33 research outputs found

    Joint Compute and Forward for the Two Way Relay Channel with Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes

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    We consider the design and analysis of coding schemes for the binary input two way relay channel with erasure noise. We are particularly interested in reliable physical layer network coding in which the relay performs perfect error correction prior to forwarding messages. The best known achievable rates for this problem can be achieved through either decode and forward or compute and forward relaying. We consider a decoding paradigm called joint compute and forward which we numerically show can achieve the best of these rates with a single encoder and decoder. This is accomplished by deriving the exact performance of a message passing decoder based on joint compute and forward for spatially coupled LDPC ensembles.Comment: This paper was submitted to IEEE Global Communications Conference 201

    Near-capacity fixed-rate and rateless channel code constructions

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    Fixed-rate and rateless channel code constructions are designed for satisfying conflicting design tradeoffs, leading to codes that benefit from practical implementations, whilst offering a good bit error ratio (BER) and block error ratio (BLER) performance. More explicitly, two novel low-density parity-check code (LDPC) constructions are proposed; the first construction constitutes a family of quasi-cyclic protograph LDPC codes, which has a Vandermonde-like parity-check matrix (PCM). The second construction constitutes a specific class of protograph LDPC codes, which are termed as multilevel structured (MLS) LDPC codes. These codes possess a PCM construction that allows the coexistence of both pseudo-randomness as well as a structure requiring a reduced memory. More importantly, it is also demonstrated that these benefits accrue without any compromise in the attainable BER/BLER performance. We also present the novel concept of separating multiple users by means of user-specific channel codes, which is referred to as channel code division multiple access (CCDMA), and provide an example based on MLS LDPC codes. In particular, we circumvent the difficulty of having potentially high memory requirements, while ensuring that each user’s bits in the CCDMA system are equally protected. With regards to rateless channel coding, we propose a novel family of codes, which we refer to as reconfigurable rateless codes, that are capable of not only varying their code-rate but also to adaptively modify their encoding/decoding strategy according to the near-instantaneous channel conditions. We demonstrate that the proposed reconfigurable rateless codes are capable of shaping their own degree distribution according to the nearinstantaneous requirements imposed by the channel, but without any explicit channel knowledge at the transmitter. Additionally, a generalised transmit preprocessing aided closed-loop downlink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is presented, in which both the channel coding components as well as the linear transmit precoder exploit the knowledge of the channel state information (CSI). More explicitly, we embed a rateless code in a MIMO transmit preprocessing scheme, in order to attain near-capacity performance across a wide range of channel signal-to-ratios (SNRs), rather than only at a specific SNR. The performance of our scheme is further enhanced with the aid of a technique, referred to as pilot symbol assisted rateless (PSAR) coding, whereby a predetermined fraction of pilot bits is appropriately interspersed with the original information bits at the channel coding stage, instead of multiplexing pilots at the modulation stage, as in classic pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM). We subsequently demonstrate that the PSAR code-aided transmit preprocessing scheme succeeds in gleaning more information from the inserted pilots than the classic PSAM technique, because the pilot bits are not only useful for sounding the channel at the receiver but also beneficial for significantly reducing the computational complexity of the rateless channel decoder

    Non-Uniform Window Decoding Schedules for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes

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    Spatially coupled low-density parity-check codes can be decoded using a graph-based message passing algorithm applied across the total length of the coupled graph. However, considering practical constraints on decoding latency and complexity, a sliding window decoding approach is normally preferred. In order to reduce decoding complexity compared with standard parallel decoding schedules, serial schedules can be applied within a decoding window. However, uniform serial schedules within a window do not provide the expected reduction in complexity. Hence, we propose non-uniform schedules (parallel and serial) based on measured improvements in the estimated bit error rate (BER). We show that these non-uniform schedules result in a significant reduction in complexity without any loss in performance. Furthermore, based on observations made using density evolution, we propose a non-uniform pragmatic decoding schedule (parallel and serial) that does not require any additional calculations (e.g., BER estimates) within the decoding process

    Design and Evaluation of the Efficiency of Channel Coding LDPC Codes for 5G Information Technology

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    This paper proposes a result of an investigation of a topical problem and the development of models for efficient coding in information networks based on codes with a low density of parity check. The main advantage of the technique is the presented recommendations for choosing a signal-code construction is carried out taking into account the code rate and the number of iterations decoding for envisaging the defined noise immunity indices. The noise immunity of signal-code constructions based on low-density codes has been increased by combining them with multi position digital modulation. This solution eventually allowed to develop a strategy for decoder designing of such codes and to optimize the code structure for a specific information network. To test the effectiveness of the proposed method, MATLAB simulations are carried out under for various Information channels binary symmetric channel (BSC), a channel with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), binary asymmetric channel (BAC), asymmetric channel Z type. In addition, different code rates were used during the experiment. The study of signal-code constructions with differential modulation is presented. The efficiency of different decoding algorithms is investigated. The advantage of the obtained results over the known ones consists in determining the maximum noise immunity for the proposed codes. The energy gain was on the order of 6 dB, and an increase in the number of decoding iterations from 3 to 10 leads to a gain in coding energy of 5 dB. Envisaged that the results obtained can be very useful in the development of practical coding schemes in 5G networks

    New Identification and Decoding Techniques for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    Error-correction coding schemes are indispensable for high-capacity high data-rate communication systems nowadays. Among various channel coding schemes, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes introduced by pioneer Robert G. Gallager are prominent due to the capacity-approaching and superior error-correcting properties. There is no hard constraint on the code rate of LDPC codes. Consequently, it is ideal to incorporate LDPC codes with various code rate and codeword length in the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) systems which change the encoder and the modulator adaptively to improve the system throughput. In conventional AMC systems, a dedicated control channel is assigned to coordinate the encoder/decoder changes. A questions then rises: if the AMC system still works when such a control channel is absent. This work gives positive answer to this question by investigating various scenarios consisting of different modulation schemes, such as quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM), frequency-shift keying (FSK), and different channels, such as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels and fading channels. On the other hand, LDPC decoding is usually carried out by iterative belief-propagation (BP) algorithms. As LDPC codes become prevalent in advanced communication and storage systems, low-complexity LDPC decoding algorithms are favored in practical applications. In the conventional BP decoding algorithm, the stopping criterion is to check if all the parities are satisfied. This single rule may not be able to identify the undecodable blocks, as a result, the decoding time and power consumption are wasted for executing unnecessary iterations. In this work, we propose a new stopping criterion to identify the undecodable blocks in the early stage of the iterative decoding process. Furthermore, in the conventional BP decoding algorithm, the variable (check) nodes are updated in parallel. It is known that the number of iterations can be reduced by the serial scheduling algorithm. The informed dynamic scheduling (IDS) algorithms were proposed in the existing literatures to further reduce the number of iterations. However, the computational complexity involved in finding the update node in the existing IDS algorithms would not be neglected. In this work, we propose a new efficient IDS scheme which can provide better performance-complexity trade-off compared to the existing IDS ones. In addition, the iterative decoding threshold, which is used for differentiating which LDPC code is better, is investigated in this work. A family of LDPC codes, called LDPC convolutional codes, has drawn a lot of attentions from researchers in recent years due to the threshold saturation phenomenon. The IDT for an LDPC convolutional code may be computationally demanding when the termination length goes to thousand or even approaches infinity, especially for AWGN channels. In this work, we propose a fast IDT estimation algorithm which can greatly reduce the complexity of the IDT calculation for LDPC convolutional codes with arbitrary large termination length (including infinity). By utilizing our new IDT estimation algorithm, the IDTs for LDPC convolutional codes with arbitrary large termination length (including infinity) can be quickly obtained

    Coding Schemes for Physical Layer Network Coding Over a Two-Way Relay Channel

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    We consider a two-way relay channel in which two transmitters want to exchange information through a central relay. The relay observes a superposition of the trans- mitted signals from which a function of the transmitted messages is computed for broadcast. We consider the design of codebooks which permit the recovery of a function at the relay and derive information-theoretic bounds on the rates for reliable decoding at the relay. In the spirit of compute-and-forward, we present a multilevel coding scheme that permits reliable computation (or, decoding) of a class of functions at the relay. The function to be decoded is chosen at the relay depending on the channel realization. We define such a class of reliably computable functions for the proposed coding scheme and derive rates that are universally achievable over a set of channel gains when this class of functions is used at the relay. We develop our framework with general modulation formats in mind, but numerical results are presented for the case where each node transmits using 4-ary and 8-ary modulation schemes. Numerical results demonstrate that the flexibility afforded by our proposed scheme permits substantially higher rates than those achievable by always using a fixed function or considering only linear functions over higher order fields. Our numerical results indicate that it is favorable to allow the relay to attempt both compute-and-forward and decode-and-forward decoding. Indeed, either method considered separately is suboptimal for computation over general channels. However, we obtain a converse result when the transmitters are restricted to using identical binary linear codebooks generated uniformly at random. We show that it is impossible for this code ensemble to achieve any rate higher than the maximum of the rates achieved using compute-and-forward and decode-and-forward decoding. Finally, we turn our attention to the design of low density parity check (LDPC) ensembles which can practically achieve these information rates with joint-compute- and-forward message passing decoding. To this end, we construct a class of two-way erasure multiple access channels for which we can exactly characterize the performance of joint-compute-and-forward message passing decoding. We derive the processing rules and a density evolution like analysis for several classes of LDPC ensembles. Utilizing the universally optimal performance of spatially coupled LDPC ensembles with message passing decoding, we show that a single encoder and de- coder with puncturing can achieve the optimal rate region for a range of channel parameters