738 research outputs found

    RFID-enabled warehouse optimization: lessons from early adopters in the 3PL industry

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    This paper presents the impact of RFID technology on the picking and shipping processes of one RFID-enabled warehouse in the 3PL industry. The findings from our study confirm initial results from many studies where RFID implementation has been shown to enable business process redesign, improve data quality, real-time data collection and synchronization and enhance system integration. In this study we show that the full potential of RFID technology is dependent upon the involvement of all supply chain members involved in implementation. Moreover, firms considering implementing RFID technology need to take into account their investment in complementary assets such as employee training and knowledge development. The implication of this is that business process modeling and simulation is critical to ensure that stakeholders involved in a RFID project fully understand the impacts of integrating RFID technology on business processes

    RFID in the warehouse:a literature analysis (1995-2010) of its applications, benefits, challenges and future trends

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been identified as a crucial technology for the modern 21st century knowledge-based economy. Some businesses have realised benefits of RFID adoption through improvements in operational efficiency, additional cost savings, and opportunities for higher revenues. RFID research in warehousing operations has been less prominent than in other application domains. To investigate how RFID technology has had an impact in warehousing, a comprehensive analysis of research findings available from articles through leading scientific article databases has been conducted. Articles from years 1995 to 2010 have been reviewed and analysed with respect to warehouse operations, RFID application domains, benefits achieved and obstacles encountered. Four discussion topics are presented covering RFID in warehousing focusing on its applications, perceived benefits, obstacles to its adoption and future trends. This is aimed at elucidating the current state of RFID in the warehouse and providing insights for researchers to establish new research agendas and for practitioners to consider and assess the adoption of RFID in warehousing functions

    Achieving supply chain integration using RFID technology: The case of emerging intelligent B-to-B e-commerce processes in a living laboratory

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    Purpose: Despite the high operational and strategic potentials of RFID technology, very little studies have been conducted about its role as enabler of supply chain integration to achieve high-level operational efficiency. Therefore, this study is an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap in the literature. Design/methodology: This exploratory research was conducted in one retail supply chain. A multi-method approach combining a longitudinal real-life case study and a methodology integrating several steps, including a “Living Laboratory” strategy was used and involved all members of a product line to analyze in terms of their contributing activities and their interface with other supply chain members, the aim being to explore the impact of RFID technology on inter- and intra-organizational processes and information systems. Findings: Our results provide support to the role of RFID as enabler of better integration of timeliness and accuracy data flows into information systems, business process optimization through automation, better system-to-system communication and better inter- and-intra-organizational business process integration. Furthermore, they also validate the unique characteristics of RFID technology such as enabler of realtime multiple tags items data collection and exchange within the supply chain and the read-and-write capability that may help, for example, to reuse some RFID tags within the supply chain and therefore reduce the cost related to the purchase of the said RFID tags. Finally, the study also reveals the importance of business process renovation and complementary investments during the adoption of RFID technology in order to achieve high level of business value from the technology

    Achieving supply chain integration using RFID technology: The case of emerging intelligent B-to-B e-commerce processes in a living laboratory

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    Purpose: Despite the high operational and strategic potentials of RFID technology, very little studies have been conducted about its role as enabler of supply chain integration to achieve high-level operational efficiency. Therefore, this study is an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap in the literature. Design/methodology: This exploratory research was conducted in one retail supply chain. A multi-method approach combining a longitudinal real-life case study and a methodology integrating several steps, including a “Living Laboratory” strategy was used and involved all members of a product line to analyze in terms of their contributing activities and their interface with other supply chain members, the aim being to explore the impact of RFID technology on inter- and intra-organizational processes and information systems. Findings: Our results provide support to the role of RFID as enabler of better integration of timeliness and accuracy data flows into information systems, business process optimization through automation, better system-to-system communication and better inter- and-intra-organizational business process integration. Furthermore, they also validate the unique characteristics of RFID technology such as enabler of realtime multiple tags items data collection and exchange within the supply chain and the read-and-write capability that may help, for example, to reuse some RFID tags within the supply chain and therefore reduce the cost related to the purchase of the said RFID tags. Finally, the study also reveals the importance of business process renovation and complementary investments during the adoption of RFID technology in order to achieve high level of business value from the technology

    Integrating RFID Technology and EPC Network into a B2B Retail Supply Chain: A Step Toward Intelligent Business Processes

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    This article introduces RFID technology and the EPC Network and investigates their potential for B-to-B eCommerce supply chain management. Based on empirical data gathered from four tightly interrelated firms from three layers of a supply chain, several scenarios integrating RFID and the EPC Network have been tested and evaluated. In the context of warehousing activities in one specific retail supply chain, the results indicate that i) the business process approach seems quite appropriate to capture the real potential of RFID and the EPC Network; ii) RFID technology and the EPC Network can improve the “shipping” and the “receiving” processes; iii) they can automatically trigger some business processes; iv) they foster a higher level of information sharing between supply chain members; and v) they promote the emergence of new business processes such as “process-to-process,” “process-to-machine,” and “machine-to-machine.” The paper helps to improve our understanding of the real potential of RFID and the EPC Network for business processes.Este artículo introduce a los conceptos de la tecnología RFID y las redes EPC, e investiga su potencial para la gestión de cadenas de proveedores en el comercio electrónico B-a-B. basado en datos empíricos recolectados desde compañías estrechamente relacionadas que provienen de tres distintas capas de una cadena de proveedores. En el contexto de las actividades de actividades de almacenamiento en una cadena de proveedores específica de retail, los resultados indican que (i) la aproximación al proceso de negocio se ve muy apropiado para capturar el real potencial de la RFID y la red EPC; (ii) La tecnología RFID y las redes EPC pueden mejorar los procesos de “envío” y “recepción”; (iii) pueden automáticamente gatillar algunos procesos de negocios; (iV) impulsan un nivel más alto de repartición entre los miembros de la cadena de abastecimiento; y (v) promueven el surgimiento de nuevos procesos de negocios tales como “proceso-a-proceso”, “ proceso-a-máquina”, y “máquina-a-máquina”. Este artículo ayuda a mejorar nuestro entendimiento del potencial real de la tecnología RFID y las redes EPC para los procesos de negocio.This article introduces RFID technology and the EPC Network and investigates their potential for B-to-B eCommerce supply chain management. Based on empirical data gathered from four tightly interrelated firms from three layers of a supply chain, several scenarios integrating RFID and the EPC Network have been tested and evaluated. In the context of warehousing activities in one specific retail supply chain, the results indicate that i) the business process approach seems quite appropriate to capture the real potential of RFID and the EPC Network; ii) RFID technology and the EPC Network can improve the “shipping” and the “receiving” processes; iii) they can automatically trigger some business processes; iv) they foster a higher level of information sharing between supply chain members; and v) they promote the emergence of new business processes such as “process-to-process,” “process-to-machine,” and “machine-to-machine.” The paper helps to improve our understanding of the real potential of RFID and the EPC Network for business processes

    An Inside Look at RFID Technology

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    RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is considered one of the “hottest” technologies due to its particular capabilities to track and trace in real-time objects across the extended supply chain. This article gives an inside look at the RFID world in order to improve the level of understanding of this technology and the EPC Network. An introduction to RFID’s systems, RFID’s potential to improve the efficiency of operations, different areas of application, as well as a roadmap approach to undertake an RFID implementation will be discussed in this article.La Identificación por Rediofrecuencias (RFID) es considerada hoy en día una de las tecnologías “de punta” debido a su capacidad especializada de identificar y trazar objetos a lo largo de una cadena de provisión en tiempo real. El siguiente artículo hace una revisión de RFID en el mundo con el objetivo de entender ésta tecnología y la red EPC. Una introducción a los sistemas de RFID, y el potencial de éste sistema para mejorar la eficiencia de sus operaciones, las diferentes áreas de su aplicación, y una aproximación de un mapa de implementación de RFID es discutida a continuación.RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is considered one of the “hottest” technologies due to its particular capabilities to track and trace in real-time objects across the extended supply chain. This article gives an inside look at the RFID world in order to improve the level of understanding of this technology and the EPC Network. An introduction to RFID’s systems, RFID’s potential to improve the efficiency of operations, different areas of application, as well as a roadmap approach to undertake an RFID implementation will be discussed in this article

    Modèle d'adoption technologique dans un environnement de gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement

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    La gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement -- Le rôle des systèmes interorganisationnels pour soutenir la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement -- La collaboration engendrée par des pressions exercées -- Le rôle des pressions coercitives dans l'adoption des systèmes interorganisationnels -- Les paradigmes d'adoption -- L'évolution du commerce électronique dans les entreprises -- Le lien entre les relations interentreprises et l'adoption des systèmes interorganisationnels -- Cadre conceptuel proposé et démarche privilégiée -- Articles de thèse, liens avec le programme de recherche et objectifs spécifiques -- Evolving B2B E-Commerce adaptation for SME suppliers -- RFID and buyer-seller relationships in the retail supply chain -- Technological requirements and derived benefits from RFID enabled receiving in a supply chain

    Étude des phases en amont des projets d'adoption des technologies RFID pour l'amélioration des chaînes d'approvisionnement

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    Problématique et objectifs de recherche -- Les technologies RFID et le réseau EPC -- Cadre conceptuel et contexte d'innovation -- University-based living lab for managing the front-end of innovation : the case of RFID implementation -- The potential of RFID in warehousing activities in a retail industry supply chain -- Key performance indicators for the evaluation of RFID enabled B-TO-B ecommerce applications : the case of fivelayer supply chain

    Using RFID to Overcome Inventory Control Challenges: A Proof of Concept

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    Using a Proof of Concept approach, this paper examines RFID’s impact on inventory control of a small-to-medium retailer. Results indicate that RFID technology can function effectively in a small-to-medium hardware environment. Also, the majority of the simulations recorded reasonable read rates even though the simulations were set up over a short period of time without a great deal of fine-tuning. Moreover, RFID could have a positive impact on the inventory-related processes of the organisation by either streamlining or formalizing them and facilitate the electronic storage of information captured in real-time, relating to the movement of stock and the amount of stock held, providing visibility to members of the organisation. Despite these encouraging findings in relation to using RFID for inventory control purposes within the small-to-medium retailer, it is recommended that other alternatives aimed at improving the inventory control practices of the organisation be investigated before committing to the implementation of RFID
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