72 research outputs found

    Internet-of-Things Architectures for Secure Cyber-Physical Spaces: the VISOR Experience Report

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    Internet of things (IoT) technologies are becoming a more and more widespread part of civilian life in common urban spaces, which are rapidly turning into cyber-physical spaces. Simultaneously, the fear of terrorism and crime in such public spaces is ever-increasing. Due to the resulting increased demand for security, video-based IoT surveillance systems have become an important area for research. Considering the large number of devices involved in the illicit recognition task, we conducted a field study in a Dutch Easter music festival in a national interest project called VISOR to select the most appropriate device configuration in terms of performance and results. We iteratively architected solutions for the security of cyber-physical spaces using IoT devices. We tested the performance of multiple federated devices encompassing drones, closed-circuit television, smart phone cameras, and smart glasses to detect real-case scenarios of potentially malicious activities such as mosh-pits and pick-pocketing. Our results pave the way to select optimal IoT architecture configurations -- i.e., a mix of CCTV, drones, smart glasses, and camera phones in our case -- to make safer cyber-physical spaces' a reality

    Arquitetura ATIOT : integrando tecnologias assistivas com internet das coisas

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    A inclusão de pessoas com deficiência e idosos na sociedade progrediu significativamente através do desenvolvimento contínuo de Tecnologias Assistivas, normas, políticas e diretrizes, combinadas com o uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Uma tendência tecnológica muito recente que terá impacto na sociedade (e, portanto, na inclusão) é a Internet das Coisas. Para criar uma infraestrutura que funcione para todos, a acessibilidade deve ser levada em consideração em todas as etapas do processo de desenvolvimento. As pessoas com deficiência são um grupo heterogêneo e cada caso individual precisa ser cuidadosamente examinado ao considerar como e quais componentes de hardwares e softwares devem ser construídos ou adaptados em quais circunstâncias. Atualmente, há uma grande variedade de dispositivos e aplicações que podem ser ou já estão integrados à Internet das Coisas, talvez a barreira mais significativa para que as pessoas com deficiência possam tirar pleno partido dessa tendência tecnológica é garantir que todos os intervenientes nos ecossistemas considerem a acessibilidade ao desenvolverem novas tecnologias, produtos ou serviços. Esta tese apresentará uma arquitetura que tem como objetivo facilitar a integração das Tecnologias Assistivas com à Internet das Coisas, de forma a permitir a inserção de todos na sociedade da informação. A camada de aplicação da arquitetura propõe um sistema na internet para prover serviços supervisórios para análises das Tecnologias Assistivas, que consequentemente, estendem-se para as pessoas com deficiências e ecossistemas aos quais pertencem. As camadas da arquitetura são dotadas com sistemas multiagentes dedicados ou especializados nas Tecnologias Assistivas.The inclusion of people with disabilities and older people in society has made significant progress through the continued development of Assistive Technologies, standards, policies and guidelines combined with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. A very recent technological trend that will impact society (and therefore inclusion) is the Internet of Things. To create an infrastructure that works for everyone, accessibility must be considered at all stages of the development process. People with disabilities are a heterogeneous group and each individual case needs to be carefully examined when considering how and what hardware and software artifacts should be constructed or adapted under which circumstances. Today, there is a wide variety of devices and applications that may or may already be integrated into the Internet of Things, perhaps the most significant barrier for people with disabilities to take full advantage of this technological trend is to ensure that all actors in ecosystems consider accessibility when developing new technologies, products or services. This thesis will present an architecture that aims to facilitate thei ntegration of Assistive Technologies with the Internet of Things, in order to allow the insertion of everyone in the information society. The architecture application layer proposes a system on the internet to provide supervisory services for assistive technology analysis, which consequently extends to people with disabilities and ecosystems to which they belong. The architectural layers are endowed with dedicated or specialized multi-agent systems in AssistiveTechnologies

    Exploring the intersection of biology and design for product innovations

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    Design, development, productization, and applications of advanced product concepts are pressing for higher multifunctionality, resilience, and maximization of available resources equitably to meet the growing and continuing demands of global customers. These demands have further accelerated during the recent COVID- 19 pandemic and are continuing to be a challenge. Engineering designs are one of the most effective ways to endow products with functions, resilience, and sustainability. Biology, through millions of years of evolution, has met these acute requirements under severe resource and environmental constraints. As the manufacturing of products is reaching the fundamental limits of raw materials, labor, and resource constraints in terms of availability, accessibility, and affordability, new approaches are a call to action to meet these challenges. Understanding the designs in biology is an attractive, novel, and desired frontier for learning and implementation to meet this call to action. This is the focus of the paper discussed through examples for convergence of fundamental engineering design concepts and the lessons learned and applied from biology

    Industry 4.0—from Smart Factory to Cognitive Cyberphysical Production System and Cloud Manufacturing

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    This book focuses on recent developments in new industrial platforms, with Industry 4.0 on its way to becoming Industry 5.0. The book covers smart decision support systems for green and sustainable machining, microscale machining, cyber-physical production networks, and the optimization of assembly lines. The modern multiobjective algorithms and multicriteria decision-making methods are applied to various real-world industrial problems. The emerging problem of cybersecurity in advanced technologies is addressed as well

    Feature Papers "Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives"

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    The "Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: States of the Art and Future Perspectives" publication presents contemporary, innovative, and insightful narratives, debates, and frameworks based on an international collection of papers from scholars spanning the fields of gerontology, social sciences, architecture, computer science, and gerontechnology. This extensive collection of papers aims to move the narrative and debates forward in this interdisciplinary field of age-friendly cities and communities

    Graduate course catalog (Florida International University). [2021-2022]

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    This catalog contains a description of the various policies, graduate programs, degree requirements, and course offerings at Florida International University during the 2021-2022 academic year.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/catalogs/1082/thumbnail.jp

    Graduate course catalog (Florida International University). [2022-2023]

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    This catalog contains a description of the various policies, graduate programs, degree requirements, and course offerings at Florida International University during the 2022-2023 academic year.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/catalogs/1084/thumbnail.jp

    Graduate course catalog (Florida International University). [2020-2021]

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    This catalog contains a description of the various policies, graduate programs, degree requirements, and course offerings at Florida International University during the 2020-2021 academic year.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/catalogs/1080/thumbnail.jp