7 research outputs found

    Survey of information security risk management models

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    Information security in a current and urgent issue for government and industry with the increasing frequency of cyber security breaches that have occurred in terms of hacking and information theft. To address such issues several approaches have been and continue to be devised to keep abreast with the advances in technology and the skills of those intending harm. To manage the risk inherent in information security several strategies and frameworks are explored. There have been three generations of security risk management strategies as well as governing standards and processes that have been put into place with varying success. Additionally, three security risk management frameworks are analyzed in terms of their effectiveness, policy and legislative relevance and alignment to security and control processes

    MedDevRisk: Risk Analysis Methodology for Networked Medical Devices

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    The prolific integration of technology into medical environments is continuously generating new attack vectors. This continuous amalgamation of technology into the medical field prompted the idea that risk assessment models can be utilized to identify cyber security vulnerabilities in medical settings. This research presents an initial investigation into the application of risk assessment frame works, i.e., STRIDE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, and a Common Vulnerability Scoring System to identified networked medical devices that are currently employed in an operational medical simulation lab. The contribution of this research is twofold and culminates in a novel proof-of-concept system known as MedDevRisk. First, it demonstrates an approach to incorporating existing threat models into a relational database schema based on Threat-Vulnerability-Asset (TVA) relationships. Second, it provides an initial empirical analysis of the risk associated with networked medical devices along with providing the foundation for future research

    A framework to integrate information and communication technology security awareness into the South African education system

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    Text in EnglishThere is general consensus about the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) security in South Africa. This consensus is evident from initiatives related to the formulation of legislation and policies like the Electronic Communications and Transactions (ECT) Act and the National Cyber Security Policy. A number of South African academic institutions have also come on board with initiatives aimed at enhancing ICT security awareness all over the country. In fact, ICT security awareness has been classified as an important component of South Africa’s national security. Many countries use ICT to improve and enhance the standard of their education systems. A number of scholars in South Africa have conducted studies with the aim of proving that ICT can play a major role in improving the quality of education in the country. The research in hand investigates the lack of integration of ICT security awareness into the South African education system. The literature review that was conducted reveals that there is a huge problem especially when it comes to the integration of ICT security awareness into the South African schooling system. The advancement of technology has come with a number of advantages and disadvantages. The easy access to information via the internet, coupled by unsupervised access to instant messaging applications (Skype, MXiT) and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and many more), hugely increases the vulnerability of school learners to ICT security attacks and ICT-related crime. The current research therefore investigates the vulnerability caused by the lack of ICT security awareness among school learners as one of the main disadvantages of the advancement of information technology. An analysis of existing models and frameworks in the two spheres of ICT, namely education and ICT security was conducted. The aim was to determine any similarities or overlap between these spheres and to determine whether the existing ICT models and frameworks are relevant to South Africa. The analysis showed a significant disparity and inconsistency between the two spheres and proved that there is a definite need for a framework (relevant to South Africa) that can be used for the integration of ICT security awareness into South African education. Hence, the researcher proposed a more integrated approach in the form of a framework that is directed at South African school learners, based on an in-depth literature review of past scholarly work, models and frameworks. Having reviewed a number of existing models and frameworks, and identifying the potential gaps, the researcher proposed a framework to address the lack of integration of ICT security awareness into the South African education system. The proposed framework, called the South African ICT Security Awareness Framework for Education (SAISAFE), was reviewed for its potential applicability in the South African context, and the results of the literature review analysis are reported to support the analysis of models and frameworks.School of ComputingM. A. (Computing

    System Simulation of a Bayesian Network-Based Performance Prediction Model for Data Communication Networks

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    In this paper, a paradigm of a Bayesian Network–based performance prediction model for computer networks security risk management was emulated. Model simulation was carried out for the prediction model formulated. Java programming language tools were used to simulate, validate and verify the model. The core of simulation program was written in Java programming language. Some jar files were created in the code logic for all the modules in the prediction model. MS-DOS or command prompt was used to compile and run java and jar files. Batch scripts i.e. .bat files were written to compile the jar files. The output of the execution is shown using Java API files. Simulation technology was used in this study to evaluate network performance since it is very costly to deploy a complete test bed containing multiple networked computers, routers and data links to validate and verify the prediction model. The resulting risk impact on network confidentiality, Integrity and availability determine the criticality of the overall network performance which will aid in the effective application of countermeasures to mitigate the effect of network security risks

    An Exploration of Wireless Networking and the Management of Associated Security Risk

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    The rapid expansion of wireless information technology (IT) coupled with a dramatic increase in security breaches forces organizations to develop comprehensive strategies for managing security risks. The problem addressed was the identification of security risk management practices and human errors of IT administrators, putting the organization at risk for external security intrusion. The purpose of this non-experimental quantitative study was to investigate and determine the security risk assessment practices used by IT administrators to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the organization\u27s information. The research questions focused on whether the security risk management practices of IT administrators met or exceeded the minimally accepted practices and standards for wireless networking. The security risk assessment and management model established the theoretical framework. The sample was 114 participants from small to medium IT organizations comprised of security engineers, managers, and end users. Data collection was via an online survey. Data analysis included both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The results revealed that greater than 80% of participants conducted appropriate risk management and review assessments. This study underscored the need for a more comprehensive approach to managing IT security risks. IT managers can use the outcome of this study as a benchmark for evaluating their current risk assessment procedures. Experiencing security breaches in organizations may be inevitable. However, when organizations and industry leaders can greatly reduce the cost of a data breach by developing effective risk management plans that lead to better security outcomes, positive social change can be realized

    Proposed Framework for Security Risk Assessment

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