1,899 research outputs found

    Quantization Design for Distributed Optimization

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    We consider the problem of solving a distributed optimization problem using a distributed computing platform, where the communication in the network is limited: each node can only communicate with its neighbours and the channel has a limited data-rate. A common technique to address the latter limitation is to apply quantization to the exchanged information. We propose two distributed optimization algorithms with an iteratively refining quantization design based on the inexact proximal gradient method and its accelerated variant. We show that if the parameters of the quantizers, i.e. the number of bits and the initial quantization intervals, satisfy certain conditions, then the quantization error is bounded by a linearly decreasing function and the convergence of the distributed algorithms is guaranteed. Furthermore, we prove that after imposing the quantization scheme, the distributed algorithms still exhibit a linear convergence rate, and show complexity upper-bounds on the number of iterations to achieve a given accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms and the theoretical findings for solving a distributed optimal control problem

    Distributed anonymous function computation in information fusion and multiagent systems

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    We propose a model for deterministic distributed function computation by a network of identical and anonymous nodes, with bounded computation and storage capabilities that do not scale with the network size. Our goal is to characterize the class of functions that can be computed within this model. In our main result, we exhibit a class of non-computable functions, and prove that every function outside this class can at least be approximated. The problem of computing averages in a distributed manner plays a central role in our development

    Source Coding Optimization for Distributed Average Consensus

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    Consensus is a common method for computing a function of the data distributed among the nodes of a network. Of particular interest is distributed average consensus, whereby the nodes iteratively compute the sample average of the data stored at all the nodes of the network using only near-neighbor communications. In real-world scenarios, these communications must undergo quantization, which introduces distortion to the internode messages. In this thesis, a model for the evolution of the network state statistics at each iteration is developed under the assumptions of Gaussian data and additive quantization error. It is shown that minimization of the communication load in terms of aggregate source coding rate can be posed as a generalized geometric program, for which an equivalent convex optimization can efficiently solve for the global minimum. Optimization procedures are developed for rate-distortion-optimal vector quantization, uniform entropy-coded scalar quantization, and fixed-rate uniform quantization. Numerical results demonstrate the performance of these approaches. For small numbers of iterations, the fixed-rate optimizations are verified using exhaustive search. Comparison to the prior art suggests competitive performance under certain circumstances but strongly motivates the incorporation of more sophisticated coding strategies, such as differential, predictive, or Wyner-Ziv coding.Comment: Master's Thesis, Electrical Engineering, North Carolina State Universit

    Distributed Two-Step Quantized Fusion Rules via Consensus Algorithm for Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We consider the problem of distributed soft decision fusion in a bandwidth-constrained spatially uncorrelated wireless sensor network (WSN). The WSN is tasked with the detection of an intruder transmitting an unknown signal over a fading channel. Existing distributed consensus-based fusion rules algorithms only ensure equal combining of local data and in the case of bandwidth-constrained WSNs, we show that their performance is poor and does not converge across the sensor nodes (SNs). Motivated by this fact, we propose a two-step distributed quantized fusion rule algorithm where in the first step the SNs collaborate with their neighbors through error-free, orthogonal channels (the SNs exchange quantized information matched to the channel capacity of each link). In the second step, local 1-bit decisions generated in the first step are shared among neighbors to yield a consensus. A binary hypothesis testing is performed at any arbitrary SN to optimally declare the global decision. Simulations show that our proposed quantized two-step distributed detection algorithm approaches the performance of the unquantized centralized (with a fusion center) detector and its power consumption is shown to be 50% less than the existing (unquantized) conventional algorithm

    Graph Signal Processing:Sparse Representation and Applications

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    Over the past few decades we have been experiencing an explosion of information generated by large networks of sensors and other data sources. Much of this data is intrinsically structured, such as traffic evolution in a transportation network, temperature values in different geographical locations, information diffusion in social networks, functional activities in the brain, or 3D meshes in computer graphics. The representation, analysis, and compression of such data is a challenging task and requires the development of new tools that can identify and properly exploit the data structure. In this thesis, we formulate the processing and analysis of structured data using the emerging framework of graph signal processing. Graphs are generic data representation forms, suitable for modeling the geometric structure of signals that live on topologically complicated domains. The vertices of the graph represent the discrete data domain, and the edge weights capture the pairwise relationships between the vertices. A graph signal is then defined as a function that assigns a real value to each vertex. Graph signal processing is a useful framework for handling efficiently such data as it takes into consideration both the signal and the graph structure. In this work, we develop new methods and study several important problems related to the representation and structure-aware processing of graph signals in both centralized and distributed settings. We focus in particular in the theory of sparse graph signal representation and its applications and we bring some insights towards better understanding the interplay between graphs and signals on graphs. First, we study a novel yet natural application of the graph signal processing framework for the representation of 3D point cloud sequences. We exploit graph-based transform signal representations for addressing the challenging problem of compression of data that is characterized by dynamic 3D positions and color attributes. Next, we depart from graph-based transform signal representations to design new overcomplete representations, or dictionaries, which are adapted to specific classes of graph signals. In particular, we address the problem of sparse representation of graph signals residing on weighted graphs by learning graph structured dictionaries that incorporate the intrinsic geometric structure of the irregular data domain and are adapted to the characteristics of the signals. Then, we move to the efficient processing of graph signals in distributed scenarios, such as sensor or camera networks, which brings important constraints in terms of communication and computation in realistic settings. In particular, we study the effect of quantization in the distributed processing of graph signals that are represented by graph spectral dictionaries and we show that the impact of the quantization depends on the graph geometry and on the structure of the spectral dictionaries. Finally, we focus on a widely used graph process, the problem of distributed average consensus in a sensor network where sensors exchange quantized information with their neighbors. We propose a novel quantization scheme that depends on the graph topology and exploits the increasing correlation between the values exchanged by the sensors throughout the iterations of the consensus algorithm

    Unsupervised Learning in Detection of Gene Transfer

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    The tree representation as a model for organismal evolution has been in use since before Darwin. However, with the recent unprecedented access to biomolecular data, it has been discovered that, especially in the microbial world, individual genes making up the genome of an organism give rise to different and sometimes conflicting evolutionary tree topologies. This discovery calls into question the notion of a single evolutionary tree for an organism and gives rise to the notion of an evolutionary consensus tree based on the evolutionary patterns of the majority of genes in a genome embedded in a network of gene histories. Here, we discuss an approach to the analysis of genomic data of multiple genomes using bipartition spectral analysis and unsupervised learning. An interesting observation is that genes within genomes that have evolutionary tree topologies, which are in substantial conflict with the evolutionary consensus tree of an organism, point to possible horizontal gene transfer events which often delineate significant evolutionary events