434 research outputs found

    Virtual sensor networks: collaboration and resource sharing

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    This thesis contributes to the advancement of the Sensing as a Service (SeaaS), based on cloud infrastructures, through the development of models and algorithms that make an efficient use of both sensor and cloud resources while reducing the delay associated with the data flow between cloud and client sides, which results into a better quality of experience for users. The first models and algorithms developed are suitable for the case of mashups being managed at the client side, and then models and algorithms considering mashups managed at the cloud were developed. This requires solving multiple problems: i) clustering of compatible mashup elements; ii) allocation of devices to clusters, meaning that a device will serve multiple applications/mashups; iii) reduction of the amount of data flow between workplaces, and associated delay, which depends on clustering, device allocation and placement of workplaces. The developed strategies can be adopted by cloud service providers wishing to improve the performance of their clouds. Several steps towards an efficient Se-aaS business model were performed. A mathematical model was development to assess the impact (of resource allocations) on scalability, QoE and elasticity. Regarding the clustering of mashup elements, a first mathematical model was developed for the selection of the best pre-calculated clusters of mashup elements (virtual Things), and then a second model is proposed for the best virtual Things to be built (non pre-calculated clusters). Its evaluation is done through heuristic algorithms having such model as a basis. Such models and algorithms were first developed for the case of mashups managed at the client side, and after they were extended for the case of mashups being managed at the cloud. For the improvement of these last results, a mathematical programming optimization model was developed that allows optimal clustering and resource allocation solutions to be obtained. Although this is a computationally difficult approach, the added value of this process is that the problem is rigorously outlined, and such knowledge is used as a guide in the development of better a heuristic algorithm.Esta tese contribui para o avanço tecnológico do modelo de Sensing as a Service (Se-aaS), baseado em infraestrutura cloud, através do desenvolvimento de modelos e algoritmos que resolvem o problema da alocação eficiente de recursos, melhorando os métodos e técnicas atuais e reduzindo os tempos associados `a transferência dos dados entre a cloud e os clientes, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade da experiência dos seus utilizadores. Os primeiros modelos e algoritmos desenvolvidos são adequados para o caso em que as mashups são geridas pela aplicação cliente, e posteriormente foram desenvolvidos modelos e algoritmos para o caso em que as mashups são geridas pela cloud. Isto implica ter de resolver múltiplos problemas: i) Construção de clusters de elementos de mashup compatíveis; ii) Atribuição de dispositivos físicos aos clusters, acabando um dispositivo físico por servir m´ múltiplas aplicações/mashups; iii) Redução da quantidade de transferência de dados entre os diversos locais da cloud, e consequentes atrasos, o que dependente dos clusters construídos, dos dispositivos atribuídos aos clusters e dos locais da cloud escolhidos para realizar o processamento necessário. As diferentes estratégias podem ser adotadas por fornecedores de serviço cloud que queiram melhorar o desempenho dos seus serviços.(…

    Survey on Various Aspects of Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks Employing Classical, Optimization, and Machine Learning Techniques

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    A wide range of academic scholars, engineers, scientific and technology communities are interested in energy utilization of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Their extensive research is going on in areas like scalability, coverage, energy efficiency, data communication, connection, load balancing, security, reliability and network lifespan. Individual researchers are searching for affordable methods to enhance the solutions to existing problems that show unique techniques, protocols, concepts, and algorithms in the wanted domain. Review studies typically offer complete, simple access or a solution to these problems. Taking into account this motivating factor and the effect of clustering on the decline of energy, this article focuses on clustering techniques using various wireless sensor networks aspects. The important contribution of this paper is to give a succinct overview of clustering

    An effective communication and computation model based on a hybridgraph-deeplearning approach for SIoT.

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    Social Edge Service (SES) is an emerging mechanism in the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) orchestration for effective user-centric reliable communication and computation. The services are affected by active and/or passive attacks such as replay attacks, message tampering because of sharing the same spectrum, as well as inadequate trust measurement methods among intelligent devices (roadside units, mobile edge devices, servers) during computing and content-sharing. These issues lead to computation and communication overhead of servers and computation nodes. To address this issue, we propose the HybridgrAph-Deep-learning (HAD) approach in two stages for secure communication and computation. First, the Adaptive Trust Weight (ATW) model with relation-based feedback fusion analysis to estimate the fitness-priority of every node based on directed graph theory to detect malicious nodes and reduce computation and communication overhead. Second, a Quotient User-centric Coeval-Learning (QUCL) mechanism to formulate secure channel selection, and Nash equilibrium method for optimizing the communication to share data over edge devices. The simulation results confirm that our proposed approach has achieved effective communication and computation performance, and enhanced Social Edge Services (SES) reliability than state-of-the-art approaches

    Cloud service analysis using round-robin algorithm for quality-of-service aware task placement for internet of things services

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    Round-robin (RR) is a process approach to sharing resources that requires each user to get a turn using them in an agreed order in cloud computing. It is suited for time-sharing systems since it automatically reduces the problem of priority inversion, which are low-priority tasks delayed. The time quantum is limited, and only a one-time quantum process is allowed in round-robin scheduling. The objective of this research is to improve the functionality of the current RR method for scheduling actions in the cloud by lowering the average waiting, turnaround, and response time. CloudAnalyst tool was used to enhance the RR technique by changing the parameter value in optimizing the high accuracy and low cost. The result presents the achieved overall min and max response times are 36.69 and 650.30 ms for running 300 min RR. The cost for the virtual machines (VMs) is identified from 0.5to0.5 to 3. The longer the time used, the higher the cost of the data transfer. This research is significant in improving communication and the quality of relationships within groups

    A Survey on Energy Optimization Techniques in UAV-Based Cellular Networks: From Conventional to Machine Learning Approaches

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    Wireless communication networks have been witnessing an unprecedented demand due to the increasing number of connected devices and emerging bandwidth-hungry applications. Albeit many competent technologies for capacity enhancement purposes, such as millimeter wave communications and network densification, there is still room and need for further capacity enhancement in wireless communication networks, especially for the cases of unusual people gatherings, such as sport competitions, musical concerts, etc. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been identified as one of the promising options to enhance the capacity due to their easy implementation, pop up fashion operation, and cost-effective nature. The main idea is to deploy base stations on UAVs and operate them as flying base stations, thereby bringing additional capacity to where it is needed. However, because the UAVs mostly have limited energy storage, their energy consumption must be optimized to increase flight time. In this survey, we investigate different energy optimization techniques with a top-level classification in terms of the optimization algorithm employed; conventional and machine learning (ML). Such classification helps understand the state of the art and the current trend in terms of methodology. In this regard, various optimization techniques are identified from the related literature, and they are presented under the above mentioned classes of employed optimization methods. In addition, for the purpose of completeness, we include a brief tutorial on the optimization methods and power supply and charging mechanisms of UAVs. Moreover, novel concepts, such as reflective intelligent surfaces and landing spot optimization, are also covered to capture the latest trend in the literature.Comment: 41 pages, 5 Figures, 6 Tables. Submitted to Open Journal of Communications Society (OJ-COMS

    A Grey Wolf Optimization-Based Clustering Approach for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the realm of Wireless Sensor Networks, the longevity of a sensor node's battery is pivotal, especially since these nodes are often deployed in locations where battery replacement is not feasible. Heterogeneous networks introduce additional challenges due to varying buffer capacities among nodes, necessitating timely data transmission to prevent loss from buffer overflows. Despite numerous attempts to address these issues, previous solutions have been deficient in significant respects. Our innovative strategy employs Grey Wolf Optimization for Cluster Head selection within heterogeneous networks, aiming to concurrently optimise energy efficiency and buffer capacity. We conducted comprehensive simulations using Network Simulator 2, with results analysed in MATLAB, focusing on metrics such as energy depletion rates, remaining energy, node-to-node distance, node count, packet delivery, and average energy in the cluster head selection process. Our approach was benchmarked against leading protocols like LEACH and PEGASIS, considering five key performance indicators: energy usage, network lifespan, the survival rate of nodes over time, data throughput, and remaining network energy. The simulations demonstrate that our Grey Wolf Optimisation method outperforms conventional protocols, showing a 9% reduction in energy usage, a 12% increase in node longevity, a 9.8% improvement in data packet delivery, and a 12.2% boost in data throughput

    Metaheuristics Techniques for Cluster Head Selection in WSN: A Survey

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    In recent years, Wireless sensor communication is growing expeditiously on the capability to gather information, communicate and transmit data effectively. Clustering is the main objective of improving the network lifespan in Wireless sensor network. It includes selecting the cluster head for each cluster in addition to grouping the nodes into clusters. The cluster head gathers data from the normal nodes in the cluster, and the gathered information is then transmitted to the base station. However, there are many reasons in effect opposing unsteady cluster head selection and dead nodes. The technique for selecting a cluster head takes into factors to consider including residual energy, neighbors’ nodes, and the distance between the base station to the regular nodes. In this study, we thoroughly investigated by number of methods of selecting a cluster head and constructing a cluster. Additionally, a quick performance assessment of the techniques' performance is given together with the methods' criteria, advantages, and future directions

    A Novel Feature-Selection Algorithm in IoT Networks for Intrusion Detection

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and network-enabled smart devices are crucial to the digitally interconnected society of the present day. However, the increased reliance on IoT devices increases their susceptibility to malicious activities within network traffic, posing significant challenges to cybersecurity. As a result, both system administrators and end users are negatively affected by these malevolent behaviours. Intrusion-detection systems (IDSs) are commonly deployed as a cyber attack defence mechanism to mitigate such risks. IDS plays a crucial role in identifying and preventing cyber hazards within IoT networks. However, the development of an efficient and rapid IDS system for the detection of cyber attacks remains a challenging area of research. Moreover, IDS datasets contain multiple features, so the implementation of feature selection (FS) is required to design an effective and timely IDS. The FS procedure seeks to eliminate irrelevant and redundant features from large IDS datasets, thereby improving the intrusion-detection system’s overall performance. In this paper, we propose a hybrid wrapper-based feature-selection algorithm that is based on the concepts of the Cellular Automata (CA) engine and Tabu Search (TS)-based aspiration criteria. We used a Random Forest (RF) ensemble learning classifier to evaluate the fitness of the selected features. The proposed algorithm, CAT-S, was tested on the TON_IoT dataset. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm, CAT-S, enhances classification accuracy while simultaneously reducing the number of features and the false positive rate.publishedVersio
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