11,097 research outputs found

    Designing heterogeneous porous tissue scaffolds for additive manufacturing processes

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    A novel tissue scaffold design technique has been proposed with controllable heterogeneous architecture design suitable for additive manufacturing processes. The proposed layer-based design uses a bi-layer pattern of radial and spiral layers consecutively to generate functionally gradient porosity, which follows the geometry of the scaffold. The proposed approach constructs the medial region from the medial axis of each corresponding layer, which represents the geometric internal feature or the spine. The radial layers of the scaffold are then generated by connecting the boundaries of the medial region and the layer's outer contour. To avoid the twisting of the internal channels, reorientation and relaxation techniques are introduced to establish the point matching of ruling lines. An optimization algorithm is developed to construct sub-regions from these ruling lines. Gradient porosity is changed between the medial region and the layer's outer contour. Iso-porosity regions are determined by dividing the subregions peripherally into pore cells and consecutive iso-porosity curves are generated using the isopoints from those pore cells. The combination of consecutive layers generates the pore cells with desired pore sizes. To ensure the fabrication of the designed scaffolds, the generated contours are optimized for a continuous, interconnected, and smooth deposition path-planning. A continuous zig-zag pattern deposition path crossing through the medial region is used for the initial layer and a biarc fitted isoporosity curve is generated for the consecutive layer with C-1 continuity. The proposed methodologies can generate the structure with gradient (linear or non-linear), variational or constant porosity that can provide localized control of variational porosity along the scaffold architecture. The designed porous structures can be fabricated using additive manufacturing processes

    ExtrudeNet: Unsupervised Inverse Sketch-and-Extrude for Shape Parsing

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    Sketch-and-extrude is a common and intuitive modeling process in computer aided design. This paper studies the problem of learning the shape given in the form of point clouds by inverse sketch-and-extrude. We present ExtrudeNet, an unsupervised end-to-end network for discovering sketch and extrude from point clouds. Behind ExtrudeNet are two new technical components: 1) an effective representation for sketch and extrude, which can model extrusion with freeform sketches and conventional cylinder and box primitives as well; and 2) a numerical method for computing the signed distance field which is used in the network learning. This is the first attempt that uses machine learning to reverse engineer the sketch-and-extrude modeling process of a shape in an unsupervised fashion. ExtrudeNet not only outputs a compact, editable and interpretable representation of the shape that can be seamlessly integrated into modern CAD software, but also aligns with the standard CAD modeling process facilitating various editing applications, which distinguishes our work from existing shape parsing research. Code is released at https://github.com/kimren227/ExtrudeNet.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 202

    Integrating tolerances in G and M codes using neural networks

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    Continuous integrated solutions from CAD down to the preparation of NC programs were developed in the recent years. However, if tolerances should be considered, the interaction of human experts is still necessary. A way to fill this gap in the production process is shown in this thesis. The study builds a relationship between the given design tolerances and including these tolerances in machining by generating respective G and M codes. The study focuses on physical phenomena and their inter-relationship while manufacturing. For example how the speed of machining, torque, power, depth of cut, etc. influences machining under specified tolerances. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have been used to generate required outputs because of their capability to learn from a given set of data points. Four different kinds of neural networks, as a module, have been used. with different kinds of learning rules (algorithms) depending on the type of inputs and outputs. The whole model incorporates retrieval of tolerances from a CAD software and running the algorithms for (i) Dimensional tolerance analysis, (ii) Control of feed rate, spindle speed, depth of cut and cutting forces, (iii) Propagation of errors in multistage machining, and (iv) Vectorization of geometrical tolerances. Machining processes would include (i) Milling, (ii) Turning, and (iii) Drilling. Then the corresponding outputs are interpreted and analyzed to generate G and M codes. This study has shown how ANN can revolutionize NC machine manufacturing. A case study illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Extracting 3D parametric curves from 2D images of Helical objects

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    Helical objects occur in medicine, biology, cosmetics, nanotechnology, and engineering. Extracting a 3D parametric curve from a 2D image of a helical object has many practical applications, in particular being able to extract metrics such as tortuosity, frequency, and pitch. We present a method that is able to straighten the image object and derive a robust 3D helical curve from peaks in the object boundary. The algorithm has a small number of stable parameters that require little tuning, and the curve is validated against both synthetic and real-world data. The results show that the extracted 3D curve comes within close Hausdorff distance to the ground truth, and has near identical tortuosity for helical objects with a circular profile. Parameter insensitivity and robustness against high levels of image noise are demonstrated thoroughly and quantitatively

    Image Processing Techniques for Detecting Chromosome Abnormalities

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    With the increasing use of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) probes as markers for certain genetic sequences, the requirement of a proper image processing framework is becoming a necessity to accurately detect these probe signal locations in relation to the centerline of the chromosome. Automated detection and length measurements based on the centerline relative to the centromere and the telomere coordinates would highly assist in clinical diagnosis of genetic disorders and thus improve its efficiency significantly. Although many image processing techniques have been developed for chromosomal analysis such as ’’karyotype analysis” to assist in laboratory diagnosis, they fail to provide reliable results in segmenting and extracting the centerline of chromosomes due to the high variability in shape of chromosomes on microscope slides. In this thesis we propose a hybrid algorithm that utilizes Gradient Vector Flow active contours, Discrete Curve Evolution based skeleton pruning and morphological thinning to provide a robust and accurate centerline of the chromosome, which is then used for the measurement of the FISH probe signals. Then this centerline information is used to detect the centromere location of the chromosome and the probe signal location distances were measured with respective to these landmarks. The ability to accurately detect FISH probe locations with respective to its centerline and other landmarks can provide the cytogeneticists with detailed information that could lead to a faster diagnosis

    Geometric and photometric affine invariant image registration

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    This thesis aims to present a solution to the correspondence problem for the registration of wide-baseline images taken from uncalibrated cameras. We propose an affine invariant descriptor that combines the geometry and photometry of the scene to find correspondences between both views. The geometric affine invariant component of the descriptor is based on the affine arc-length metric, whereas the photometry is analysed by invariant colour moments. A graph structure represents the spatial distribution of the primitive features; i.e. nodes correspond to detected high-curvature points, whereas arcs represent connectivities by extracted contours. After matching, we refine the search for correspondences by using a maximum likelihood robust algorithm. We have evaluated the system over synthetic and real data. The method is endemic to propagation of errors introduced by approximations in the system.BAE SystemsSelex Sensors and Airborne System

    Dynamic mesh refinement for discrete models of jet electro-hydrodynamics

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    Nowadays, several models of unidimensional fluid jets exploit discrete element methods. In some cases, as for models aiming at describing the electrospinning nanofabrication process of polymer fibers, discrete element methods suffer a non constant resolution of the jet representation. We develop a dynamic mesh-refinement method for the numerical study of the electro-hydrodynamic behavior of charged jets using discrete element methods. To this purpose, we import ideas and techniques from the string method originally developed in the framework of free-energy landscape simulations. The mesh-refined discrete element method is demonstrated for the case of electrospinning applications.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures in Journal of Computational Science, 201
