327 research outputs found

    3D fusion of histology to multi-parametric MRI for prostate cancer imaging evaluation and lesion-targeted treatment planning

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    Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) of localized prostate cancer has the potential to support detection, staging and localization of tumors, as well as selection, delivery and monitoring of treatments. Delineating prostate cancer tumors on imaging could potentially further support the clinical workflow by enabling precise monitoring of tumor burden in active-surveillance patients, optimized targeting of image-guided biopsies, and targeted delivery of treatments to decrease morbidity and improve outcomes. Evaluating the performance of mpMRI for prostate cancer imaging and delineation ideally includes comparison to an accurately registered reference standard, such as prostatectomy histology, for the locations of tumor boundaries on mpMRI. There are key gaps in knowledge regarding how to accurately register histological reference standards to imaging, and consequently further gaps in knowledge regarding the suitability of mpMRI for tasks, such as tumor delineation, that require such reference standards for evaluation. To obtain an understanding of the magnitude of the mpMRI-histology registration problem, we quantified the position, orientation and deformation of whole-mount histology sections relative to the formalin-fixed tissue slices from which they were cut. We found that (1) modeling isotropic scaling accounted for the majority of the deformation with a further small but statistically significant improvement from modeling affine transformation, and (2) due to the depth (mean±standard deviation (SD) 1.1±0.4 mm) and orientation (mean±SD 1.5±0.9°) of the sectioning, the assumption that histology sections are cut from the front faces of tissue slices, common in previous approaches, introduced a mean error of 0.7 mm. To determine the potential consequences of seemingly small registration errors such as described above, we investigated the impact of registration accuracy on the statistical power of imaging validation studies using a co-registered spatial reference standard (e.g. histology images) by deriving novel statistical power formulae that incorporate registration error. We illustrated, through a case study modeled on a prostate cancer imaging trial at our centre, that submillimeter differences in registration error can have a substantial impact on the required sample sizes (and therefore also the study cost) for studies aiming to detect mpMRI signal differences due to 0.5 – 2.0 cm3 prostate tumors. With the aim of achieving highly accurate mpMRI-histology registrations without disrupting the clinical pathology workflow, we developed a three-stage method for accurately registering 2D whole-mount histology images to pre-prostatectomy mpMRI that allowed flexible placement of cuts during slicing for pathology and avoided the assumption that histology sections are cut from the front faces of tissue slices. The method comprised a 3D reconstruction of histology images, followed by 3D–3D ex vivo–in vivo and in vivo–in vivo image transformations. The 3D reconstruction method minimized fiducial registration error between cross-sections of non-disruptive histology- and ex-vivo-MRI-visible strand-shaped fiducials to reconstruct histology images into the coordinate system of an ex vivo MR image. We quantified the mean±standard deviation target registration error of the reconstruction to be 0.7±0.4 mm, based on the post-reconstruction misalignment of intrinsic landmark pairs. We also compared our fiducial-based reconstruction to an alternative reconstruction based on mutual-information-based registration, an established method for multi-modality registration. We found that the mean target registration error for the fiducial-based method (0.7 mm) was lower than that for the mutual-information-based method (1.2 mm), and that the mutual-information-based method was less robust to initialization error due to multiple sources of error, including the optimizer and the mutual information similarity metric. The second stage of the histology–mpMRI registration used interactively defined 3D–3D deformable thin-plate-spline transformations to align ex vivo to in vivo MR images to compensate for deformation due to endorectal MR coil positioning, surgical resection and formalin fixation. The third stage used interactively defined 3D–3D rigid or thin-plate-spline transformations to co-register in vivo mpMRI images to compensate for patient motion and image distortion. The combined mean registration error of the histology–mpMRI registration was quantified to be 2 mm using manually identified intrinsic landmark pairs. Our data set, comprising mpMRI, target volumes contoured by four observers and co-registered contoured and graded histology images, was used to quantify the positive predictive values and variability of observer scoring of lesions following the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) guidelines, the variability of target volume contouring, and appropriate expansion margins from target volumes to achieve coverage of histologically defined cancer. The analysis of lesion scoring showed that a PI-RADS overall cancer likelihood of 5, denoting “highly likely cancer”, had a positive predictive value of 85% for Gleason 7 cancer (and 93% for lesions with volumes \u3e0.5 cm3 measured on mpMRI) and that PI-RADS scores were positively correlated with histological grade (ρ=0.6). However, the analysis also showed interobserver differences in PI-RADS score of 0.6 to 1.2 (on a 5-point scale) and an agreement kappa value of only 0.30. The analysis of target volume contouring showed that target volume contours with suitable margins can achieve near-complete histological coverage for detected lesions, despite the presence of high interobserver spatial variability in target volumes. Prostate cancer imaging and delineation have the potential to support multiple stages in the management of localized prostate cancer. Targeted biopsy procedures with optimized targeting based on tumor delineation may help distinguish patients who need treatment from those who need active surveillance. Ongoing monitoring of tumor burden based on delineation in patients undergoing active surveillance may help identify those who need to progress to therapy early while the cancer is still curable. Preferentially targeting therapies at delineated target volumes may lower the morbidity associated with aggressive cancer treatment and improve outcomes in low-intermediate-risk patients. Measurements of the accuracy and variability of lesion scoring and target volume contouring on mpMRI will clarify its value in supporting these roles

    Prostate Tumor Volume Measurement on Digital Histopathology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    An accurate assessment of prostate tumour burden supports appropriate treatment selection, ranging from active surveillance through focal therapy, to radical whole-prostate therapies. For selected patients, knowledge of the three-dimensional locations and sizes of prostate tumours on pre-procedural imaging supports planning of effective focal therapies that preferentially target tumours, while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. In the post-prostatectomy context, pathologic measurement of tumour burden in the surgical specimen may be an independent prognostic factor determining the need for potentially life-saving adjuvant therapy. An accurate and repeatable method for tumour volume assessment based on histology sections taken from the surgical specimen would be supportive both to the clinical workflow in the post-prostatectomy setting and to imaging validation studies correlating tumour burden measurements on pre-prostatectomy imaging with reference standard histologic tumour volume measurements. Digital histopathology imaging is enabling a transition to a more objective quantification of some surgical pathology assessments, such as tumour volume, that are currently visually estimated by pathologists and subject to inter-observer variability. Histologic tumour volume measurement is challenged by the traditional 3–5 mm sparse spacing of images acquired from sections of radical prostatectomy specimens. Tumour volume estimates may benefit from a well-motivated approach to inter-slide tumour boundary interpolation that crosses these large gaps in a smooth fashion. This thesis describes a new level set-based shape interpolation method that reconstructs smooth 3D shapes based on arbitrary 2D tumour contours on digital histology slides. We measured the accuracy of this approach and used it as a reference standard against which to compare previous approaches in the literature that are simpler to implement in a clinical workflow, with the aim of determining a method for histologic tumour volume estimation that is both accurate and amenable to widespread implementation. We also measured the effect of decreasing inter-slide spacing on the repeatability of histologic tumour volume estimation. Furthermore, we used this histologic reference standard for tumour volume to measure the accuracy, inter-observer variability, and inter-sequence variability of prostate tumour volume estimation based on radiologists’ contouring of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MPMRI). Our key findings were that (1) simple approaches to histologic tumour volume estimation that are based on 2- or 3-dimensional linear tumour measurements are more accurate than those based on 1-dimensional measurements; (2) although tumour shapes produced by smooth through-slide interpolation are qualitatively substantially different from those obtained from a planimetric approach normally used as a reference standard for histologic tumour volume, the volumes obtained were similar; (3) decreasing inter-slide spacing increases repeatability of histologic tumour volume estimates, and this repeatability decreases rapidly for inter-slide spacing values greater than 5 mm; (4) on MPMRI, observers consistently overestimated tumour volume as compared to the histologic reference standard; and (5) inter-sequence variability in MPMRI-based tumour volume estimation exceeded inter-observer variability

    Registration of histology and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

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    Combining histology and non-invasive imaging has been attracting the attention of the medical imaging community for a long time, due to its potential to correlate macroscopic information with the underlying microscopic properties of tissues. Histology is an invasive procedure that disrupts the spatial arrangement of the tissue components but enables visualisation and characterisation at a cellular level. In contrast, macroscopic imaging allows non-invasive acquisition of volumetric information but does not provide any microscopic details. Through the establishment of spatial correspondences obtained via image registration, it is possible to compare micro- and macroscopic information and to recover the original histological arrangement in three dimensions. In this thesis, I present: (i) a survey of the literature relative to methods for histology reconstruction with and without the help of 3D medical imaging; (ii) a graph-theoretic method for histology volume reconstruction from sets of 2D sections, without external information; (iii) a method for multimodal 2D linear registration between histology and MRI based on partial matching of shape-informative boundaries

    Registration and Analysis of Developmental Image Sequences

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    Mapping images into the same anatomical coordinate system via image registration is a fundamental step when studying physiological processes, such as brain development. Standard registration methods are applicable when biological structures are mapped to the same anatomy and their appearance remains constant across the images or changes spatially uniformly. However, image sequences of animal or human development often do not follow these assumptions, and thus standard registration methods are unsuited for their analysis. In response, this dissertation tackles the problems of i) registering developmental image sequences with spatially non-uniform appearance change and ii) reconstructing a coherent 3D volume from serially sectioned images with non-matching anatomies between the sections. There are three major contributions presented in this dissertation. First, I develop a similarity metric that incorporates a time-dependent appearance model into the registration framework. The proposed metric allows for longitudinal image registration in the presence of spatially non-uniform appearance change over time—a common medical imaging problem for longitudinal magnetic resonance images of the neonatal brain. Next, a method is introduced for registering longitudinal developmental datasets with missing time points using an appearance atlas built from a population. The proposed method is applied to a longitudinal study of young macaque monkeys with incomplete image sequences. The final contribution is a template-free registration method to reconstruct images of serially sectioned biological samples into a coherent 3D volume. The method is applied to confocal fluorescence microscopy images of serially sectioned embryonic mouse brains.Doctor of Philosoph

    Multi-modal matching of 2D images with 3D medical data

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    Image registration is the process of aligning images of the same object taken at different time points or with different imaging modalities with the aim to compare them in one coordinate system. Image registration is particularly important in biomedical imaging, where a multitude of imaging modalities exist. For example, images can be obtained with X-ray computed tomography (CT) which is based on the object’s X-ray beam attenuation whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) underlines its local proton density. The gold standard in pathology for tissue analysis is histology. Histology, however, provides only 2D information in the selected sections of the 3D tissue. To evaluate the tissue’s 3D structure, volume imaging techniques, such as CT or MRI, are preferable. The combination of functional information from histology with 3D morphological data from CT is essential for tissue analysis. Furthermore, histology can validate anatomical features identified in CT data. Therefore, the registration of these two modalities is indispensable to provide a more complete overview of the tissue. Previously proposed algorithms for the registration of histological slides into 3D volumes usually rely on manual interactions, which is time-consuming and prone to bias. The high complexity of this type of registration originates from the large number of degrees of freedom. The goal of my thesis was to develop an automatic method for histology to 3D volume registration to master these challenges. The first stage of the developed algorithm uses a scale-invariant feature detector to find common matches between the histology slide and each tomography slice in a 3D dataset. A plane of the most likely position is then fitted into the feature point cloud using a robust model fitting algorithm. The second stage builds upon the first one and introduces fine-tuning of the slice position using normalized Mutual Information (NMI). Additionally, using previously developed 2D-2D registration techniques we find the rotation and translation of the histological slide within the plane. Moreover, the framework takes into account any potential nonlinear deformations of the histological slides that might occur during tissue preparation. The application of the algorithm to MRI data is investigated in our third work. The developed extension of the multi-modal feature detector showed promising results, however, the registration of a histological slide to the direct MRI volume remains a challenging task

    Investigating Tissue Heterogeneity using MRI in Prostate Cancer

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    Multi-parametric MRI, a promising new technique for grading prostate cancer using MRI, classifies a high number of regions as indeterminate. This is a symptom of the wider problem that clinical usage of MRI in prostate cancer only includes basic techniques and does not directly categorise tissue microstructure. This work provides insight into the microstructure of the prostate using a combination of new tissue models and acquisition schemes. Each is tested with the aim of producing a method that is better at detecting and grading prostate cancer. The first section utilises microstructural diffusion models to better quantify tissue heterogeneity in the prostate. The two models investigated provided more information about the heterogeneous nature of the prostate that ADC and showed significant difference between lesions and normal tissue. The next section looks into combining multi-echo T2 (ME-T2) sequences with quantitative tissue modelling called Luminal Water Imaging (LWI). This work produced an optimal LWI fitting technique and acquisition. Then the ability of LWI to detect the PI-RADS v2.0 score of regions of interest was examined, showing that it was able to differentiate between scores better than ADC. This work also showed that LWI can differentiate between tumour and normal tissue with an AUC of 0.81 (p<0.05) when compared to ADC with an AUC of 0.75 (p<0.05) in this dataset. The next section further improves the acquisitions using larger datasets. It showed that correcting for imperfect pulse refocusing could improve on the performance of LWI in detecting PCa. This work also showed that fewer echoes could be used in the acquisition. Neural networks were then used to detect and grade prostate cancer using the data points from both multiple b-value diffusion and ME-T2 decay curves. The neural network’s ability to distinguish between different PIRADS scores was shown to have an AUC of 0.87 (p<0.05) using 32-echo data

    Evaluation of the oxygenation and vascularity of prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging.

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    The outcome of radical treatment for prostate cancer is appreciably influenced by the presence of hypoxia. Oxygenation status may therefore be another underlying biological parameter, beyond the classic prognostic factors (age, clinical stage, Gleason score and prostate specific antigen), that predicts for treatment failure in this malignancy. Angiogenesis plays a pivotal role in the growth, invasion, metastasis and survival of prostate tumours. Measurements of angiogenesis have been linked with clinical and pathological stage, histological grade and the potential for metastasis formation. They also provide prognostic information and have been correlated with disease-specific survival and progression after treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging techniques are capable of detecting the molecular, biochemical, physiological and metabolic changes that occur due to pathological processes within tissues. Experiments presented in this thesis have sought to evaluate the ability of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI (DSC-MRI), Intrinsic Susceptibility Weighted MRI (also known as Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) MRI) and Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) to characterise the oxygenation and vascular status of prostate tumours in animal models and in patients with prostate cancer. This research has demonstrated the feasibility of hypoxia imaging in prostate cancer. Although MRI can not precisely map tissue p02, the combination of BOLD-MRI and dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI provides a valuable surrogate and predicts the pattern of hypoxia, as determined by pimonidazole immunohistochemistry, with reasonable accuracy. The research has also shown that prostate cancer responds to carbogen gas breathing and that androgen deprivation causes profound vascular collapse within one month of starting therapy. These findings should help in the rational design of future studies that aim to target tumour vasculature and combat tumour hypoxia in prostate cancer
