4,208 research outputs found

    Transport in the Trans-Pennine Corridor: Present Conditions and Future Options. Interregional Study Working Paper 3.

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    This paper reports on a desk study carried out by the Institute for Transport Studies as part of a wider study of opportunities for inter-regional working in the trans-Pennine corridor, considering economic, environmental and transport issues. It draws together available information on transport and movement flows in the trans-Pennine corridor. These patterns of movement are examined from a broad perspective which considers intra-regional, inter- regional and international movements within and across the study area. The report proposes a regional package approach to transport, based on demand management and modal transfer

    Appraisal of Rail Projects.

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    This paper reviews the particular characteristics of rail investment projects, taking as a starting point four examples ranging from decisions on individual routes to national rail investment programmes. The motivation for rail investment, and the interdependence of projects are examined, before turning to the identification of base case and options and the measurement of costs and benefits. It is argued that the main problems in rail investment appraisal are not technical ones relating to measuring costs and benefits but are contextual ones relating to the interdependence between rail projects and with decisions in other sectors of the economy. For this reason it is essential that rail projects be appraised with an appropriate planning framework

    A Review of Rail Research Relevant to the Case for Increased Rail Investment.

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of rail transport research which has a bearing on the case of increased rail investment. The paper focuses on research which has been conducted on the demand for rail travel, both passenger and freight, rather than the supply side or new technology. The aim is to identify where we believe there to be significant gaps in knowledge and key areas in which further research is required are outlined. The paper deals with the following issues: the investment and funding mechanisms that currently exist for rail; the extent to which changes in the fare and service quality of rail affect the demand for rail travel and also the demand for air and road travel; the environmental and congestion benefits of diverting traffic from road and air to rail; and the links between rail investment and economic development. Where appropriate, the discussion considers inter-urban travel, suburban travel, light rail transit and freight transport separately

    A national power infrastructure for charge-on-the-move: An appraisal for Great Britain

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    The electrification of road transportation is a necessary step for coping with climate change. Charge-on-the-move is considered to be a key enabling factor in moving towards electric vehicles. The development of individual charging devices for implementing in-motion charging has been rapid but their integration with the road infrastructure at national scale is still in need of more comprehensive consideration. This work aims to outline the performance requirements of a national power infrastructure suitable for implementing charge-on-the-move. From an estimation of electric vehicles’ power requirements in conjunction with Great Britain’s road traffic data the anticipated power demand is expected to be augmented by 16 GW. Furthermore, a simulation tool is proposed to investigate the application of dynamic charging and the effects of system design variables. Based on that, a possible charging layout is suggested. Such infrastructure involves 30 kW chargers, 1.5 m length apiece, installed every 2.1 m and 4.3 m on motorways and rural sections of road respectively. Finally, a strategic overview for Great Britain suggests that the installation of a nationwide charging infrastructure of this type could be economically viable. Indeed, the cost to develop the infrastructure to enable the electrification of 86% of car-miles in Great Britain is around £76 billion at present prices

    Paradoks efektywności w zakresie potrzeb energetycznych transportu drogowego w Unii Europejskiej

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    With quantitative and qualitative data, and knowing, at a glance, goal, it was an attempt to examine the relationship between the development of road transport and the efficiency of resource use. The analysis has shown that road transport now gained a special status in people’s daily lives. The increased mobility of European citizens caused the greatest responsibility for the transport of energy. This spite of improving the efficiency of these cars and freight transport growth. The projected continued growth of freight transport will contribute to the further changes in the structure of energy consumption by road transport. Despite the high growth rate of energy efficiency improvement of truck drives, the share of demand for fuel by those vehicles will increase in total fuel demand for road transport sector. At the same time the energy consumption of cars will reduce its share in total fuel needs transport. Improvmrnt of energy efficiency of passenger and truck will not offset the increase in demand for energy in road transport. The above regularities define a key challenge facing the transport system – meeting the ever growing demand for energy.Posiadając dane ilościowe i jakościowe, podjęto próbę zbadania zależności i związków zachodzących między rozwojem transportu a efektywnością wykorzystania zasobów paliwowych, co stanowiło zasadniczy cel artykułu. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła stwierdzić, że transport drogowy zyskał obecnie szczególny status w życiu codziennym społeczeństwa. Wzrost mobilności mieszkańców Europy spowodował, że samochody osobowe są aktualnie w największym stopniu odpowiedzialne za potrzeby energetyczne transportu drogowego. Stało się tak mimo poprawy efektywności energetycznej tych samochodów oraz wzrostu przewozów towarowych. Prognozowany wzrost przewozów towarowych spowoduje dalsze zmiany w strukturze zużycia energii przez transport samochodowy. Poprawa efektywności energetycznej transportu osobowego i ciężarowego nie zrównoważy wzrostu zapotrzebowania na energię w transporcie drogowym. Przedstawione powyżej prawidłowości wyznaczają kluczowe wyzwanie stojące przed systemem transportowym – sprostanie ciągle rosnącemu zapotrzebowaniu na energię