11 research outputs found

    The Ciao clp(FD) library. A modular CLP extension for Prolog

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    We present a new free library for Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains, included with the Ciao Prolog system. The library is entirely written in Prolog, leveraging on Ciao's module system and code transformation capabilities in order to achieve a highly modular design without compromising performance. We describe the interface, implementation, and design rationale of each modular component. The library meets several design goals: a high level of modularity, allowing the individual components to be replaced by different versions; highefficiency, being competitive with other TT> implementations; a glass-box approach, so the user can specify new constraints at different levels; and a Prolog implementation, in order to ease the integration with Ciao's code analysis components. The core is built upon two small libraries which implement integer ranges and closures. On top of that, a finite domain variable datatype is defined, taking care of constraint reexecution depending on range changes. These three libraries form what we call the TT> kernel of the library. This TT> kernel is used in turn to implement several higher-level finite domain constraints, specified using indexicals. Together with a labeling module this layer forms what we name the TT> solver. A final level integrates the CLP (J7©) paradigm with our TT> solver. This is achieved using attributed variables and a compiler from the CLP (J7©) language to the set of constraints provided by the solver. It should be noted that the user of the library is encouraged to work in any of those levels as seen convenient: from writing a new range module to enriching the set of TT> constraints by writing new indexicals

    Programming Finite-Domain Constraint Propagators in Action Rules

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    In this paper, we propose a new language construct, called AR (Action Rules), and describe how various propagators for finite-domain constraints can be implemented in it. An action rule specifies a pattern for agents, an action that the agents can carry out, and an event pattern for events that can activate the agents. AR combines the goal-oriented execution model of logic programming with the event-driven execution model. This hybrid execution model facilitates programming constraint propagators. A propagator for a constraint is an agent that maintains the consistency of the constraint and is activated by the updates of the domain variables in the constraint. AR has a much stronger descriptive power than indexicals, the language widely used in the current finite-domain constraint systems, and is flexible for implementing not only interval-consistency but also arc-consistency algorithms. As examples, we present the implementation of a weak arc-consistency algorithm for the all distinct constraint and a hybrid algorithm for n-ary linear equality constraints. B-Prolog has been extended to accommodate action rules. Benchmarking shows that the performance of B-Prolog as a CLP(FD) system compares favorably with the fastest systems available now