27,092 research outputs found

    Watchword-Oriented and Time-Stamped Algorithms for Tamper-Proof Cloud Provenance Cognition

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    Provenance is derivative journal information about the origin and activities of system data and processes. For a highly dynamic system like the cloud, provenance can be accurately detected and securely used in cloud digital forensic investigation activities. This paper proposes watchword oriented provenance cognition algorithm for the cloud environment. Additionally time-stamp based buffer verifying algorithm is proposed for securing the access to the detected cloud provenance. Performance analysis of the novel algorithms proposed here yields a desirable detection rate of 89.33% and miss rate of 8.66%. The securing algorithm successfully rejects 64% of malicious requests, yielding a cumulative frequency of 21.43 for MR

    Progger: an efficient, tamper-evident kernel-space logger for cloud data provenance tracking

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    Cloud data provenance, or "what has happened to my data in the cloud", is a critical data security component which addresses pressing data accountability and data governance issues in cloud computing systems. In this paper, we present Progger (Provenance Logger), a kernel-space logger which potentially empowers all cloud stakeholders to trace their data. Logging from the kernel space empowers security analysts to collect provenance from the lowest possible atomic data actions, and enables several higher-level tools to be built for effective end-to-end tracking of data provenance. Within the last few years, there has been an increasing number of proposed kernel space provenance tools but they faced several critical data security and integrity problems. Some of these prior tools' limitations include (1) the inability to provide log tamper-evidence and prevention of fake/manual entries, (2) accurate and granular timestamp synchronisation across several machines, (3) log space requirements and growth, and (4) the efficient logging of root usage of the system. Progger has resolved all these critical issues, and as such, provides high assurance of data security and data activity audit. With this in mind, the paper will discuss these elements of high-assurance cloud data provenance, describe the design of Progger and its efficiency, and present compelling results which paves the way for Progger being a foundation tool used for data activity tracking across all cloud systems

    Multi-dimensional key generation of ICMetrics for cloud computing

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    Despite the rapid expansion and uptake of cloud based services, lack of trust in the provenance of such services represents a significant inhibiting factor in the further expansion of such service. This paper explores an approach to assure trust and provenance in cloud based services via the generation of digital signatures using properties or features derived from their own construction and software behaviour. The resulting system removes the need for a server to store a private key in a typical Public/Private-Key Infrastructure for data sources. Rather, keys are generated at run-time by features obtained as service execution proceeds. In this paper we investigate several potential software features for suitability during the employment of a cloud service identification system. The generation of stable and unique digital identity from features in Cloud computing is challenging because of the unstable operation environments that implies the features employed are likely to vary under normal operating conditions. To address this, we introduce a multi-dimensional key generation technology which maps from multi-dimensional feature space directly to a key space. Subsequently, a smooth entropy algorithm is developed to evaluate the entropy of key space

    Scientific workflow execution reproducibility using cloud-aware provenance

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    Scientific experiments and projects such as CMS and neuGRIDforYou (N4U) are annually producing data of the order of Peta-Bytes. They adopt scientific workflows to analyse this large amount of data in order to extract meaningful information. These workflows are executed over distributed resources, both compute and storage in nature, provided by the Grid and recently by the Cloud. The Cloud is becoming the playing field for scientists as it provides scalability and on-demand resource provisioning. Reproducing a workflow execution to verify results is vital for scientists and have proven to be a challenge. As per a study (Belhajjame et al. 2012) around 80% of workflows cannot be reproduced, and 12% of them are due to the lack of information about the execution environment. The dynamic and on-demand provisioning capability of the Cloud makes this more challenging. To overcome these challenges, this research aims to investigate how to capture the execution provenance of a scientific workflow along with the resources used to execute the workflow in a Cloud infrastructure. This information will then enable a scientist to reproduce workflow-based scientific experiments on the Cloud infrastructure by re-provisioning the similar resources on the Cloud.Provenance has been recognised as information that helps in debugging, verifying and reproducing a scientific workflow execution. Recent adoption of Cloud-based scientific workflows presents an opportunity to investigate the suitability of existing approaches or to propose new approaches to collect provenance information from the Cloud and to utilize it for workflow reproducibility on the Cloud. From literature analysis, it was found that the existing approaches for Grid or Cloud do not provide detailed resource information and also do not present an automatic provenance capturing approach for the Cloud environment. To mitigate the challenges and fulfil the knowledge gap, a provenance based approach, ReCAP, has been proposed in this thesis. In ReCAP, workflow execution reproducibility is achieved by (a) capturing the Cloud-aware provenance (CAP), b) re-provisioning similar resources on the Cloud and re-executing the workflow on them and (c) by comparing the provenance graph structure including the Cloud resource information, and outputs of workflows. ReCAP captures the Cloud resource information and links it with the workflow provenance to generate Cloud-aware provenance. The Cloud-aware provenance consists of configuration parameters relating to hardware and software describing a resource on the Cloud. This information once captured aids in re-provisioning the same execution infrastructure on the Cloud for workflow re-execution. Since resources on the Cloud can be used in static or dynamic (i.e. destroyed when a task is finished) manner, this presents a challenge for the devised provenance capturing approach. In order to deal with these scenarios, different capturing and mapping approaches have been presented in this thesis. These mapping approaches work outside the virtual machine and collect resource information from the Cloud middleware, thus they do not affect job performance. The impact of the collected Cloud resource information on the job as well as on the workflow execution has been evaluated through various experiments in this thesis. In ReCAP, the workflow reproducibility isverified by comparing the provenance graph structure, infrastructure details and the output produced by the workflows. To compare the provenance graphs, the captured provenance information including infrastructure details is translated to a graph model. These graphs of original execution and the reproduced execution are then compared in order to analyse their similarity. In this regard, two comparison approaches have been presented that can produce a qualitative analysis as well as quantitative analysis about the graph structure. The ReCAP framework and its constituent components are evaluated using different scientific workflows such as ReconAll and Montage from the domains of neuroscience (i.e. N4U) and astronomy respectively. The results have shown that ReCAP has been able to capture the Cloud-aware provenance and demonstrate the workflow execution reproducibility by re-provisioning the same resources on the Cloud. The results have also demonstrated that the provenance comparison approaches can determine the similarity between the two given provenance graphs. The results of workflow output comparison have shown that this approach is suitable to compare the outputs of scientific workflows, especially for deterministic workflows

    Scientific Workflow Repeatability through Cloud-Aware Provenance

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    The transformations, analyses and interpretations of data in scientific workflows are vital for the repeatability and reliability of scientific workflows. This provenance of scientific workflows has been effectively carried out in Grid based scientific workflow systems. However, recent adoption of Cloud-based scientific workflows present an opportunity to investigate the suitability of existing approaches or propose new approaches to collect provenance information from the Cloud and to utilize it for workflow repeatability in the Cloud infrastructure. The dynamic nature of the Cloud in comparison to the Grid makes it difficult because resources are provisioned on-demand unlike the Grid. This paper presents a novel approach that can assist in mitigating this challenge. This approach can collect Cloud infrastructure information along with workflow provenance and can establish a mapping between them. This mapping is later used to re-provision resources on the Cloud. The repeatability of the workflow execution is performed by: (a) capturing the Cloud infrastructure information (virtual machine configuration) along with the workflow provenance, and (b) re-provisioning the similar resources on the Cloud and re-executing the workflow on them. The evaluation of an initial prototype suggests that the proposed approach is feasible and can be investigated further.Comment: 6 pages; 5 figures; 3 tables in Proceedings of the Recomputability 2014 workshop of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014). London December 201

    User-centric Visualization of Data Provenance

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    The need to understand and track files (and inherently, data) in cloud computing systems is in high demand. Over the past years, the use of logs and data representation using graphs have become the main method for tracking and relating information to the cloud users. While it is still in use, tracking and relating information with ‘Data Provenance’ (i.e. series of chronicles and the derivation history of data on meta-data) is the new trend for cloud users. However, there is still much room for improving representation of data activities in cloud systems for end-users. In this thesis, we propose “UVisP (User-centric Visualization of Data Provenance with Gestalt)”, a novel user-centric visualization technique for data provenance. This technique aims to facilitate the missing link between data movements in cloud computing environments and the end-users’ uncertain queries over their files’ security and life cycle within cloud systems. The proof of concept for the UVisP technique integrates D3 (an open-source visualization API) with Gestalts’ theory of perception to provide a range of user-centric visualizations. UVisP allows users to transform and visualize provenance (logs) with implicit prior knowledge of ‘Gestalts’ theory of perception.’ We presented the initial development of the UVisP technique and our results show that the integration of Gestalt and the existence of ‘perceptual key(s)’ in provenance visualization allows end-users to enhance their visualizing capabilities, extract useful knowledge and understand the visualizations better. This technique also enables end-users to develop certain methods and preferences when sighting different visualizations. For example, having the prior knowledge of Gestalt’s theory of perception and integrated with the types of visualizations offers the user-centric experience when using different visualizations. We also present significant future work that will help profile new user-centric visualizations for cloud users
