aplikasi pencarian produk berbasis pada fitur teknis produk (expert user: 86.67%, novice user: 90%). User study selanjutnya menunjukkan, interaksi dalam CRS berbasis kebutuhan fungsional mampu meningkatkan persepsi positif pengguna, dibandingkan dengan interaksi yang berbasis pada fitur teknis produk, dilihat dari perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, trust dan perceived usefulness. Selain itu, model interaksi juga efektif dalam mempengaruhi pengguna untuk tertarik mengadopsi sistem, namun terdapat perbedaan dalam faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut. Untuk expert user, perceived enjoyment merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi secara langsung untuk adopsi sistem, sedangkan perceived usefulness merupakan faktor yang secara langsung mempengaruhi adopsi sistem, bagi novice use