16 research outputs found

    Precise Timing of Digital Signals: Circuits and Applications

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    With the rapid advances in process technologies, the performance of state-of-the-art integrated circuits is improving steadily. The drive for higher performance is accompanied with increased emphasis on meeting timing constraints not only at the design phase but during device operation as well. Fortunately, technology advancements allow for even more precise control of the timing of digital signals, an advantage which can be used to provide solutions that can address some of the emerging timing issues. In this thesis, circuit and architectural techniques for the precise timing of digital signals are explored. These techniques are demonstrated in applications addressing timing issues in modern digital systems. A methodology for slow-speed timing characterization of high-speed pipelined datapaths is proposed. The technique uses a clock-timing circuit to create shifted versions of a slow-speed clock. These clocks control the data flow in the pipeline in the test mode. Test results show that the design provides an average timing resolution of 52.9ps in 0.18μm CMOS technology. Results also demonstrate the ability of the technique to track the performance of high-speed pipelines at a reduced clock frequency and to test the clock-timing circuit itself. In order to achieve higher resolutions than that of an inverter/buffer stage, a differential (vernier) delay line is commonly used. To allow for the design of differential delay lines with programmable delays, a digitally-controlled delay-element is proposed. The delay element is monotonic and achieves a high degree of transfer characteristics' (digital code vs. delay) linearity. Using the proposed delay element, a sub-1ps resolution is demonstrated experimentally in 0.18μm CMOS. The proposed delay element with a fixed delay step of 2ps is used to design a high-precision all-digital phase aligner. High-precision phase alignment has many applications in modern digital systems such as high-speed memory controllers, clock-deskew buffers, and delay and phase-locked loops. The design is based on a differential delay line and a variation tolerant phase detector using redundancy. Experimental results show that the phase aligner's range is from -264ps to +247ps which corresponds to an average delay step of approximately 2.43ps. For various input phase difference values, test results show that the difference is reduced to less than 2ps at the output of the phase aligner. On-chip time measurement is another application that requires precise timing. It has applications in modern automatic test equipment and on-chip characterization of jitter and skew. In order to achieve small conversion time, a flash time-to-digital converter is proposed. Mismatch between the various delay comparators limits the time measurement precision. This is demonstrated through an experiment in which a 6-bit, 2.5ps resolution flash time-to-digital converter provides an effective resolution of only 4-bits. The converter achieves a maximum conversion rate of 1.25GSa/s

    Design Techniques for Energy Efficient Multi-GB/S Serial I/O Transceivers

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    Total I/O bandwidth demand is growing in high-performance systems due to the emergence of many-core microprocessors and in mobile devices to support the next generation of multi-media features. High-speed serial I/O energy efficiency must improve in order to enable continued scaling of these parallel computing platforms in applications ranging from data centers to smart mobile devices. The first work, a low-power forwarded-clock I/O transceiver architecture is presented that employs a high degree of output/input multiplexing, supply-voltage scaling with data rate, and low-voltage circuit techniques to enable low-power operation. The transmitter utilizes a 4:1 output multiplexing voltage-mode driver along with 4-phase clocking that is efficiently generated from a passive poly-phase filter. The output driver voltage swing is accurately controlled from 100-200 mV_(ppd) using a low-voltage pseudo-differential regulator that employs a partial negative-resistance load for improved low frequency gain. 1:8 input de-multiplexing is performed at the receiver equalizer output with 8 parallel input samplers clocked from an 8-phase injection-locked oscillator that provides more than 1UI de-skew range. Low-power high-speed serial I/O transmitters which include equalization to compensate for channel frequency dependent loss are required to meet the aggressive link energy efficiency targets of future systems. The second work presents a low power serial link transmitter design that utilizes an output stage which combines a voltage-mode driver, which offers low static-power dissipation, and current-mode equalization, which offers low complexity and dynamic-power dissipation. The utilization of current-mode equalization decouples the equalization settings and termination impedance, allowing for a significant reduction in pre-driver complexity relative to segmented voltage-mode drivers. Proper transmitter series termination is set with an impedance control loop which adjusts the on-resistance of the output transistors in the driver voltage-mode portion. Further reductions in dynamic power dissipation are achieved through scaling the serializer and local clock distribution supply with data rate. Finally, it presents that a scalable quarter-rate transmitter employs an analog-controlled impedance-modulated 2-tap voltage-mode equalizer and achieves fast power-state transitioning with a replica-biased regulator and ILO clock generation. Capacitively-driven 2 mm global clock distribution and automatic phase calibration allows for aggressive supply scaling

    Layout regularity metric as a fast indicator of process variations

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    Integrated circuits design faces increasing challenge as we scale down due to the increase of the effect of sensitivity to process variations. Systematic variations induced by different steps in the lithography process affect both parametric and functional yields of the designs. These variations are known, themselves, to be affected by layout topologies. Design for Manufacturability (DFM) aims at defining techniques that mitigate variations and improve yield. Layout regularity is one of the trending techniques suggested by DFM to mitigate process variations effect. There are several solutions to create regular designs, like restricted design rules and regular fabrics. These regular solutions raised the need for a regularity metric. Metrics in literature are insufficient for different reasons; either because they are qualitative or computationally intensive. Furthermore, there is no study relating either lithography or electrical variations to layout regularity. In this work, layout regularity is studied in details and a new geometrical-based layout regularity metric is derived. This metric is verified against lithographic simulations and shows good correlation. Calculation of the metric takes only few minutes on 1mm x 1mm design, which is considered fast compared to the time taken by simulations. This makes it a good candidate for pre-processing the layout data and selecting certain areas of interest for lithographic simulations for faster throughput. The layout regularity metric is also compared against a model that measures electrical variations due to systematic lithographic variations. The validity of using the regularity metric to flag circuits that have high variability using the developed electrical variations model is shown. The regularity metric results compared to the electrical variability model results show matching percentage that can reach 80%, which means that this metric can be used as a fast indicator of designs more susceptible to lithography and hence electrical variations

    Automatic calibration of modulated fractional-N frequency synthesizers

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-148).This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.The focus of this research has been the development of a low power, radio frequency transmitter architecture. Specifically, a technique for in service automatic calibration of a modulated phase locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer has been developed. Phase/frequency modulation is accomplished by modulating the feedback divide value in a phase locked loop frequency synthesizer. A digital precompensation filter is used to extend the modulation bandwidth by canceling the low-pass transfer function of the PLL. The automatic calibration circuit maintains accurate matching between the digital precompensation filter and the analog PLL transfer function across process and temperature variations. The automatic calibration circuit, which is the main contribution of this thesis, operates while the transmitter is in service. This online calibration eliminates the need for production calibration and periodic down time for calibration cycles.(cont.) In addition the calibration circuitry provides greater accuracy in the modulation than what is possible via offline methods of calibration. The calibration circuit works with M-ary GFSK as well as 2 level GFSK. The automatic calibration circuit has been implemented in two forms to prove its operation. The first version is a circuit board level implementation with a center frequency of around 60 MHz. The second implementation of the system is in a full custom 0.6 ,Lm BiCMOS integrated circuit. The integrated circuit contains the complete synthesizer with automatic calibration and operates in the 1.88 GHz frequency band used by the Digital European Cordless Telephone (DECT) standard. A data rate of 2.5 Mbps using 2 level GFSK and 5.0 Mbps using 4 level GFSK has been achieved with a power consumption of 78 mW.by Daniel R. McMahill.Ph.D

    Deliverable D4.1: VLC modulation schemes

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    This report presents the analysis of different modulation schemes D4.1 for VLC systems of the VIDAS project. Considering the final prototype design and application, the deliverable D4.1 was projected. The detail analysis of various modulation schemes are carried out and a robust technique based on direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is followed. DSSS technique though necessitates use of high bandwidth while minimizing the effect of noise. Since the final application does not require very high dat a rate of transmission but robustness against the noise (external lights) becomes necessary. The analysis is followed by model development using Matlab/Simulink. The performance of both of these systems are compared and evaluated. Some of the simulation results are presented

    Ein analytisches Framework zur Bewertung der Zuverlässigkeit und Security von fortschrittlichen Netzwerk Systemen

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    Today, anonymous networks such as The Onion Routing (Tor) have been designed to ensure anonymity, privacy and censorship prevention, which have become major concerns in modern society. Although the Tor network provides layered encryption and traffic tunneling against eavesdropping attacks, the jamming attacks and their impact on the network and network services can not be efficiently handled today. Moreover, to defy modern censorship, it is not enough just to use the Tor network to hide the client's identity and the message content as the censorship has become a type of jamming attack, which prevents users from connecting to the censored network nodes by blocking or jamming (Tor) traffic. In network security, the main tools to protect privacy and anonymity as well as integrity and service reliability against eavesdropping and jamming, respectively, are diversity, randomness, coding or encryption and over-provisioning, all less exploit in traditional networks. This thesis provides radical new network concepts to address the needs of traditional networks for privacy, anonymity, integrity, and reliability; and designs \emph{advanced network systems} based on parallel transmission, random routing, erasure coding and redundant configurations as tools to offer diversity, randomness, coding and over-provisioning. Since the network systems designed in this thesis can not be evaluated with existing analytical models due to their rather complex configurations, the main focus of this work is a development of novel analytical approaches for evaluation of network performance, reliability and security of these systems and to show their practicality. The provided analysis is based on combinatorics, probability and information theory. In contrast to current reliability models, the analysis in this thesis takes into account the sharing of network components, heterogeneity of software and hardware, and interdependence between failed components. The significant property of the new security analysis proposed is the ability to assess the level of privacy, anonymity, integrity and censorship success when multiple jamming and eavesdropping adversaries reside in the network.Derzeit werden anonyme Internet Kommunikationssysteme, wie The Onion Routing (Tor), verwendet, um die Anonymität, die Privatsphäre und die Zensurfreiheit der Internetnutzer zu schützen. Obwohl das Tor-Netzwerk einen Schutz vor Lauschangriffe (Eavesdropping) bietet, kann ein beabsichtigtes Stören (Jamming) der Übertragung und den daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die Netzwerkfunktionen derzeit nicht effektiv abgewehrt werden. Auch das moderne Zensurverfahren im Internet stellt eine Art des Jammings dar. Deswegen kann das Tor Netzwerk zwar die Identität der Tor-Nutzer und die Inhalte ihrer Nachrichten geheim halten, die Internetzensur kann dadurch nicht verhindert werden. Um die Netzwerksicherheit und insbesondere Anonymität, Privatsphäre und Integrität zusammen mit der Verfügbar.- und Zuverlässigkeit von Netzwerkservices zu gewährleisten, sind Diversität, Zufallsprinzip, Codierung (auch Verschlüsselung) und eine Überversorgung, die in den konventionellen Netzwerksystemen eher sparsam angewendet werden, die wichtigsten Mittel gegen Security-Angriffe. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit grundlegend neuen Konzepten für Kommunikationsnetze, die einen Schutz der Anonymität und der Privatsphäre im Internet bei gleichzeitiger Sicherstellung von Integrität, Verfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit ermöglichen. Die dabei verwendeten Konzepte sind die parallele Datenübertragung, das Random Routing, das Erasure Coding und redundante Systemkonfigurationen. Damit sollen Diversität, Zufallsprinzip, Codierung und eine Überversorgung gewährleistet werden. Da die entwickelten Übertragungssysteme komplexe Strukturen und Konfigurationen aufweisen, können existierende analytische Modelle nicht für eine fundierte Bewertung angewendet werden. Daher ist der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit neue analytische Verfahren für eine Bewertung von unterschiedlichen Netzwerkleistungsparametern, Zuverlässigkeit und Security zu entwickeln und die Praxistauglichkeit der in der Arbeit aufgeführten neuen Übertragungskonzepte zu beurteilen. Im Gegensatz zu existierenden Zuverlässigkeitsmodellen berücksichtigt der analytische Ansatz dieser Arbeit die Vielfalt von beteiligten Netzwerkkomponenten, deren komplexe Zusammenhänge und Abhängigkeiten im Fall eines Ausfalls

    LASER Tech Briefs, September 1993

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    This edition of LASER Tech briefs contains a feature on photonics. The other topics include: Electronic Components and Circuits. Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Computer Programs, Mechanics, Machinery, Fabrication Technology, Mathematics and Information Sciences, Life Sciences and books and reports

    Crypto-processeur architecture, programmation et évaluation de la sécurité

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    Les architectures des processeurs et coprocesseurs cryptographiques se montrent fréquemment vulnérables aux différents types d attaques ; en particulier, celles qui ciblent une révélation des clés chiffrées. Il est bien connu qu une manipulation des clés confidentielles comme des données standards par un processeur peut être considérée comme une menace. Ceci a lieu par exemple lors d un changement du code logiciel (malintentionné ou involontaire) qui peut provoquer que la clé confidentielle sorte en clair de la zone sécurisée. En conséquence, la sécurité de tout le système serait irréparablement menacée. L objectif que nous nous sommes fixé dans le travail présenté, était la recherche d architectures matérielles reconfigurables qui peuvent fournir une sécurité élevée des clés confidentielles pendant leur génération, leur enregistrement et leur échanges en implantant des modes cryptographiques de clés symétriques et des protocoles. La première partie de ce travail est destinée à introduire les connaissances de base de la cryptographie appliquée ainsi que de l électronique pour assurer une bonne compréhension des chapitres suivants. Deuxièmement, nous présentons un état de l art des menaces sur la confidentialité des clés secrètes dans le cas où ces dernières sont stockées et traitées dans un système embarqué. Pour lutter contre les menaces mentionnées, nous proposons alors de nouvelles règles au niveau du design de l architecture qui peuvent augmenter la résistance des processeurs et coprocesseurs cryptographiques contre les attaques logicielles. Ces règles prévoient une séparation des registres dédiés à l enregistrement de clés et ceux dédiés à l enregistrement de données : nous proposons de diviser le système en zones : de données, du chiffreur et des clés et à isoler ces zones les unes des autres au niveau du protocole, du système, de l architecture et au niveau physique. Ensuite, nous présentons un nouveau crypto-processeur intitulé HCrypt, qui intègre ces règles de séparation et qui assure ainsi une gestion sécurisée des clés. Mises à part les instructions relatives à la gestion sécurisée de clés, quelques instructions supplémentaires sont dédiées à une réalisation simple des modes de chiffrement et des protocoles cryptographiques. Dans les chapitres suivants, nous explicitons le fait que les règles de séparation suggérées, peuvent également être étendues à l architecture d un processeur généraliste et coprocesseur. Nous proposons ainsi un crypto-coprocesseur sécurisé qui est en mesure d être utilisé en relation avec d autres processeurs généralistes. Afin de démontrer sa flexibilité, le crypto-coprocesseur est interconnecté avec les processeurs soft-cores de NIOS II, de MicroBlaze et de Cortex M1. Par la suite, la résistance du crypto-processeur par rapport aux attaques DPA est testée. Sur la base de ces analyses, l architecture du processeur HCrypt est modifiée afin de simplifier sa protection contre les attaques par canaux cachés (SCA) et les attaques par injection de fautes (FIA). Nous expliquons aussi le fait qu une réorganisation des blocs au niveau macroarchitecture du processeur HCrypt, augmente la résistance du nouveau processeur HCrypt2 par rapport aux attaques de type DPA et FIA. Nous étudions ensuite les possibilités pour pouvoir reconfigurer dynamiquement les parties sélectionnées de l architecture du processeur crypto-coprocesseur. La reconfiguration dynamique peut être très utile lorsque l algorithme de chiffrement ou ses implantations doivent être changés en raison de l apparition d une vulnérabilité Finalement, la dernière partie de ces travaux de thèse, est destinée à l exécution des tests de fonctionnalité et des optimisations stricts des deux versions du cryptoprocesseur HCryptArchitectures of cryptographic processors and coprocessors are often vulnerable to different kinds of attacks, especially those targeting the disclosure of encryption keys. It is well known that manipulating confidential keys by the processor as ordinary data can represent a threat: a change in the program code (malicious or unintentional) can cause the unencrypted confidential key to leave the security area. This way, the security of the whole system would be irrecoverably compromised. The aim of our work was to search for flexible and reconfigurable hardware architectures, which can provide high security of confidential keys during their generation, storage and exchange while implementing common symmetric key cryptographic modes and protocols. In the first part of the manuscript, we introduce the bases of applied cryptography and of reconfigurable computing that are necessary for better understanding of the work. Second, we present threats to security of confidential keys when stored and processed within an embedded system. To counteract these threats, novel design rules increasing robustness of cryptographic processors and coprocessors against software attacks are presented. The rules suggest separating registers dedicated to key storage from those dedicated to data storage: we propose to partition the system into the data, cipher and key zone and to isolate the zones from each other at protocol, system, architectural and physical levels. Next, we present a novel HCrypt crypto-processor complying with the separation rules and thus ensuring secure key management. Besides instructions dedicated to secure key management, some additional instructions are dedicated to easy realization of block cipher modes and cryptographic protocols in general. In the next part of the manuscript, we show that the proposed separation principles can be extended also to a processor-coprocessor architecture. We propose a secure crypto-coprocessor, which can be used in conjunction with any general-purpose processor. To demonstrate its flexibility, the crypto-coprocessor is interconnected with the NIOS II, MicroBlaze and Cortex M1 soft-core processors. In the following part of the work, we examine the resistance of the HCrypt cryptoprocessor to differential power analysis (DPA) attacks. Following this analysis, we modify the architecture of the HCrypt processor in order to simplify its protection against side channel attacks (SCA) and fault injection attacks (FIA). We show that by rearranging blocks of the HCrypt processor at macroarchitecture level, the new HCrypt2 processor becomes natively more robust to DPA and FIA. Next, we study possibilities of dynamically reconfiguring selected parts of the processor - crypto-coprocessor architecture. The dynamic reconfiguration feature can be very useful when the cipher algorithm or its implementation must be changed in response to appearance of some vulnerability. Finally, the last part of the manuscript is dedicated to thorough testing and optimizations of both versions of the HCrypt crypto-processor. Architectures of crypto-processors and crypto-coprocessors are often vulnerable to software attacks targeting the disclosure of encryption keys. The thesis introduces separation rules enabling crypto-processor/coprocessors to support secure key management. Separation rules are implemented on novel HCrypt crypto-processor resistant to software attacks targetting the disclosure of encryption keysST ETIENNE-Bib. électronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Earth resources technology satellite. Volume 14 - Ground data handling system design

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    NASA Ground Data Handling system design for ERT