9 research outputs found

    The nexus between quality of customer relationship management systems and customers' satisfaction: Evidence from online customers’ reviews

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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a method of management that aims to establish, develop, and improve relationships with targeted customers in order to maximize corporate profitability and customer value. There have been many CRM systems in the market. These systems are developed based on the combination of business requirements, customer needs, and industry best practices. The impact of CRM systems on the customers' satisfaction and competitive advantages as well as tangible and intangible benefits are widely investigated in the previous studies. However, there is a lack of studies to assess the quality dimensions of these systems to meet an organization's CRM strategy. This study aims to investigate customers' satisfaction with CRM systems through online reviews. We collected 5172 online customers' reviews from 8 CRM systems in the Google play store platform. The satisfaction factors were extracted using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and grouped into three dimensions; information quality, system quality, and service quality. Data segmentation is performed using Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). In addition, feature selection is performed by the entropy-weight approach. We then used the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), the hybrid of fuzzy logic and neural networks, to assess the relationship between these dimensions and customer satisfaction. The results are discussed and research implications are provided.The authors are thankful to the Deanship of Scientific Research at Najran University for funding this work, under the Research Groups Funding program grant code NU/RG/SERC/12/44

    Development of new methodologies for the weight estimation of aircraft structures

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    The problem of weight estimation in the aerospace industry has been acquiring considerably greater importance in recent years, due to the numerous challenges frequently encountered in the preliminary phases of the design of a new aircraft. This is the stage where it is possible to make design changes without incurring into excessive cost penalties. On the other hand, the knowledge of the design, of the relationships existing between the different variables and their subsequent impact on the final weight of the structure is very limited. As a result, the designer is unable to understand the true effect that individual design decisions will produce on the weight of the structure. In addition to this, new aircraft concepts end up being too conservative, due to the high dependency of current weight estimation methods to historical data and off-the-shelf design solutions. This thesis aims at providing an alternative framework for the weight estimation of aircraft structures at preliminary design stages. By conducting a thorough assessment of current state-of-the-art approaches and tools used in the field, fuzzy logic is presented as an appropriate foundation on which to build an innovative approach to the problem. Different adaptive fuzzy approaches have been used in the development of a methodology which is able to combine an analytical base to the structural design of selected trailing edge components, with substantial knowledge acquisition capabilities for the computation of robust and reliable weight estimates. The final framework allows considerable flexibility in the level of detail of the estimate consistent with the granularity of the input data used. This, combined with an extensive uncertainty analysis through the use of Interval Type-2 fuzzy logic, will provide the designer with the capabilities to understand the impact of error propagation within the model and increase the confidence in the final estimat

    Quasi-optimization of Neuro-fuzzy Expert Systems using Asymptotic Least-squares and Modified Radial Basis Function Models: Intelligent Planning of Operational Research Problems

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    The uncertainty found in many industrialization systems poses a significant challenge; partic-ularly in modelling production planning and optimizing manufacturing flow. In aggregate production planning, a key requirement is an ability to accurately predict demand from a range of influencing factors, such as consumption for example. Accurately building such causal models can be problematic if significant uncertainties are present, such as when the data are fuzzy, uncertain, fluctuate and are non-linear. AI models, such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS), can cope with this better than most but even these well-established approaches fail if the data is scarce, poorly scaled and noisy. ANFIS is a combination of two approaches; Sugeno-type Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Two sets of parameters are required to define the model: premise parameters and consequent parameters. Together, they ensure that the correct number and shape of membership functions are used and combined to produce reliable outputs. However, optimally determining values for these parameters can only happen if there are enough data samples representing the problem space to ensure that the method can converge. Mitigation strategies are suggested in the literature, such as fixing the premise parameters to avoid over-fitting, but, for many practitioners, this is not an adequate solution, as their expertise lies in the application domain, not in the AI domain. The work presented here is motivated by a real-world challenge in modelling and pre-dicting demand for the gasoline industry in Iraq, an application where both the quality and quantity of the training data can significantly affect prediction accuracy. To overcome data scarcity, we propose novel data expansion algorithms that are able to augment the original data with new samples drawn from the same distribution. By using a combination of carefully chosen and suitably modified radial basis function models, we show how robust methods can overcome problems of over-smoothing at boundary values and turning points. We further show how transformed least-squares (TLS) approximation of the data can be constructed to asymptotically bound the effect of outliers to enable accurate data expansion to take place. Though the problem of scaling/normalization is well understood in some AI applications, we assess the impact on model accuracy for two specific scaling techniques. By comparing and contrasting a range of data scaling and data expansion methods, we can evaluate their effectiveness in reducing prediction error. Throughout this work, the various methods are explained and expanded upon using the case study drawn from the oil and gas industry in Iraq which focuses on the accurate prediction of yearly gasoline consumption. This case study, and others are used to demonstrate, empirically, the effectiveness of the approaches presented when compared to current state of the art. Finally, we present a tool developed in Matlab to allow practitioners to experiment with all methods and options presented in this work

    Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer

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    Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer (SNITIK) merupakan acara tahunan yang diadakan Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer. Acara ini merupakan bagian dari pelaksanaan Visi Fakultas. Pada tahun ini, SNITIK membawakan tema TECHONOPRENEUR: Bisnis Start up Digital, dimana tujuanya adalah untuk memperkenalkan teknologi kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi dan perkembangan di dunia bisnis saat ini. Salah satu contoh techonopreneur yang saat ini sangat berkembang adalah techonopreneur di bidang informasi teknologi. Tanpa disadari informasi teknologi sudah mengubah sudah pola kehidupan klayak banyak misalnya dalam hal memesan tiket pesawat, pengecekan kesehatan, Dompet digital, pemesanan makanan, pengiriman barang dan sebagainya. Kebutuhan manusia tidak hanya dicover oleh informasi teknologi, tetapi kebutuhan manusia membutuhkan perkembangan teknologi yang lain, seperti teknologi pangan, industri, kimia dan sebagainya. Oleh karena perkembangan zaman dan kebutuhan manusia yang semakin tinggi, maka diharapkan SNITIK 2019 membuka wawasan dan mendorong peserta untuk terlibat berperan serta menjadi seorang Technoprenuer

    \u3ci\u3eThe Symposium Proceedings of the 1998 Air Transport Research Group (ATRG), Volume 2\u3c/i\u3e

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    UNOAI Report 98-4https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1153/thumbnail.jp

    Project Risk Assessment for Customer Relationship Management Using Adaptive Nero Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

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