41 research outputs found

    Raamistik mobiilsete asjade veebile

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    Internet on oma arengus läbi aastate jõudnud järgmisse evolutsioonietappi - asjade internetti (ingl Internet of Things, lüh IoT). IoT ei tähista ühtainsat tehnoloogiat, see võimaldab eri seadmeil - arvutid, mobiiltelefonid, autod, kodumasinad, loomad, virtuaalsensorid, jne - omavahel üle Interneti suhelda, vajamata seejuures pidevat inimesepoolset seadistamist ja juhtimist. Mobiilseadmetest nagu näiteks nutitelefon ja tahvelarvuti on saanud meie igapäevased kaaslased ning oma mitmekülgse võimekusega on nad motiveerinud teadustegevust mobiilse IoT vallas. Nutitelefonid kätkevad endas võimekaid protsessoreid ja 3G/4G tehnoloogiatel põhinevaid internetiühendusi. Kuid kui kasutada seadmeid järjepanu täisvõimekusel, tühjeneb mobiili aku kiirelt. Doktoritöö esitleb energiasäästlikku, kergekaalulist mobiilsete veebiteenuste raamistikku anduriandmete kogumiseks, kasutades kergemaid, energiasäästlikumaid suhtlustprotokolle, mis on IoT keskkonnale sobilikumad. Doktoritöö käsitleb põhjalikult energia kokkuhoidu mobiilteenuste majutamisel. Töö käigus loodud raamistikud on kontseptsiooni tõestamiseks katsetatud mitmetes juhtumiuuringutes päris seadmetega.The Internet has evolved, over the years, from just being the Internet to become the Internet of Things (IoT), the next step in its evolution. IoT is not a single technology and it enables about everything from computers, mobile phones, cars, appliances, animals, virtual sensors, etc. that connect and interact with each other over the Internet to function free from human interaction. Mobile devices like the Smartphone and tablet PC have now become essential to everyday life and with extended capabilities have motivated research related to the mobile Internet of Things. Although, the recently developed Smartphones enjoy the high performance and high speed 3G/4G mobile Internet data transmission services, such high speed performances quickly drain the battery power of the mobile device. This thesis presents an energy efficient lightweight mobile Web service provisioning framework for mobile sensing utilizing the protocols that were designed for the constrained IoT environment. Lightweight protocols provide an energy efficient way of communication. Finally, this thesis highlights the energy conservation of the mobile Web service provisioning, the developed framework, extensively. Several case studies with the use of the proposed framework were implemented on real devices and has been thoroughly tested as a proof-of-concept.https://www.ester.ee/record=b522498

    A Digital Game Maturity Model

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    Game development is an interdisciplinary concept that embraces artistic, software engineering, management, and business disciplines. Game development is considered as one of the most complex tasks in software engineering. Hence, for successful development of good-quality games, the game developers must consider and explore all related dimensions as well as discussing them with the stakeholders involved. This research facilitates a better understanding of important dimensions of digital game development methodology. The increased popularity of digital games, the challenges faced by game development organizations in developing quality games, and severe competition in the digital game industry demand a game development process maturity assessment. Consequently, this study presents a Digital Game Maturity Model to evaluate the current development methodology in an organization. The objective is first to identify key factors in the game development process, then to classify these factors into target groups, and eventually to use this grouping as a theoretical basis for proposing a maturity model for digital game development. In doing so, the research focuses on three major stakeholders in game development: developers, consumers, and business management. The framework of the proposed model consists of assessment questionnaires made up of key identified factors from three empirical studies, a performance scale, and a rating method. The main goal of the questionnaires is to collect information about current processes and practices. This research contributes towards formulating a comprehensive and unified strategy for game development process maturity assessment. The proposed model was evaluated with two case studies from the digital game industry

    Game design research: an introduction to theory & practice

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    Design research is an active academic field covering disciplines such as architecture, graphic, product, service, interaction, and systems design. Design research aims to understand not only the designed end products but also how design as an activity unfolds. The book demonstrates different approaches to design research in game design research

    The Elements of Big Data Value

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    This open access book presents the foundations of the Big Data research and innovation ecosystem and the associated enablers that facilitate delivering value from data for business and society. It provides insights into the key elements for research and innovation, technical architectures, business models, skills, and best practices to support the creation of data-driven solutions and organizations. The book is a compilation of selected high-quality chapters covering best practices, technologies, experiences, and practical recommendations on research and innovation for big data. The contributions are grouped into four parts: · Part I: Ecosystem Elements of Big Data Value focuses on establishing the big data value ecosystem using a holistic approach to make it attractive and valuable to all stakeholders. · Part II: Research and Innovation Elements of Big Data Value details the key technical and capability challenges to be addressed for delivering big data value. · Part III: Business, Policy, and Societal Elements of Big Data Value investigates the need to make more efficient use of big data and understanding that data is an asset that has significant potential for the economy and society. · Part IV: Emerging Elements of Big Data Value explores the critical elements to maximizing the future potential of big data value. Overall, readers are provided with insights which can support them in creating data-driven solutions, organizations, and productive data ecosystems. The material represents the results of a collective effort undertaken by the European data community as part of the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the European Commission and the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) to boost data-driven digital transformation

    Playing games together

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    Principles of ecosystem strategy

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    Strategy scholars and business practitioners alike are increasingly using the ecosystem concept to describe networks of interdependent firms that collaborate and align to offer complementary products and services and collectively contribute to an overarching value proposition. Companies that operate in ecosystems are playing by a different set of strategy rules to navigate these complex, interconnected and dynamic business environments. Accordingly, a whole new stream of literature is emerging, specifically looking at strategic management in the context of ecosystems. Early research in that field has generally taken a static view and examined firm strategy form the perspective of ecosystem leaders, who often exert a disproportionate influence over the ecosystem structure and capture the lion’s share of profits. Less is known about firm strategy from the perspective of ecosystem complementors, who are responsible for a significant share of the co-created value but are often dismissed as passive actors, subject to the whims of the more powerful ecosystem leader. This dissertation addresses this gap through three tightly linked studies. The first study reviews over 250 academic articles from the ecosystem literature and discusses the status quo of research on ecosystem strategy, identifying several blind spots and avenues for future research, among which the almost exclusive attention given to the ecosystem leader perspective at the cost of better understanding complementors’ strategic options. The second study builds upon the first one by taking aim at the burgeoning research on complementor strategy. It analyses this subset of the literature in depth, synthesises our current understanding of complementor strategy, and identifies several theoretical gaps and avenues for further research in that stream. This includes, for example, the question of how complementors can navigate ecosystem change. Finally, the third study specifically addresses this gap by empirically studying how complementors respond to and navigate ecosystem change. To do so, over 40 mobile app developers were interviewed in the context of Apple’s introduction of a new mobile operating system (iOS 14.5) for its iPhone. Together, these studies offer several theoretical and managerial contributions. The central theoretical contribution of this dissertation is to examine the multiple facets of strategic management in ecosystems, both from an ecosystem leader and from a complementor perspective. Specifically, the dissertation highlights how ecosystem members can gain a competitive edge and capture value in hypercompetitive and interconnected value creation systems, thus contributing both to the ecosystem and strategic management literature. Furthermore, my dissertation also uncovers how changes initiated by the ecosystem leader can ripple through an ecosystem and affect complementor performance, thus expanding our current understanding of platform dynamics and highlighting the importance of the dynamic capabilities concept for ecosystem research. Also, by elucidating how complementors adapt to ecosystem change, my dissertation contributes to the literature on business models and business model innovation in the context of ecosystems and platforms. Finally, by comparing and discussing the differences between ecosystem strategy and more established views in the strategic management literature, my dissertation also draws a bridge between seminal strategy work and the new field of ecosystem strategy. The central managerial contribution of this dissertation is to offer strategic insights into how firms (both ecosystem leaders and complementors) can successfully navigate ecosystem change, based on the case study of Apple’s introduction of the ATT framework. Concretely, my study suggests several ways in which ecosystem leaders could minimize disruption and successfully execute platform change, while also highlighting a wide range of strategies complementors have at their disposal to avoid the negative effects of ecosystem dynamics and seize potential opportunities arising in the context of ecosystem disruption

    Games and Rules

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    Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game world with their (joint) players and establish motivations in a dedicated space, a »Magic Circle«, whereas game mechanics are constructs of rules designed for interactions that provide gameplay. Those rules form the base for all the excitement and frustration we experience in games. This anthology contains individual essays by authors with backgrounds in Game Design and Game Studies, who lead the discourse to get to the bottom of game mechanics in video games and the real world

    Games and rules: game mechanics for the "Magic Circle"

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    Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of "Games and Rules" take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game world with their (joint) players and establish motivations in a dedicated space, a "Magic Circle", whereas game mechanics are constructs of rules designed for interactions that provide gameplay. Those rules form the base for all the excitement and frustration we experience in games. This anthology contains individual essays by experts and authors with backgrounds in Game Design and Game Studies, who lead the discourse to get to the bottom of game mechanics in video games and the real world - among them Miguel Sicart and Carlo Fabricatore