8 research outputs found

    Information Technology and Product/Service Innovation: A Brief Assessment and Some Suggestions for Future Research

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    In this paper, I follow up on my previous article about information systems as a reference discipline for new product development (Nambisan, 2003) and assess the extant research on this topic. To facilitate the assessment, I develop a framework that considers information technology’s (IT’s) dual roles as operand resource and as operant resource and its impact on innovation process and on innovation outcome. My analysis reveals the advance that has been made in understanding IT’s role as operand resource in innovation and the considerable opportunity that exists to explore IT’s emerging role as operant resource in innovation. I also comment on the need for IS scholars working in this area to make careful choices regarding their research topic and theoretical perspectives to enhance the potential impact on and contribution to the product/service innovation literature

    Challenges in Product Lifecycle Management - Evidence from the Automotive Supply Industry

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    Against the backdrop of a steady shift in value added from the automotive original equipment manufacturers to the automotive suppliers, product lifecycle management in the automotive supply industry gains importance. Prior literature has acknowledged product lifecycle management as paradigm for manufacturing industries, yet little is known about the specific characteristics and boundary conditions in this emerging industry branch. Grounded on extensive empirical evidence from a typical and revelatory case study at a global leader for mechatronic assemblies, this exploratory paper identifies, visualizes, and discusses challenges in product lifecycle management in the automotive supply industry. With the limitation of an exploratory and interpretive single-case study approach, we (1) supply scholars and practitioners with grounded, stakeholder-related insights and (2) link the field of product lifecycle management with information systems

    The Evolution of IS Projects in Manufacturing Industries: The Case of Product Lifecycle Management

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    In this paper, we explore the evolution of product lifecycle management information systems projects in manufacturing industries over time. There is critical need because initiated projects routinely fail in terms of time, budget, or quality to which the academic discourse has not given adequate consideration. Therefore, we build up on an in-depth case study within the project setting of a leading European automotive supplier kicked-off in January 2016. As central results, the paper provides insights (1) how product lifecycle management information systems projects develop over time, (2) what may be underlying causes, and (3) which implications on project management may be deduced. In view of the limitations by the applied case study research strategy, we illumine the specifics of these information systems projects for scholars. For project managers, an overview on essential developments and their implications supports the successful project execution

    PLM implementation guidelines – relevance and application in practice: a discussion of findings from a retrospective case study

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    In this paper, a recently conducted product lifecycle management (PLM) implementation project is analysed. The aims are to investigate whether published product lifecycle management (PLM) implementation guidelines are relevant to and used in practice, and, if so, to assess how useful they are for guiding project execution. This paper presents an examination of how a real PLM implementation project was conducted, mapping out the rationale for different courses of action and the effects they had. This paper evaluates the degree of relevance and application of existing PLM implementation guidelines. It is found that while most of the guidelines were highly relevant to the project, they were not applied in full. Potential reasons for why the guidelines are not followed are discussed. It is suggested that projects review their plans with the guidelines in mind, evaluating their degree of relevance and including a plan for how to apply the guidelines

    Process mapping approaches for high-value safety-critical aircraft modification design and development: A case study

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    The aircraft modification sector of the aerospace industry involves the design, build, test, and certification of complex, safety-critical systems for existing aircraft. The high product diversity and low-volume high-value production of this sector results in many unique process challenges. Small-to-medium sized aircraft modification enterprises have adopted product lifecycle management (PLM) methodologies to manage these complex product development processes. This thesis studies the current-state processes of a typical aircraft modification case study company in Canada, using the research methodology of process mapping. The current-state processes are captured in process maps, which are then assessed to find areas of opportunity for process improvement. The current-state processes are mapped at three different levels of detail: a Tier 1 Phase level, a Tier 2 Milestone level, and a Tier 3 Activity level. Results of the Tier 1 Phase level analysis illustrate some of the challenges related to simultaneously using multiple PLM methodologies across the product development lifecycle. This finding also affects process communication at the Tier 2 Milestone and Tier 3 Activity levels. Tier 2 Milestone level findings also demonstrate the impact of product diversity on milestone traceability. Tier 3 Activity level findings include the level of detail for effective Tier 3 process mapping, the importance of workflow traceability through documentation, and the challenges of change management

    Integration of substance compliance and a product lifecycle management system in case organization

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    Abstract. Substance compliance is the field of identifying applicable product material regulations and managing the product composition to match those regulations. As the various regulations expand and new standards are added, manufacturers must take increased precautions to ensure their products are in line with the latest regulations and standards for example by developing system integrations to ensure better management processes. This thesis aims to study the development and implementation of an integration of a substance compliance management system with a product lifecycle management (PLM) system in a case organization. The perspective is on identifying how an integration of substance compliance and a PLM system can be conducted and what to take into consideration when introducing such an interface to current operations. The research methods used were two sets of semi-structured interviews and participatory observations. The findings of this study indicate that substance compliance has connections to data quality. In the case organization in particular, in order to fully grasp the benefits of the integration, special care should be put into completing a three-step plan focused on improving data quality management, using change management to introduce the integration, and utilizing an early and proactive approach to substance compliance. The study largely focuses on giving actionable improvement recommendations, but it also contributes to the substance compliance literature by conducting a brief literature study on the topic and showing the connection of product data quality with the field of study.Aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden hallitsemisen ja tuotteen elinkaaren hallintajärjestelmän yhdistäminen kohdeyrityksessä. Tiivistelmä. Aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden hallitseminen on ala, jossa tunnistetaan tuotemateriaalien lainsäädännöllisiä vaatimuksia ja varmistetaan, että tuote ei sisällä vaatimustenvastaisia aineita. Tuotemateriaaleja koskevien säädösten määrän kasvaessa elektroniikkavalmistajien on huolehdittava entistä tarkemmin, että heidän tuotteensa noudattavat viimeisimpiä lainsäädäntöjä ja standardeja. Yksi tapa tehdä näin on esimerkiksi panostaa systeemien yhdistämiseen, joka takaa paremmat hallintaprosessit. Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus on tutkia aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuden ja tuotteen elinkaaren hallintajärjestelmän yhdistämistä kohdeyrityksessä. Pääpaino työssä on tunnistaa, miten kahden järjestelmän yhdistäminen voidaan toteuttaa, sekä mitä tulisi ottaa huomioon yhdistetyn järjestelmän käyttöönotossa. Diplomityössä käytettiin kahta eri puolistrukturoitua haastattelua sekä osallistuvia havainnointeja tutkimusmenetelminä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuudella on yhteys tuotedatan laatuun. Jotta kohdeyrityksessä voitaisiin ottaa täysi hyöty yhdistetystä järjestelmästä, tulisi yrityksen toteuttaa kolmiaskeleinen parannussuunnitelma. Suunnitelman tavoite on parantaa tuotedatanlaadun hallintaa, hyödyntää muutosjohtamisen oppeja järjestelmän kehittämiseen ja käyttöönottoon, ja edesauttaa kohdeyritystä ennakoivaan aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuteen. Työ keskittyy suurimmaksi osaksi kohdeyrityksen parannusehdotusten antamiseen, mutta se myös edistää aineiden vaatimustenmukaisuuteen kohdistuvaa kirjallisuutta pienellä kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja esittämällä linkin tuotedatan laadun kanssa

    An ontology-based approach for integrating engineering workflows for industrial assembly automation systems

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    Modern manufacturing organisations face a number of external challenges as the customer-base is more varied, more knowledgeable, and has a broader range of requirements. This has given rise to paradigms such as mass customisation and product personalisation. Internally, businesses must manage multidisciplinary teams that must work together to achieve a common goal despite spanning multiple domains, organisations, and due to improved communication technologies, countries. The motivation for this research is to therefore understand firstly how the multiplicity of stakeholders come together to realise the ever increasing and ever more complex number of product variants that manufacturing systems must now realise. The lack of integration of engineering tools and methods is identified to be one of the barriers to smooth engineering workflows and thus one of the key challenges faced in the current dynamic market. To address this problem, this research builds upon previous works that propose domain ontologies for representing knowledge in a way that is both machine and human readable, facilitating interoperability between engineering software. In addition to this, the research develops a novel Skill model that brings the domain ontologies into a practical, implementable framework that complements existing industrial workflows. The focus of this thesis is the domain of industrial assembly automation systems due to the role this stage of manufacturing plays in realising product variety. Therefore, the proposed ontological models and framework are applied to product assembly scenarios. The key contributions of this work are the consolidation of domain ontologies with a Skill model within the context of assembly systems engineering, development of a broader framework for the ontologies to sit within that complements existing workflows. In addition, the research demonstrates how the framework can be applied to connect assembly process planning activities with machine control logic to identify and rectify inconsistencies as new products are introduced. In summary, the thesis identifies the shortcomings of existing ontological models within the context of manufacturing, develops new models to address those shortcoming, and develops new, useful ways for ontological models to be used to address industrial problems by integrating them with virtual engineering tools

    Ontology-Driven Semantic Annotations for Multiple Engineering Viewpoints in Computer Aided Design

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    Engineering design involves a series of activities to handle data, including capturing and storing data, retrieval and manipulation of data. This also applies throughout the entire product lifecycle (PLC). Unfortunately, a closed loop of knowledge and information management system has not been implemented for the PLC. As part of product lifecycle management (PLM) approaches, computer-aided design (CAD) systems are extensively used from embodiment and detail design stages in mechanical engineering. However, current CAD systems lack the ability to handle semantically-rich information, thus to represent, manage and use knowledge among multidisciplinary engineers, and to integrate various tools/services with distributed data and knowledge. To address these challenges, a general-purpose semantic annotation approach based on CAD systems in the mechanical engineering domain is proposed, which contributes to knowledge management and reuse, data interoperability and tool integration. In present-day PLM systems, annotation approaches are currently embedded in software applications and use diverse data and anchor representations, making them static, inflexible and difficult to incorporate with external systems. This research will argue that it is possible to take a generalised approach to annotation with formal annotation content structures and anchoring mechanisms described using general-purpose ontologies. In this way viewpoint-oriented annotation may readily be captured, represented and incorporated into PLM systems together with existing annotations in a common framework, and the knowledge collected or generated from multiple engineering viewpoints may be reasoned with to derive additional knowledge to enable downstream processes. Therefore, knowledge can be propagated and evolved through the PLC. Within this framework, a knowledge modelling methodology has also been proposed for developing knowledge models in various situations. In addition, a prototype system has been designed and developed in order to evaluate the core contributions of this proposed concept. According to an evaluation plan, cost estimation and finite element analysis as case studies have been used to validate the usefulness, feasibility and generality of the proposed framework. Discussion has been carried out based on this evaluation. As a conclusion, the presented research work has met the original aim and objectives, and can be improved further. At the end, some research directions have been suggested.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo