22 research outputs found

    Proofs for free - parametricity for dependent types

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    Reynolds' abstraction theorem shows how a typing judgement in System F can be translated into a relational statement (in second order predicate logic) about inhabitants of the type. We obtain a similar result for pure type systems: for any PTS used as a programming language, there is a PTS that can be used as a logic for parametricity. Types in the source PTS are translated to relations (expressed as types) in the target. Similarly, values of a given type are translated to proofs that the values satisfy the relational interpretation. We extend the result to inductive families. We also show that the assumption that every term satisfies the parametricity condition generated by its type is consistent with the generated logic

    Dynamic IFC Theorems for Free!

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    We show that noninterference and transparency, the key soundness theorems for dynamic IFC libraries, can be obtained "for free", as direct consequences of the more general parametricity theorem of type abstraction. This allows us to give very short soundness proofs for dynamic IFC libraries such as faceted values and LIO. Our proofs stay short even when fully mechanized for Agda implementations of the libraries in terms of type abstraction.Comment: CSF 2021 final versio

    Foundational Extensible Corecursion

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under well-behaved operations, including constructors. Corecursive functions that are well behaved can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Simple Noninterference from Parametricity

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    In this paper we revisit the connection between parametricity and noninterference. Our primary contribution is a proof of noninterference for a polyvariant variation of the Dependency Core Calculus of in the Calculus of Constructions. The proof is modular: it leverages parametricity for the Calculus of Constructions and the encoding of data abstraction using existential types. This perspective gives rise to simple and understandable proofs of noninterference from parametricity. All our contributions have been mechanised in the Agda proof assistant

    Large and Infinitary Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types

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    Quotient inductive-inductive types (QIITs) are generalized inductive types which allow sorts to be indexed over previously declared sorts, and allow usage of equality constructors. QIITs are especially useful for algebraic descriptions of type theories and constructive definitions of real, ordinal and surreal numbers. We develop new metatheory for large QIITs, large elimination, recursive equations and infinitary constructors. As in prior work, we describe QIITs using a type theory where each context represents a QIIT signature. However, in our case the theory of signatures can also describe its own signature, modulo universe sizes. We bootstrap the model theory of signatures using self-description and a Church-coded notion of signature, without using complicated raw syntax or assuming an existing internal QIIT of signatures. We give semantics to described QIITs by modeling each signature as a finitely complete CwF (category with families) of algebras. Compared to the case of finitary QIITs, we additionally need to show invariance under algebra isomorphisms in the semantics. We do this by modeling signature types as isofibrations. Finally, we show by a term model construction that every QIIT is constructible from the syntax of the theory of signatures

    From parametricity to conservation laws, via Noether's Theorem

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    Invariance is of paramount importance in programming languages and in physics. In programming languages, John Reynolds' theory of relational parametricity demonstrates that parametric polymorphic programs are invariant under change of data representation, a property that yields "free" theorems about programs just from their types. In physics, Emmy Noether showed that if the action of a physical system is invariant under change of coordinates, then the physical system has a conserved quantity: a quantity that remains constant for all time. Knowledge of conserved quantities can reveal deep properties of physical systems. For example, the conservation of energy is by Noether's theorem a consequence of a system's invariance under time-shifting. In this paper, we link Reynolds' relational parametricity with Noether's theorem for deriving conserved quantities. We propose an extension of System Fω with new kinds, types and term constants for writing programs that describe classical mechanical systems in terms of their Lagrangians. We show, by constructing a relationally parametric model of our extension of Fω, that relational parametricity is enough to satisfy the hypotheses of Noether's theorem, and so to derive conserved quantities for free, directly from the polymorphic types of Lagrangians expressed in our system

    Paranatural Category Theory

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    We establish and advocate for a novel branch of category theory, centered around strong dinatural transformations (herein known as "paranatural transformations"). Paranatural transformations generalize natural transformations to mixed-variant difunctors, but, unlike other such generalizations, are composable and exceptionally well-behaved. We define the category of difunctors and paranatural transformations, prove a novel "diYoneda Lemma" for this category, and explore some of the category-theoretic implications. We also develop three compelling uses for paranatural category theory: parametric polymorphism, impredicative encodings of (co)inductive types, and difunctor models of type theory. Paranatural transformations capture the essence of parametricity, with their "paranaturality condition" coinciding exactly with the "free theorem" of the corresponding polymorphic type; the paranatural analogue of the (co)end calculus provides an elegant and general framework for reasoning about initial algebras, terminal coalgebras, bisimulations, and representation independence; and "diYoneda reasoning" facilitates the lifting of Grothendieck universes into difunctor models of type theory. We develop these topics and propose further avenues of research

    Trocq: Proof Transfer for Free, With or Without Univalence

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    Libraries of formalized mathematics use a possibly broad range of different representations for a same mathematical concept. Yet light to major manual input from users remains most often required for obtaining the corresponding variants of theorems, when such obvious replacements are typically left implicit on paper. This article presents Trocq, a new proof transfer framework for dependent type theory. Trocq is based on a novel formulation of type equivalence, used to generalize the univalent parametricity translation. This framework takes care of avoiding dependency on the axiom of univalence when possible, and may be used with more relations than just equivalences. We have implemented a corresponding plugin for the Coq proof assistant, in the CoqElpi meta-language. We use this plugin on a gallery of representative examples of proof transfer issues in interactive theorem proving, and illustrate how Trocq covers the spectrum of several existing tools, used in program verification as well as in formalized mathematics in the broad sense

    A Presheaf Model of Parametric Type Theory

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    Abstract We extend Martin-Löf's Logical Framework with special constructions and typing rules providing internalized parametricity. Compared to previous similar proposals, this version comes with a denotational semantics which is a refinement of the standard presheaf semantics of dependent type theory. Further, this presheaf semantics is a refinement of the one used to interpret nominal sets with restrictions. The present calculus is a candidate for the core of a proof assistant with internalized parametricity

    A Reasonably Gradual Type Theory

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    Gradualizing the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC) involves dealing with subtle tensions between normalization, graduality, and conservativity with respect to CIC. Recently, GCIC has been proposed as a parametrized gradual type theory that admits three variants, each sacrificing one of these properties. For devising a gradual proof assistant based on CIC, normalization and conservativity with respect to CIC are key, but the tension with graduality needs to be addressed. Additionally, several challenges remain: (1) The presence of two wildcard terms at any type-the error and unknown terms-enables trivial proofs of any theorem, jeopardizing the use of a gradual type theory in a proof assistant; (2) Supporting general indexed inductive families, most prominently equality, is an open problem; (3) Theoretical accounts of gradual typing and graduality so far do not support handling type mismatches detected during reduction; (4) Precision and graduality are external notions not amenable to reasoning within a gradual type theory. All these issues manifest primally in CastCIC, the cast calculus used to define GCIC. In this work, we present an extension of CastCIC called GRIP. GRIP is a reasonably gradual type theory that addresses the issues above, featuring internal precision and general exception handling. GRIP features an impure (gradual) sort of types inhabited by errors and unknown terms, and a pure (non-gradual) sort of strict propositions for consistent reasoning about gradual terms. Internal precision supports reasoning about graduality within GRIP itself, for instance to characterize gradual exception-handling terms, and supports gradual subset types. We develop the metatheory of GRIP using a model formalized in Coq, and provide a prototype implementation of GRIP in Agda.Comment: 27pages + 2pages bibliograph