11 research outputs found

    The Interorganizational Relationships Process: An Asset Orchestration Mechanisms Perspective in an SME Context

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    This exploratory study analyzes the collaborative efforts between two small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in an interorganizational relationship (IOR) aimed at developing co-specialized and complementary assets through coordinating mechanisms. Despite the richness of the literature on IOR, less is known about the mechanisms that trigger and affect collaborative efforts during an IOR process. We adopt a qualitative and processual approach and draw on the concepts of assets orchestration mechanisms, surface structures and deep structures to propose a conceptual framework. We conjecture that the connection between surface structures and deep structures of the IOR process is facilitated by three specific mechanisms: allocating resources, structuring resources and coordinating resources. Our single case data analysis suggests that IOR efforts work well across organizational boundaries between business partners thanks to the assets orchestration mechanisms and when shared vision and artefacts are translated into shared processes and practices.

    RÎle de la gouvernance des TI dans la création de la valeur des TI pour l'organisation

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    Les investissements octroyĂ©s au domaine des TI par les organisations sont de plus en plus importants. Ils reprĂ©sentent dans certaines industries plus de 6 % du revenu de l’organisation (Gartner, 2014a). Paradoxalement, plusieurs organisations arrivent difficilement Ă  gĂ©nĂ©rer un bon retour sur leur investissements TI Ă  cause d’un contrĂŽle dĂ©ficient ou d’une mauvaise prise de dĂ©cision sur ces mĂȘmes investissements (IT Governance Institute, 2008). En revanche, les entreprises qui rĂ©ussissent s’efforcent Ă  Ă©viter ces manquements par la mise en place d’une gouvernance des TI efficace. L’existence d’une relation positive entre la gouvernance des TI et la performance organisationnelle a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence par quelques recherches antĂ©rieures. En l’occurrence, Weill et Ross (2004) soulignent que les entreprises dotĂ©es d’une gouvernance des TI efficace enregistrent un rendement de leur investissements TI supĂ©rieur de 40% aux autres (Weill & Ross, 2004). Cependant, ces Ă©tudes n’expliquent pas comment la gouvernance des TI serait liĂ©e Ă  la performance de l’organisation. Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  clarifier conceptuellement et empiriquement cette relation en proposant dans un premier temps une conceptualisation thĂ©orique de cette relation qui se trouve fondĂ©e sur la perspective des capacitĂ©s dynamiques (Article #1). Les apprentissages conceptuels issus du premier article ont Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©s par la suite pour dĂ©velopper et tester empiriquement un modĂšle thĂ©orique de l’influence de la gouvernance des TI sur la contribution des TI Ă  la performance organisationnelle (Article #2). Finalement, une Ă©tude qualitative de l’importance accordĂ©e aux parties prenantes externes dans la gouvernance des TI a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e (Article #3). Ce troisiĂšme article part du principe qu’une gouvernance des TI efficace, et qui se veut gĂ©nĂ©ratrice de la valeur pour l’organisation, doit prendre en considĂ©ration toute partie prenante qui peut influencer la prise de dĂ©cision TI de l’organisation, incluant les parties externes Ă  l’organisation. Mots-clĂ©s : gouvernance des TI, sophistication de gestion des TI, alignement stratĂ©gique des TI, contribution des TI Ă  la performance organisationnelle, capacitĂ©s dynamiques, parties prenantes externes, thĂ©orie des parties prenantes.Investments allocated to IT by organisations are increasingly important. They represent in some industries more than 6% of the organisation’s revenue (Gartner, 2014a). However, many organizations still fail to create value from their IT investments because of a lack of control or a poor decision making on these investments (IT Governance Institute, 2008). Successful enterprises strive to avoid these shortcomings through effective IT governance. The existence of a positive relationship between IT governance and organizational performance was highlighted by some previous research. For instance, Weill and Ross (2004) point out that companies with an effective IT governance tend to achieve 40 % better return from their IT investments than others. However, these studies do not explain how IT governance is related to the organisation’s performance. In this thesis, we sought to clarify conceptually and empirically that relationship by offering initially a theoretical conceptualization of this relationship that is based on the dynamic capabilities perspective (article #1). Conceptual learning from the first article was subsequently exploited to develop and empirically test a theoretical model of IT governance influence on IT contribution to organizational performance (article #2). Finally, a qualitative study of the importance given to external stakeholders in IT governance was conducted (article #3). This third article assumes that effective IT governance that is able to achieve IT business value for the organization must consider every stakeholder that can influence the organization’s IT decision-making, including the organization external stakeholders. Keywords: IT governance, IT management sophistication, IT strategic alignment, IT contribution to organisational performance, dynamic capabilities, external stakeholders, stakeholder theory

    Shared domain knowledge Knowledgecomponenten van het business- en IT-domein

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    The impact of IT governance and partnership on business and IT alignment

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    Business and information technology (IT) alignment has been researched to enable organisations to leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage and enhance their financial performance. This research is based on assessing the level of alignment between business and IT, particularly focusing on IT governance and partnership dimensions, using Luftman's Strategic Alignment Maturity (SAM) model. The maturity levels of IT governance and partnership were assessed using quantitative methods to determine the level of alignment. The research further explored how alignment between business and IT affects the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in delivering the IT strategy, collaborative strategies to ensure alignment, and leadership qualities the CIO should have to enable improved alignment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the research and find a deeper understanding of how alignment affects the CIO in delivering the IT strategy. The study found that although the SAM model rating was a suitable tool to measure the level of alignment, it was unsuitable to provide a deeper understanding of how the implementation of alignment affects the CIO. The CIO is required to understand collaborative strategies that will influence the organisation to bring about alignment and enable IT to meet the organisational strategy. The 11 executive participants interviewed, provided deeper understanding on strategies the CIO should use to enable alignment, including enabling the CIO to manage his/her relationships at both strategic and operational level; understand the politics influencing top down within the organisation; and the availability of basic IT services, amongst others. It was further found that the CIO should understand business and communicate in a language that business is able to understand, while at the same time possessing the different leadership qualities required to lead the organisation. The study contributed to the literature by identifying the effects and mitigation of alignment from a South African CIO's perspective, operating in a less mature technologically advanced country as compared to more matured developed companies and countries previously researched.Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2018.kr2019Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)MB

    A framework of practices influencing IS/business alignment and IT governance

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    The alignment of information systems (IS) strategies with business strategies has been a managerial priority in modern organisations. Information Technology (IT) governance is an alternative perspective that has recently been used as a management solution that can drive to desired levels of IS/business alignment. From a pragmatic perspective, both IS/business alignment and IT governance appear to be managerial solutions that corporations desire to implement in order to get the most of the business and IT relationship. Empirical research has addressed the idea that effective designs of IT governance enable IS/business alignment, however, the extent of such impact and related interactions are still unclear. This research is focused on those claims to contribute with pragmatic solutions towards IS/business alignment and IT governance by means of collective management practices. This research explored challenges, assumptions and conceptualisations around IS/business alignment and focused on the assessment process of IS-business alignment to identify management practices for both IS/business alignment and IT governance. First, a quantitative analysis from data collected of an international survey was performed. This survey was conducted to identify extreme outcomes of relevant management practices in the IS/business alignment dynamics and links with IT governance. Second, a qualitative analysis from data collected of two leading large companies, one in the manufacturing and other in the financial sector, was performed by using a three-level (strategic, tactical and operational) assessment method. This case research aimed to identify how common relevant management practices interact across strategic, tactical and operational organisational levels. Results of both analyses were integrated to elaborate the constructors of the framework derived from this research, namely ALIS-G. The results from this research can be summarised as follows: First, ALIS-G exhibits four core management practices (IT investment management, budgetary control, strategic and tactical program management, strategic and tactical understanding of IT-business) and four supportive (IT-business planning, IT projects prioritisation, sponsorship & championship and change readiness) to show collective and compelling influence over the IS-business alignment dynamics and the effectiveness of IT governance arrangements. Second, a well-established IT investment management process holds the most substantial positive impact in the IS-business alignment dynamics and design of IT governance arrangements. Finally, results highlights the fact, perhaps obvious, that the arrangement of IT governance and the dynamics of IS/business alignment are very much conditioned by the resilient assignment, allocation and administration of budgetsEThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo