9 research outputs found

    Major Trends in Operating Systems Development

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    Operating systems have changed in nature in response to demands of users, and in response to advances in hardware and software technology. The purpose of this paper is to trace the development of major themes in operating system design from their beginnings through the present. This is not an exhaustive history of operating systems, but instead is intended to give the reader the flavor of the dif ferent periods in operating systems\u27 development. To this end, the paper will be organized by topic in approximate order of development. Each chapter will start with an introduction to the factors behind the rise of the period. This will be fol lowed by a survey of the state-of-the-art systems, and the conditions influencing them. The chapters close with a summation of the significant hardware and software contributions from the period

    Computer structures for distributed systems

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    Hierarchical Single-key-lock Access Control Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem�

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    The key-Jock-pair mechanism based on the Chinese remainder theorem was modified and implemented on the single-key-lock system. The singlekey- Jock system associates each subJect<i.e., user) with a key and each obJect( i.e., file) with a Jock. The modification is inspired by Chang�s method of key-Jock-paJr mechanism using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. In addition to using the key-Jock-pair (KLP) mechanism based on the Chinese remainder theorem, we introduce a hierarchical key storage structure which not only implies the relationship between the subJects, but decreases the number of recalculations of keys substantially when obJects are added or deleted. This hierarchical key storage structure also requ1res fewer files or lock numbers to be involved in the key calculation. It also reduces the verit" icat JOn time to Q( log2n), instead of OUog2N) which the old SKL system needs. Morever, during the calculation of keys for the subJects, faster computation speed 1s achJeved by using the modulus congruence of a Di, n where Dj =II Li for i = J and j = 1, 2, ... , n i=l where Li denotes the Jock on the t"i Je i for i= 1, 2, 3, ... , n. A simulation of the single-key-lock access control was perfomed on a Vax/Unix machine and time complexity of the key calculation was discussed.Computer Scienc

    Protection in commodity monolithic operating systems

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    This dissertation suggests and partially demonstrates that it is feasible to retrofit real privilege separation within commodity operating systems by "nesting" a small memory management protection domain inside a monolithic kernel's single-address space: all the while allowing both domains to operate at the same hardware privilege level. This dissertation also demonstrates a microarchitectural return-integrity protection domain that efficiently asserts dynamic "return-to-sender" semantics for all operating system return control-flow operations. Employing these protection domains, we provide mitigations to large classes of kernel attacks such as code injection and return-oriented programming and deploy information protection policies that are not feasible with existing systems. Operating systems form the foundation of information protection in multiprogramming environments. Unfortunately, today's commodity operating systems employ monolithic kernel design, where any single exploit in the vast code base undermines all information protection in the system because all kernel code operates with full supervisor privileges, meaning that even perfectly secure applications are vulnerable. This dissertation explores an approach that retrofits fundamental information protection design principles into commodity monolithic operating systems, the aim of which is a micro-evolution of commodity system design that incrementally decomposes monolithic operating systems from the ground up, thereby applying microkernel-like security properties for billions of users worldwide. The key contribution is the creation of a new operating system organization, the Nested Kernel Architecture, which "nests" a new, efficient intra-kernel memory isolation mechanism into a traditional monolithic operating system design. Using the Nested Kernel Architecture we introduce write-protection services for kernel developers to deploy security policies in ways not possible in current systems—while greatly reducing the trusted computing base—and demonstrate the value of these services by deploying three special data protection policies. Overall, the Nested Kernel Architecture demonstrates practical in-place protections that require only minor code modifications with minimal run- time overheads

    Le projet HOP!: vers un enseignement de la programmation pour tous

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    Parce que, dans une large mesure, la programmation fait intervenir de nombreuses compétences implicites, qui ne peuvent s'acquérir que par la pratique, l'enseignement de l'informatique nous paraît aujourd'hui encore insatisfaisant. Dans cet article, nous présentons le système HOP! (aka. Hands-On-Programming!), qui est un environnement de programmation interactif destiné à être utilisé pour enseigner la programmation au moyen d'exemples développés de façon incrémentale, en partant de projets simples pour aller petit à petit vers des réalisations plus compliquées. La philosophie et la conception du système HOP! s'appuient sur un certain nombre de développements récents dans les domaines des sciences du langage, de la psychologie, et de la pédagogie, ainsi que sur une analyse de l'activité de résolution de problèmes en informatique

    On the comparison of protection systems

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    PhD ThesisA methodology is presented for performing quantitative cost-benefit comparisons of protection systems. Protection systems in both programming languages and machine architectures can be understood and described in terms of the concept of a domain, an abstract entity which defines the access privileges of an executing program to objects in a system. Though the issues of protection and addressing can be treated separately, the realisation of the close relationship between protection and addressing can assist in the implementation of domains using addressing techniques and provides a basis for the comparison of protection systems. Current formal models of protection are seen to aid qualitative comparisons but do not provide an effective yardstick with which to compare protection systems. Based on the ideas of protection through addressing, a protection model is developed from which cost and benefit measures of protection are derived in order to achieve the quantitative comparison methodology. Two detailed examples of the application of the methodology are presented. The first concerns the protection implemented in various Algol W run-time systems, and the second compares the protection system of IBM's 370 DOS/VS operating system with a proposed alternative protection system. Finally, the comparison of protection systems which exploit structure to achieve protection is discussed. The notion of a structured domain is introduced and used in an assessment of the protection afforded by programmer defined types and a supporting architecture.The Science Research Council: The Computing Laboratory, Newcastle University

    Computer and data security: a comprehensive annotated bibliography.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. Thesis. 1973. M.S.MICROFICHE COPY ALSO AVAILABLE IN DEWEY LIBRARY.M.S