26 research outputs found

    Opracowywanie metody wykrywania zachowania komputerowego w zakresie automatyki probabilistycznej

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    This work proposes anomalous computer system behavior detection method based on probabilistic automaton. Main components of the method are automaton structure generation model and its modification procedure. The distinctive feature of the method is the adaptation of the automaton structure generation procedure for detecting attack scenarios of the same type, by restructuring the automaton upon a match and by recalculating the probability of state changes. Proposed method allows to speed up the detection of anomalous computer behavior, as well as to detect anomalies in computer systems, scenario profiles of which only partially match the instances used to generate automaton structure. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the developed meth-od can be used in heuristic analyzers of anomaly detection systems

    A Framework for an Adaptive Early Warning and Response System for Insider Privacy Breaches

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    Organisations such as governments and healthcare bodies are increasingly responsible for managing large amounts of personal information, and the increasing complexity of modern information systems is causing growing concerns about the protection of these assets from insider threats. Insider threats are very difficult to handle, because the insiders have direct access to information and are trusted by their organisations. The nature of insider privacy breaches varies with the organisation’s acceptable usage policy and the attributes of an insider. However, the level of risk that insiders pose depends on insider breach scenarios including their access patterns and contextual information, such as timing of access. Protection from insider threats is a newly emerging research area, and thus, only few approaches are available that systemise the continuous monitoring of dynamic insider usage characteristics and adaptation depending on the level of risk. The aim of this research is to develop a formal framework for an adaptive early warning and response system for insider privacy breaches within dynamic software systems. This framework will allow the specification of multiple policies at different risk levels, depending on event patterns, timing constraints, and the enforcement of adaptive response actions, to interrupt insider activity. Our framework is based on Usage Control (UCON), a comprehensive model that controls previous, ongoing, and subsequent resource usage. We extend UCON to include interrupt policy decisions, in which multiple policy decisions can be expressed at different risk levels. In particular, interrupt policy decisions can be dynamically adapted upon the occurrence of an event or over time. We propose a computational model that represents the concurrent behaviour of an adaptive early warning and response system in the form of statechart. In addition, we propose a Privacy Breach Specification Language (PBSL) based on this computational model, in which event patterns, timing constraints, and the triggered early warning level are expressed in the form of policy rules. The main features of PBSL are its expressiveness, simplicity, practicality, and formal semantics. The formal semantics of the PBSL, together with a model of the mechanisms enforcing the policies, is given in an operational style. Enforcement mechanisms, which are defined by the outcomes of the policy rules, influence the system state by mutually interacting between the policy rules and the system behaviour. We demonstrate the use of this PBSL with a case study from the e-government domain that includes some real-world insider breach scenarios. The formal framework utilises a tool that supports the animation of the enforcement and policy models. This tool also supports the model checking used to formally verify the safety and progress properties of the system over the policy and the enforcement specifications

    An innovative custom cyber security solution for protecting enterprises and corporates’ assets

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    Anti-virus software has been the main defense against malicious application and will remain so in the future. However the strength of an anti-virus product will depend on having an updated virus signature and the heuristic engine to detect future and unknown virus. The time gap between an exploit appearing on the internet and the user receiving an update for their anti-virus signature database on their machine is very crucial. Having a diverse multi-Engine anti-virus scanner in the infrastructure with the capability for custom signature definition as part of a defence in-depth strategy will help to close that gap. This paper presents a technique of deploying more than one anti-virus solution at different layers and using custom anti-virus signature which is deployed in a custom proxy solution as part of a defence in-depth strategy

    A Generic Framework for Information Security Policy Development

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    Information security policies are not easy to create unless organizations explicitly recognize the various steps required in the development process of an information security policy, especially in institutions of higher education that use enormous amounts of IT. An improper development process or a copied security policy content from another organization might also fail to execute an effective job. The execution could be aimed at addressing an issue such as the non-compliance to applicable rules and regulations even if the replicated policy is properly developed, referenced, cited in laws or regulations and interpreted correctly. A generic framework was proposed to improve and establish the development process of security policies in institutions of higher education. The content analysis and cross-case analysis methods were used in this study in order to gain  a thorough understanding of the information security policy development process in institutions of higher educatio

    A Comprehensive Framework for the Security Risk Management of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber Physical Systems are facing huge and diverse set of security risks, especially cyber-attacks that can cause disruption to physical services or create a national disaster. Information and communication technology (ICT) has made a remarkable impact on the society. A Cyber Physical System (CPS) relies basically on information and communication technology, which puts the system\u2019s assets under certain risks especially cyber ones, and hence they must be kept under control by means of security countermeasures that generate confidence in the use of these assets. And so there is a critical need to give a great attention on the cybersecurity of these systems, which consequently leads to the safety of the physical world. This goal is achieved by adopting a solution that applies processes, plans and actions to prevent or reduce the effects of threats. Traditional IT risk assessment methods can do the job, however, and because of the characteristics of a CPS, it is more efficient to adopt a solution that is wider than a method, and addresses the type, functionalities and complexity of a CPS. This chapter proposes a framework that breaks the restriction to a traditional risk assessment method and encompasses wider set of procedures to achieve a high level strategy that could be adopted in the risk management process, in particular the cybersecurity of cyber-physical systems

    Capacidades técnicas, legales y de gestión para equipos BlueTeam y RedTeam

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    En el presente trabajo se encontrará una descripción de cada una de las etapas realizadas en el seminario especializado durante el desarrollo del mismo. De igual manera se expresaran los logros alcanzados y se propondrán acciones o recomendaciones que pueden ser tenidas en cuenta para el mejoramiento de futuros cursos de este seminario.In this work you will find a description of each of the stages carried out in the specialized seminar during its development. In the same way, the achievements made will be expressed and actions or recommendations will be proposed that can be taken into account for the improvement of future courses of this seminar

    CFAA and Van Buren: A Half-Measure for a Whole-ly Ineffective Statute

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    Identifying and Preventing Insider Threats

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    Insider threats, or attacks against a company from within, are a pressing issue both domestically and internationally. Frequencies of these threats increase each year adding to the overall importance of further research analysis. In fact, many case studies have been conducted which state that these employees who participate in insider attacks tend to exhibit certain personality and characteristic traits, as well as certain observable behaviors, that would indicate to other employees that an attack is imminent. It is hypothesized that companies will be able to take a more preventative stance of security as opposed to a reactive stance by identifying these characteristics and behaviors, as well as the motivations that drive them. In order to accomplish this task, companies must implement multiple layers of technological means of security, as well as take a more hands-on, holistic approach with company-wide involvement

    A multiple-perspective approach for insider-threat risk prediction in cyber-security

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    Currently governments and research communities are concentrating on insider threat matters more than ever, the main reason for this is that the effect of a malicious insider threat is greater than before. Moreover, leaks and the selling of the mass data have become easier, with the use of the dark web. Malicious insiders can leak confidential data while remaining anonymous. Our approach describes the information gained by looking into insider security threats from the multiple perspective concepts that is based on an integrated three-dimensional approach. The three dimensions are human issue, technology factor, and organisation aspect that forms one risk prediction solution. In the first part of this thesis, we give an overview of the various basic characteristics of insider cyber-security threats. We also consider current approaches and controls of mitigating the level of such threats by broadly classifying them in two categories: a) technical mitigation approaches, and b) non-technical mitigation approaches. We review case studies of insider crimes to understand how authorised users could harm their organisations by dividing these cases into seven groups based on insider threat categories as follows: a) insider IT sabotage, b) insider IT fraud, c) insider theft of intellectual property, d) insider social engineering, e) unintentional insider threat incident, f) insider in cloud computing, and g) insider national security. In the second part of this thesis, we present a novel approach to predict malicious insider threats before the breach takes place. A prediction model was first developed based on the outcomes of the research literature which highlighted main prediction factors with the insider indicator variables. Then Bayesian network statistical methods were used to implement and test the proposed model by using dummy data. A survey was conducted to collect real data from a single organisation. Then a risk level and prediction for each authorised user within the organisation were analysed and measured. Dynamic Bayesian network model was also proposed in this thesis to predict insider threats for a period of time, based on data collected and analysed on different time scales by adding time series factors to the previous model. Results of the verification test comparing the output of 61 cases from the education sector prediction model show a good consistence. The correlation was generally around R-squared =0.87 which indicates an acceptable fit in this area of research. From the result we expected that the approach will be a useful tool for security experts. It provides organisations with an insider threat risk assessment to each authorised user and also organisations can discover their weakness area that needs attention in dealing with insider threat. Moreover, we expect the model to be useful to the researcher's community as the basis for understanding and future research