50,971 research outputs found

    New Douglas-Rachford algorithmic structures and their convergence analyses

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    In this paper we study new algorithmic structures with Douglas- Rachford (DR) operators to solve convex feasibility problems. We propose to embed the basic two-set-DR algorithmic operator into the String-Averaging Projections (SAP) and into the Block-Iterative Pro- jection (BIP) algorithmic structures, thereby creating new DR algo- rithmic schemes that include the recently proposed cyclic Douglas- Rachford algorithm and the averaged DR algorithm as special cases. We further propose and investigate a new multiple-set-DR algorithmic operator. Convergence of all these algorithmic schemes is studied by using properties of strongly quasi-nonexpansive operators and firmly nonexpansive operators.Comment: SIAM Journal on Optimization, accepted for publicatio

    Parameterized Linear Temporal Logics Meet Costs: Still not Costlier than LTL

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    We continue the investigation of parameterized extensions of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) that retain the attractive algorithmic properties of LTL: a polynomial space model checking algorithm and a doubly-exponential time algorithm for solving games. Alur et al. and Kupferman et al. showed that this is the case for Parametric LTL (PLTL) and PROMPT-LTL respectively, which have temporal operators equipped with variables that bound their scope in time. Later, this was also shown to be true for Parametric LDL (PLDL), which extends PLTL to be able to express all omega-regular properties. Here, we generalize PLTL to systems with costs, i.e., we do not bound the scope of operators in time, but bound the scope in terms of the cost accumulated during time. Again, we show that model checking and solving games for specifications in PLTL with costs is not harder than the corresponding problems for LTL. Finally, we discuss PLDL with costs and extensions to multiple cost functions.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2015, arXiv:1509.0685

    Exact linear modeling using Ore algebras

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    Linear exact modeling is a problem coming from system identification: Given a set of observed trajectories, the goal is find a model (usually, a system of partial differential and/or difference equations) that explains the data as precisely as possible. The case of operators with constant coefficients is well studied and known in the systems theoretic literature, whereas the operators with varying coefficients were addressed only recently. This question can be tackled either using Gr\"obner bases for modules over Ore algebras or by following the ideas from differential algebra and computing in commutative rings. In this paper, we present algorithmic methods to compute "most powerful unfalsified models" (MPUM) and their counterparts with variable coefficients (VMPUM) for polynomial and polynomial-exponential signals. We also study the structural properties of the resulting models, discuss computer algebraic techniques behind algorithms and provide several examples

    Алгебра алгоритмов, базирующаяся на данных

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    На основі модифікованої моделі ЕОМ Глушкова побудовано систему алгоритмічних алгебр. Дані формалізовані й специфіковані на вході й виході Д-операторів і, таким чином, побудований формальний апарат базується на даних. Доведено деякі властивості Д-операторів і операцій, що утворюють сигнатуру алгебри, а також можливість побудови похідних Д-операторів.A system of algorithmic algebras is formed based on a modified Glushkov’s computer model. Data are formalized and specified at the input and output of D-operators and thus the formal apparatus is based on data. Some properties of D-operators and of operations that form the signature of algebra are proved and setting up derived D-operators is shown to be possible