361 research outputs found

    Investigating web APIs on the World Wide Web

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    Abstract—The world of services on the Web, thus far limited to “classical ” Web services based on WSDL and SOAP, has been increasingly marked by the domination of Web APIs, characterised by their relative simplicity and their natural suitability for the Web. Currently, the development of Web APIs is rather autonomous, guided by no established standards or rules, and Web API documentation is commonly not based on an interface description language such as WSDL, but is rather given directly in HTML as part of a webpage. As a result, the use of Web APIs requires extensive manual effort and the wealth of existing work on supporting common service tasks, including discovery, composition and invocation, can hardly be reused or adapted to APIs. Before we can achieve a higher level of automation and can make any significant improvement to current practices and technologies, we need to reach a deeper understanding of these. Therefore, in this paper we present a thorough analysis of the current landscape of Web API forms and descriptions, which has up-to-date remained unexplored. We base our findings on manually examining a body of publicly available APIs and, as a result, provide conclusions about common description forms, output types, usage of API parameters, invocation support, level of reusability, API granularity and authentication details. The collected data provides a solid basis for identifying deficiencies and realising how we can overcome existing limitations. More importantly, our analysis can be used as a basis for devising common standards and guidelines for Web API development. Keywords-Web APIs, RESTful services, Web services I

    Opportunities in Software Engineering Research for Web API Consumption

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    Nowadays, invoking third party code increasingly involves calling web services via their web APIs, as opposed to the more traditional scenario of downloading a library and invoking the library's API. However, there are also new challenges for developers calling these web APIs. In this paper, we highlight a broad set of these challenges and argue for resulting opportunities for software engineering research to support developers in consuming web APIs. We outline two specific research threads in this context: (1) web API specification curation, which enables us to know the signatures of web APIs, and (2) static analysis that is capable of extracting URLs, HTTP methods etc. of web API calls. Furthermore, we present new work on how we combine (1) and (2) to provide IDE support for application developers consuming web APIs. As web APIs are used broadly, research in supporting the consumption of web APIs offers exciting opportunities.Comment: Erik Wittern and Annie Ying are both first author

    How APIs Create Growth by Inverting the Firm

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    Traditional asset management strategy has emphasized building barriers to entry or closely guarding unique assets to maintain a firm’s comparative advantage. A new “Inverted Firm” paradigm, however, has emerged. Under this strategy, firms share data seeking to become platforms by opening digital services to third-parties and capturing part of their external surplus. This contrasts with a “pipeline” strategy where the firm itself creates value. This paper quantitatively estimates the effect of adopting an inverted firm strategy through the lens of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), a key enabling technology. Using both public data and that of a private API development firm, we document rapid growth of the API network and connecting apps since 2005. We then perform difference-in-difference and synthetic control analyses and find that public firms adopting public APIs grew an additional 38.7% relative to similar nonadopters. We find no significant effect from the use of APIs purely for internal productivity, the pipeline strategy. Within the subset of firms that adopt public APIs, those that attract more third-party complementors and those that become more central to the network see faster growth. Using variation in network centrality caused by API degradation, an instrumental variables analysis confirms a causal role for APIs in firm market value. Finally, we document an important downside of external API adoption: increased risk of data breach. Overall, these facts lead us to conclude that APIs have a large and positive impact on economic growth and do so primarily by enabling an inverted firm as opposed to pipeline strategy

    Feature LDA: a supervised topic model for automatic detection of Web API documentations from the Web

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    Web APIs have gained increasing popularity in recent Web service technology development owing to its simplicity of technology stack and the proliferation of mashups. However, efficiently discovering Web APIs and the relevant documentations on the Web is still a challenging task even with the best resources available on the Web. In this paper we cast the problem of detecting the Web API documentations as a text classification problem of classifying a given Web page as Web API associated or not. We propose a supervised generative topic model called feature latent Dirichlet allocation (feaLDA) which offers a generic probabilistic framework for automatic detection of Web APIs. feaLDA not only captures the correspondence between data and the associated class labels, but also provides a mechanism for incorporating side information such as labelled features automatically learned from data that can effectively help improving classification performance. Extensive experiments on our Web APIs documentation dataset shows that the feaLDA model outperforms three strong supervised baselines including naive Bayes, support vector machines, and the maximum entropy model, by over 3% in classification accuracy. In addition, feaLDA also gives superior performance when compared against other existing supervised topic models

    Inter-Parameter Dependencies in Real-World Web APIs: The IDEA Dataset

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    Context: Web services often impose constraints that restrict the way in which two or more input parameters can be combined to form valid calls to the service, so-called inter-parameter dependencies. Current API design languages like the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) provide no support for their formal description, making it hardly possible to automatically discover and interact with services without human intervention. Researchers and practitioners are openly requesting support for modelling and validating inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs, but this is not possible unless we share a deep understanding of how these dependencies emerge in practice. Objective: We aim to provide evidence on how inter-parameter dependencies are used in real-world web APIs. This evidence will hopefully serve as a basis for future proposals for modelling and analysing inter-parameter dependencies and will open a new range of research possibilities in areas related to service-oriented computing. Method: The documentation of 2,557 operations from 40 real-world web APIs was reviewed and carefully analysed, and 633 inter-parameter dependencies were found and classified into seven different types. Results: A machine-readable dataset was generated. This dataset helps understand the dimension and recurrence of inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs, as well as their taxonomy.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HORATIO (RTI2018-101204–B–C21)Junta de Andalucía APOLO (US-1264651)Junta de Andalucía EKIPMENTPLUS (P18–FR–2895)Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional FPU17/0407

    A history and future of Web APIs

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    An Analysis of RESTful APIs Offerings in the Industry

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    As distribution models of information systems are moving to XaaS paradigms, microservices architectures are rapidly emerging, having the RESTful principles as the API model of choice. In this context, the term of API Economy is being used to describe the increasing movement of the industries in order to take advantage of exposing their APIs as part of their service offering and expand its business model. Currently, the industry is adopting standard specifications such as OpenAPI to model the APIs in a standard way following the RESTful principles; this shift has supported the proliferation of API execution platforms (API Gateways) that allow the XaaS to optimize their costs. However, from a business point of view, modeling offering plans of those APIs is mainly done ad-hoc (or in a platform-dependent way) since no standard model has been proposed. This lack of standardization hinders the creation of API governance tools in order to provide and automate the management of business models in the XaaS industry. This work presents a systematic analysis of 69 XaaS in the industry that offer RESTful APIs as part of their business model. Specifically, we review in detail the plans that are part of the XaaS offerings that could be used as a first step to identify the requirements for the creation of an expressive governance model of realistic RESTful APIs. Additionally, we provide an open dataset in order to enable further analysis in this research line.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de AndalucĂ­a P12-TIC-1867Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deportes FPU15/0298

    Using semantics for automating the authentication of Web APIs

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    Recent technology developments in the area of services on the Web are marked by the proliferation of Web applications and APIs. The implementation and evolution of applications based on Web APIs is, however, hampered by the lack of automation that can be achieved with current technologies. Research on semantic Web services is there fore trying to adapt the principles and technologies that were devised for traditional Web services, to deal with this new kind of services. In this paper we show that currently more than 80% of the Web APIs require some form of authentication. Therefore authentication plays a major role for Web API invocation and should not be neglected in the context of mashups and composite data applications. We present a thorough analysis carried out over a body of publicly available APIs that determines the most commonly used authentication approaches. In the light of these results, we propose an ontology for the semantic annotation of Web API authentication information and demonstrate how it can be used to create semantic Web API descriptions. We evaluate the applicability of our approach by providing a prototypical implementation, which uses authentication annotations as the basis for automated service invocation
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