184 research outputs found


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    A new technique Multiple-feature-based adaptive sparse representation (MFASR) has been demonstrated for Hyperspectral Images (HSI's) classification. This method involves mainly in four steps at the various stages. The spectral and spatial information reflected from the original Hyperspectral Images with four various features. A shape adaptive (SA) spatial region is obtained in each pixel region at the second step. The algorithm namely sparse representation has applied to get the coefficients of sparse for each shape adaptive region in the form of matrix with multiple features. For each test pixel, the class label is determined with the help of obtained coefficients. The performances of MFASR have much better classification results than other classifiers in the terms of quantitative and qualitative percentage of results. This MFASR will make benefit of strong correlations that are obtained from different extracted features and this make use of effective features and effective adaptive sparse representation. Thus, the very high classification performance was achieved through this MFASR technique

    Tumour Relapse Prediction Using Multiparametric MR Data Recorded during Follow-Up of GBM Patients

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    An Ensemble Semi-Supervised Adaptive Resonance Theory Model with Explanation Capability for Pattern Classification

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    Most semi-supervised learning (SSL) models entail complex structures and iterative training processes as well as face difficulties in interpreting their predictions to users. To address these issues, this paper proposes a new interpretable SSL model using the supervised and unsupervised Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) family of networks, which is denoted as SSL-ART. Firstly, SSL-ART adopts an unsupervised fuzzy ART network to create a number of prototype nodes using unlabeled samples. Then, it leverages a supervised fuzzy ARTMAP structure to map the established prototype nodes to the target classes using labeled samples. Specifically, a one-to-many (OtM) mapping scheme is devised to associate a prototype node with more than one class label. The main advantages of SSL-ART include the capability of: (i) performing online learning, (ii) reducing the number of redundant prototype nodes through the OtM mapping scheme and minimizing the effects of noisy samples, and (iii) providing an explanation facility for users to interpret the predicted outcomes. In addition, a weighted voting strategy is introduced to form an ensemble SSL-ART model, which is denoted as WESSL-ART. Every ensemble member, i.e., SSL-ART, assigns {\color{black}a different weight} to each class based on its performance pertaining to the corresponding class. The aim is to mitigate the effects of training data sequences on all SSL-ART members and improve the overall performance of WESSL-ART. The experimental results on eighteen benchmark data sets, three artificially generated data sets, and a real-world case study indicate the benefits of the proposed SSL-ART and WESSL-ART models for tackling pattern classification problems.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Future Challenges

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    A novel spectral-spatial co-training algorithm for the transductive classification of hyperspectral imagery data

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    The automatic classification of hyperspectral data is made complex by several factors, such as the high cost of true sample labeling coupled with the high number of spectral bands, as well as the spatial correlation of the spectral signature. In this paper, a transductive collective classifier is proposed for dealing with all these factors in hyperspectral image classification. The transductive inference paradigm allows us to reduce the inference error for the given set of unlabeled data, as sparsely labeled pixels are learned by accounting for both labeled and unlabeled information. The collective inference paradigm allows us to manage the spatial correlation between spectral responses of neighboring pixels, as interacting pixels are labeled simultaneously. In particular, the innovative contribution of this study includes: (1) the design of an application-specific co-training schema to use both spectral information and spatial information, iteratively extracted at the object (set of pixels) level via collective inference; (2) the formulation of a spatial-aware example selection schema that accounts for the spatial correlation of predicted labels to augment training sets during iterative learning and (3) the investigation of a diversity class criterion that allows us to speed-up co-training classification. Experimental results validate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed spectral-spatial, collective, co-training strategy

    Large Area Land Cover Mapping Using Deep Neural Networks and Landsat Time-Series Observations

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    This dissertation focuses on analysis and implementation of deep learning methodologies in the field of remote sensing to enhance land cover classification accuracy, which has important applications in many areas of environmental planning and natural resources management. The first manuscript conducted a land cover analysis on 26 Landsat scenes in the United States by considering six classifier variants. An extensive grid search was conducted to optimize classifier parameters using only the spectral components of each pixel. Results showed no gain in using deep networks by using only spectral components over conventional classifiers, possibly due to the small reference sample size and richness of features. The effect of changing training data size, class distribution, or scene heterogeneity were also studied and we found all of them having significant effect on classifier accuracy. The second manuscript reviewed 103 research papers on the application of deep learning methodologies in remote sensing, with emphasis on per-pixel classification of mono-temporal data and utilizing spectral and spatial data dimensions. A meta-analysis quantified deep network architecture improvement over selected convolutional classifiers. The effect of network size, learning methodology, input data dimensionality and training data size were also studied, with deep models providing enhanced performance over conventional one using spectral and spatial data. The analysis found that input dataset was a major limitation and available datasets have already been utilized to their maximum capacity. The third manuscript described the steps to build the full environment for dataset generation based on Landsat time-series data using spectral, spatial, and temporal information available for each pixel. A large dataset containing one sample block from each of 84 ecoregions in the conterminous United States (CONUS) was created and then processed by a hybrid convolutional+recurrent deep network, and the network structure was optimized with thousands of simulations. The developed model achieved an overall accuracy of 98% on the test dataset. Also, the model was evaluated for its overall and per-class performance under different conditions, including individual blocks, individual or combined Landsat sensors, and different sequence lengths. The analysis found that although the deep model performance per each block is superior to other candidates, the per block performance still varies considerably from block to block. This suggests extending the work by model fine-tuning for local areas. The analysis also found that including more time stamps or combining different Landsat sensor observations in the model input significantly enhances the model performance
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