887 research outputs found

    RF Localization in Indoor Environment

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    In this paper indoor localization system based on the RF power measurements of the Received Signal Strength (RSS) in WLAN environment is presented. Today, the most viable solution for localization is the RSS fingerprinting based approach, where in order to establish a relationship between RSS values and location, different machine learning approaches are used. The advantage of this approach based on WLAN technology is that it does not need new infrastructure (it reuses already and widely deployed equipment), and the RSS measurement is part of the normal operating mode of wireless equipment. We derive the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) of localization accuracy for RSS measurements. In analysis of the bound we give insight in localization performance and deployment issues of a localization system, which could help designing an efficient localization system. To compare different machine learning approaches we developed a localization system based on an artificial neural network, k-nearest neighbors, probabilistic method based on the Gaussian kernel and the histogram method. We tested the developed system in real world WLAN indoor environment, where realistic RSS measurements were collected. Experimental comparison of the results has been investigated and average location estimation error of around 2 meters was obtained

    A Robust Zero-Calibration RF-based Localization System for Realistic Environments

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    Due to the noisy indoor radio propagation channel, Radio Frequency (RF)-based location determination systems usually require a tedious calibration phase to construct an RF fingerprint of the area of interest. This fingerprint varies with the used mobile device, changes of the transmit power of smart access points (APs), and dynamic changes in the environment; requiring re-calibration of the area of interest; which reduces the technology ease of use. In this paper, we present IncVoronoi: a novel system that can provide zero-calibration accurate RF-based indoor localization that works in realistic environments. The basic idea is that the relative relation between the received signal strength from two APs at a certain location reflects the relative distance from this location to the respective APs. Building on this, IncVoronoi incrementally reduces the user ambiguity region based on refining the Voronoi tessellation of the area of interest. IncVoronoi also includes a number of modules to efficiently run in realtime as well as to handle practical deployment issues including the noisy wireless environment, obstacles in the environment, heterogeneous devices hardware, and smart APs. We have deployed IncVoronoi on different Android phones using the iBeacons technology in a university campus. Evaluation of IncVoronoi with a side-by-side comparison with traditional fingerprinting techniques shows that it can achieve a consistent median accuracy of 2.8m under different scenarios with a low beacon density of one beacon every 44m2. Compared to fingerprinting techniques, whose accuracy degrades by at least 156%, this accuracy comes with no training overhead and is robust to the different user devices, different transmit powers, and over temporal changes in the environment. This highlights the promise of IncVoronoi as a next generation indoor localization system.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, published in SECON 201

    Properties of Channel Interference for Wi-Fi Location Fingerprinting

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    Localization systems for indoor areas have recently been suggested that make use of existing wireless local area network (WLAN) infrastructure and location fingerprinting approach. However, most existing research work ignores channel interference between wireless infrastructures and this could affect accurate and precise positioning. A better understanding of the properties of channel interference could assist in improving the positioning accuracy while saving significant amounts of resources in the location-aware infrastructure. This paper investigates to what extent the positioning accuracy is affected by channel interference between access points. Two sets of experiments compare how the positioning accuracy is affected in three different channel assignment schemes: ad-hoc, sequential, and orthogonal data is analyzed to understand what features of channel interference affect positioning accuracy. The results show that choosing an appropriate channel assignment scheme could make localization 10% more accurate and reduces the number of access points that are required by 15%. The experimental analysis also indicates that the channel interference usually obeys a right-skewed distribution and positioning accuracy is heavily dependent on channel interference between access points (APs)

    Modelling of Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Location Fingerprinting

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    In recent years, localization systems for indoor vicinity using the present wireless local area (WLAN) network infrastructure have been proposed. Such positioning systems create the usage of location fingerprinting instead of direction or time of arrival techniques for deciding the location of mobile users. However experimental study associated to such localization systems have been proposed, high attenuation and signal scattering related to greater density of wall attenuation still affecting the indoor positioning performance. This paper presents an analytical model for minimizing high signal attenuation effect for WLAN fingerprinting indoor positioning systems. The model employs the probabilistic algorithm that using signal relation method

    Design of Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Location Fingerprinting Technique

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    Positioning systems enable location-awareness for mobile computers in ubiquitous and pervasive wireless computing. By utilizing location information, location-aware computers can render location-based services possible for mobile users. Indoor positioning systems based on location fingerprints of wireless local area networks have been suggested as a viable solution where the global positioning system does not work well. Instead of depending on accurate estimations of angle or distance in order to derive the location with geometry, the fingerprinting technique associates location-dependent characteristics such as received signal strength to a location and uses these characteristics to infer the location. The advantage of this technique is that it is simple to deploy with no specialized hardware required at the mobile station except the wireless network interface card. Any existing wireless local area network infrastructure can be reused for this kind of positioning system. While empirical results and performance studies of such positioning systems are presented in the literature, analytical models that can be used as a framework for efficiently designing the positioning systems are not available. This dissertation develops an analytical model as a design tool and recommends a design guideline for such positioning systems in order to expedite the deployment process. A system designer can use this framework to strike a balance between the accuracy, the precision, the location granularity, the number of access points, and the location spacing. A systematic study is used to analyze the location fingerprint and discover its unique properties. The location fingerprint based on the received signal strength is investigated. Both deterministic and probabilistic approaches of location fingerprint representations are considered. The main objectives of this work are to predict the performance of such systems using a suitable model and perform sensitivity analyses that are useful for selecting proper system parameters such as number of access points and minimum spacing between any two different locations