2,003 research outputs found

    Feature-Guided Black-Box Safety Testing of Deep Neural Networks

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    Despite the improved accuracy of deep neural networks, the discovery of adversarial examples has raised serious safety concerns. Most existing approaches for crafting adversarial examples necessitate some knowledge (architecture, parameters, etc.) of the network at hand. In this paper, we focus on image classifiers and propose a feature-guided black-box approach to test the safety of deep neural networks that requires no such knowledge. Our algorithm employs object detection techniques such as SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) to extract features from an image. These features are converted into a mutable saliency distribution, where high probability is assigned to pixels that affect the composition of the image with respect to the human visual system. We formulate the crafting of adversarial examples as a two-player turn-based stochastic game, where the first player's objective is to minimise the distance to an adversarial example by manipulating the features, and the second player can be cooperative, adversarial, or random. We show that, theoretically, the two-player game can con- verge to the optimal strategy, and that the optimal strategy represents a globally minimal adversarial image. For Lipschitz networks, we also identify conditions that provide safety guarantees that no adversarial examples exist. Using Monte Carlo tree search we gradually explore the game state space to search for adversarial examples. Our experiments show that, despite the black-box setting, manipulations guided by a perception-based saliency distribution are competitive with state-of-the-art methods that rely on white-box saliency matrices or sophisticated optimization procedures. Finally, we show how our method can be used to evaluate robustness of neural networks in safety-critical applications such as traffic sign recognition in self-driving cars.Comment: 35 pages, 5 tables, 23 figure

    Online Searching with an Autonomous Robot

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    We discuss online strategies for visibility-based searching for an object hidden behind a corner, using Kurt3D, a real autonomous mobile robot. This task is closely related to a number of well-studied problems. Our robot uses a three-dimensional laser scanner in a stop, scan, plan, go fashion for building a virtual three-dimensional environment. Besides planning trajectories and avoiding obstacles, Kurt3D is capable of identifying objects like a chair. We derive a practically useful and asymptotically optimal strategy that guarantees a competitive ratio of 2, which differs remarkably from the well-studied scenario without the need of stopping for surveying the environment. Our strategy is used by Kurt3D, documented in a separate video.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 12 photographs, 1 table, Latex, submitted for publicatio

    Exploratory Aspects of Sensor Based Planning

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    In sensor based planning exploration is unavoidable. To understand this aspect of sensor based planning, the authors consider the problem of motion planning for a point with tactile sensors . In dimensions greater than two, this problem has been shown to be unsolvable given a certain mathematical framework. But, if the formulation of the problem is changed by taking the C-space to be discrete, then path planning with tactile sensors is possible. In this setting we give a resolution complete algorithm for planning the motion of a point in any dimension. Measuring the complexity of the problem by the number of discrete moves that the robot makes, we give an upper bound for the complexity of our algorithm that is linear in the surface area of the boundary of the C-space obstacles

    A Game-Based Approximate Verification of Deep Neural Networks with Provable Guarantees

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    Despite the improved accuracy of deep neural networks, the discovery of adversarial examples has raised serious safety concerns. In this paper, we study two variants of pointwise robustness, the maximum safe radius problem, which for a given input sample computes the minimum distance to an adversarial example, and the feature robustness problem, which aims to quantify the robustness of individual features to adversarial perturbations. We demonstrate that, under the assumption of Lipschitz continuity, both problems can be approximated using finite optimisation by discretising the input space, and the approximation has provable guarantees, i.e., the error is bounded. We then show that the resulting optimisation problems can be reduced to the solution of two-player turn-based games, where the first player selects features and the second perturbs the image within the feature. While the second player aims to minimise the distance to an adversarial example, depending on the optimisation objective the first player can be cooperative or competitive. We employ an anytime approach to solve the games, in the sense of approximating the value of a game by monotonically improving its upper and lower bounds. The Monte Carlo tree search algorithm is applied to compute upper bounds for both games, and the Admissible A* and the Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithms are, respectively, used to compute lower bounds for the maximum safety radius and feature robustness games. When working on the upper bound of the maximum safe radius problem, our tool demonstrates competitive performance against existing adversarial example crafting algorithms. Furthermore, we show how our framework can be deployed to evaluate pointwise robustness of neural networks in safety-critical applications such as traffic sign recognition in self-driving cars

    Theory of Change Review: A Report Commissioned by Comic Relief

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    Comic Relief does three things. It raises much needed cash, it then allocates that cash to projects in the United States and in the poorest countries in the world, and it raises awareness of the issues it feels strongly about. This report is one of a series of Comic Relief commissioned learning reports. Some learning reports aim to bring the impact of and learning from some of the work Comic Relief has funded in helping change lives to a wider audience. Other reports aim to draw together learning on key issues from a range of stakeholders to inform Comic Relief's thinking and promote debate in the sector. This report aims to draw together Comic Relief staff and partners' experiences in using theory of change; to identify others in development that are using theory of change and analyse their different approaches and experience; and to capture learning from everyone to promote debate, and to help inform what agencies using or advocating for the use of theory of change do next. This report was commissioned by Comic Relief and written by Cathy James, an independent consultant. The views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Comic Relief

    Formal Verification of the Adversarial Robustness Property of Deep Neural Networks Through Dimension Reduction Heuristics, Refutation-based Abstraction, and Partitioning

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    Neural networks are tools that are often used to perform functions such as object recognition in images, speech-to-text, and general data classification. Because neural networks have been successful at approximating these functions that are difficult to explicitly write, they are seeing increased usage in fields such as autonomous driving, airplane collision avoidance systems, and other safety-critical applications. Due to the risks involved with safety-critical systems, it is important to provide guarantees about the networks performance under certain conditions. As an example, it is critically important that self driving cars with neural network based vision systems correctly identify pedestrians 100% of the time. The ability to identify pedestrians correctly is considered a safety property of the neural network and this property must be rigorously verified to produce a guarantee of safe functionality. This thesis focuses on a safety property of neural networks called local adversarial robustness. Often, small changes or noise on the input of the network can cause it to behave unexpectedly. Water droplets on the lens of a camera that feeds images to a network for classification may render the classification output useless. When a network is locally robust to adversarial inputs it means that small changes to a known input do not cause the network to behave erratically. Due to some characteristics of neural networks, safety properties like local adversarial robustness are extremely difficult to verify. For example, changing the color of the pedestrians shirt to blue should not effect the network’s classification. What about if the shirt is red? What about all the other colors? What about all the possible color combinations of shirts and pants? The complexity of verifying these safety properties grows very quickly. This thesis proposes three novel methods for tackling some of the challenges related to verifying safety properties of neural networks. The first is a method to strategically select which dimensions in the input will be searched first. These dimensions are chosen by approximating how much each dimension contributes to the classification output. This helps to manage the issue of high dimensionality. This proposed method is compared with a state-of-the-art technique and shows improvements in efficiency and quality. The second contribution of this work is an abstraction technique that models regions in the input space by a set of potential adversarial inputs. This set of potential adversarial inputs can be generated and verified much quicker than the entire region. If an adversarial input is found in this set then more expensive verification techniques can be skipped because the result is already known. This thesis introduces the randomized fast gradient sign method (RFGSM) that better models regions than its predecessor through increased output variance and maintains its high success rate of adversarial input generation. The final contribution of this work is a framework that adds these previously mentioned optimizations to existing verification techniques. The framework also splits the region being tested up into smaller regions that can be verified simultaneously. The framework focuses on finding as many adversarial inputs as possible so that the network can be retrained to be more robust to them
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