148,745 research outputs found

    Mars oxygen production system design

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    The design and construction phase is summarized of the Mars oxygen demonstration project. The basic hardware required to produce oxygen from simulated Mars atmosphere was assembled and tested. Some design problems still remain with the sample collection and storage system. In addition, design and development of computer compatible data acquisition and control instrumentation is ongoing


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    The effect of the organic poultry production system on some qualitative characteristics of the meat is reported. The effect is mainly due to the greater age and physical activity of animals but it is largely modulated by the farming protocols used e.i., genetic strain (fast and slow-growing strains) and pasture availability. Due to economic reasons and chicks availability, generally fast or intermediate growing chicks are used. Such animals are not adapted to the organic system and health and welfare problems caused by leg disorders and lameness are recurrent. Nevertheless, compared to conventional chickens, the carcasses have higher breast and drumstick percentages and a lower level of abdominal fat. Even the physical-chemical characteristics of the meat are affected: muscles have lower final pH and water holding capacity. Instead cooking loss, lightness, shear values, Fe, and polyunsaturated fatty acids increase. Unfortunately, the greater physical activity increases the oxidative metabolism of the body and determines a higher level of TBA-RS. Slow-growing strains, probably due to their particular behaviour (more kinetic activity, foraging) and metabolism, show larger differences in qualitative traits, compared to both conventional and organic fast-growing strains. In particular, with respect to fast-growing strains, they have a higher antioxidant level (715 vs 522 nmol HClO mL-1), serum a-tocopherol (19.0 vs 17.2 mg L-1) and grass ingestion. As a result, the oxidative stability of fresh and stored meat is much higher than fast-growing strains (2.0 vs 3.05 mg MDA kg-1).In conclusion, the organic poultry production system seems to be an interesting alternative method especially if suitable farming protocols will be developed and used

    "Automobiles: Strategy-based Lean Production System"

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    The present situations and future prospects of the Japanese automobile industry are discussed. Selected topics in this paper include the following: analyses of the basic product-industry characteristics of the automobile (e.g., product architecture); the mature of the dynamic competition in the world auto industry; competitive performance (e.g., productivity) of the Japanese auto makers; organizational capabilities of better Japanese firms in production, development and procurement; overall environments in the 1990s; the concept of "balanced lean" system and its adaptation to environmental changes; new flexible production systems that cope with volume fluctuation; architectural strategies of the auto firms; modularization of parts; M&A and alliance; future of the automobile technologies and architectures; future of the capability-building competition.

    Production system of organic orange and its implications: Study in the SOS site Agroecological, Northeast of Pará

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    The organic production of produce in Brazil has been increasing very year due higher demand for more health food, and many farmers are migrating to these concept of food production. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand the philosophic concept, as well as doing a description and analyzing the implications of the production system of organic orange. The research was done at Sítio SOS Agroecológico, localized in the city of CapitãoPoço, northeast of Pará. The qualitative exploratory research was done with the owner of the area, who is also a producer of organic orange, through, mainly, visits, semi structured surveys, transect walks in the area, and photographic records. The production of the site is considered adequate; their main market are organic fairs and big supermarkets; however, price and logistic are the main obstacles, besides the certification, where in Brazil is still an onerous process. The production system of Sitio SOS shows certain similarities with the concept of biologic and natural agriculture since both systems goals are the reduction of the rural producer costs, the use of alternative products and/or natural available on the property


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    Sheepdrove Organic Farm (SOF) introduced a silvo-poultry enterprise in 2002. This report describes the system as observed by Vanessa Pegg and makes recommendations for improvements to the system. Specific ad hoc reports will also be produced on specific issues as Vanessa’s work progresses

    A Production System Model of Capturing Reactive Moving Targets

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    Subjects manipulated a control stick to position a cursor over a moving target that reacted with a computer-generated escape strategy. The cursor movements were described at two levels of abstraction. At the upper level, a production system described transitions among four modes of activity; rapid acquisition, close following, a predictive mode, and herding. Within each mode, differential equations described trajectory-generating mechanisms. A simulation of this two-level model captures the targets in a manner resembling the episodic time histories of human subjects


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    内示生産システムは,自動車産業において完成車メーカーが部品サプライヤーへ事前に「内示情報」を提示し,自社の生産開始直前に「確定注文情報」を伝達し,自社の生産に同期して,部品の納入を要請する仕組みである.生産内示により,完成車メーカーは,多様化する顧客のニーズに柔軟に応え,短い納期で多種の部品を安定かつ大量に確保でき,一方,部品サプライヤーは,内示情報を参考に原材料,部品の購買・生産準備に着手することができるために,膨大な製品在庫を保有することなく,安定的な供給を実現している.しかし,内示情報は,あくまで完成車メーカーの調達部門が提示する「確定注文情報を予想可能な先行需要情報(Advance demand information)」であるが,「確定注文情報と完全に一致する情報ではなく」,したがって,内示情報を基準に生産計画を作成すると,日々の生産量と確定の納入量に差異が生じる.この為に,内示生産システムには不確実性が内在しているといえ,このことが工程管理を複雑にしている.本論文は,著者の先行研究を踏まえ,内示生産システムに含まれる内示情報と確定注文情報の間にブレが生じるメカニズムを概観する. 内示数量と確定注文数量の間に表れる需要量の変動(ブレ)によって引き起こされるリスクを不確実性リスクと呼ぶ.不確実性リスクに対応する部品サプライヤーの生産対応形態を3種類のリードタイムを用いてⅠ型,Ⅱ型,Ⅲ型の3つに分類し,それぞれに存在するリスクを明らかにし,需要の変動を「需要量の期待値の変動」と「需要量のバラツキ」に分け,それぞれの要因から生み出されるリスクへの対応策を述べる.これらの対策により,不確実性リスクが低減できることを示す.この上で,地元の部品サプライヤーが行っている不確実性を低減する取り組みについてヒアリング調査結果を示す.リードタイムの短縮,部品共通化,フレキシブルラインなどの対策が効果的である.最後に,従来の先行研究では,製造工程のフレキシビリティの概念のもとに提案されている操作概念では,不確実性リスクに対する考慮が充分でないことを示し,今後の研究への期待を述べる