987 research outputs found

    Providing morphological information for SMT using neural networks

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    Treating morphologically complex words (MCWs) as atomic units in translation would not yield a desirable result. Such words are complicated constituents with meaningful subunits. A complex word in a morphologically rich language (MRL) could be associated with a number of words or even a full sentence in a simpler language, which means the surface form of complex words should be accompanied with auxiliary morphological information in order to provide a precise translation and a better alignment. In this paper we follow this idea and propose two different methods to convey such information for statistical machine translation (SMT) models. In the first model we enrich factored SMT engines by introducing a new morphological factor which relies on subword-aware word embeddings. In the second model we focus on the language-modeling component. We explore a subword-level neural language model (NLM) to capture sequence-, word- and subword-level dependencies. Our NLM is able to approximate better scores for conditional word probabilities, so the decoder generates more fluent translations. We studied two languages Farsi and German in our experiments and observed significant improvements for both of them

    Benefits of data augmentation for NMT-based text normalization of user-generated content

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    One of the most persistent characteristics of written user-generated content (UGC) is the use of non-standard words. This characteristic contributes to an increased difficulty to automatically process and analyze UGC. Text normalization is the task of transforming lexical variants to their canonical forms and is often used as a pre-processing step for conventional NLP tasks in order to overcome the performance drop that NLP systems experience when applied to UGC. In this work, we follow a Neural Machine Translation approach to text normalization. To train such an encoder-decoder model, large parallel training corpora of sentence pairs are required. However, obtaining large data sets with UGC and their normalized version is not trivial, especially for languages other than English. In this paper, we explore how to overcome this data bottleneck for Dutch, a low-resource language. We start off with a publicly available tiny parallel Dutch data set comprising three UGC genres and compare two different approaches. The first is to manually normalize and add training data, a money and time-consuming task. The second approach is a set of data augmentation techniques which increase data size by converting existing resources into synthesized non-standard forms. Our results reveal that a combination of both approaches leads to the best results

    What do Neural Machine Translation Models Learn about Morphology?

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    Neural machine translation (MT) models obtain state-of-the-art performance while maintaining a simple, end-to-end architecture. However, little is known about what these models learn about source and target languages during the training process. In this work, we analyze the representations learned by neural MT models at various levels of granularity and empirically evaluate the quality of the representations for learning morphology through extrinsic part-of-speech and morphological tagging tasks. We conduct a thorough investigation along several parameters: word-based vs. character-based representations, depth of the encoding layer, the identity of the target language, and encoder vs. decoder representations. Our data-driven, quantitative evaluation sheds light on important aspects in the neural MT system and its ability to capture word structure.Comment: Updated decoder experiment

    Basque-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-Basque machine translation for the health domain

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    [EU]Master Amaierako Lan honek medikuntza domeinuko euskara eta gaztelera arteko itzulpen automatiko sistema bat garatzeko helburuarekin emandako lehenengo urratsak aurkezten ditu. Corpus elebidun nahikoaren faltan, hainbat esperimentu burutu dira Itzulpen Automatiko Neuronalean erabiltzen diren parametroak domeinuz kanpoko corpusean aztertzeko; medikuntza domeinuan izandako jokaera ebaluatzeko ordea, eskuz itzulitako corpusa erabili da medikuntza domeinuko corpusen presentzia handituz entrenatutako sistema desberdinak probatzeko. Lortutako emaitzek deskribatutako helbururako bidean lehenengo aurrerapausoa suposatzen dute.[EN]This project presents the initial steps towards the objective of developing a Machine Translation system for the health domain between Basque and Spanish. In the absence of a big enough bilingual corpus, several experiments have been carried out to test different Neural Machine Translation parameters on an out-of-domain corpus; while performance on the health domain has been evaluated with a manually translated corpus in different systems trained with increasing presence of health domain corpora. The results obtained represent a first step forward to the described objective

    TermEval: an automatic metric for evaluating terminology translation in MT

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    Terminology translation plays a crucial role in domain-specific machine translation (MT). Preservation of domain-knowledge from source to target is arguably the most concerning factor for the customers in translation industry, especially for critical domains such as medical, transportation, military, legal and aerospace. However, evaluation of terminology translation, despite its huge importance in the translation industry, has been a less examined area in MT research. Term translation quality in MT is usually measured with domain experts, either in academia or industry. To the best of our knowledge, as of yet there is no publicly available solution to automatically evaluate terminology translation in MT. In particular, manual intervention is often needed to evaluate terminology translation in MT, which, by nature, is a time-consuming and highly expensive task. In fact, this is unimaginable in an industrial setting where customised MT systems are often needed to be updated for many reasons (e.g. availability of new training data or leading MT techniques). Hence, there is a genuine need to have a faster and less expensive solution to this problem, which could aid the end-users to instantly identify term translation problems in MT. In this study, we propose an automatic evaluation metric, TermEval, for evaluating terminology translation in MT. To the best of our knowledge, there is no gold-standard dataset available for measuring terminology translation quality in MT. In the absence of gold standard evaluation test set, we semi-automatically create a gold-standard dataset from English--Hindi judicial domain parallel corpus. We trained state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT (PB-SMT) and neural MT (NMT) models on two translation directions: English-to-Hindi and Hindi-to-English, and use TermEval to evaluate their performance on terminology translation over the created gold standard test set. In order to measure the correlation between TermEval scores and human judgments, translations of each source terms (of the gold standard test set) is validated with human evaluator. High correlation between TermEval and human judgements manifests the effectiveness of the proposed terminology translation evaluation metric. We also carry out comprehensive manual evaluation on terminology translation and present our observations