60 research outputs found

    Nonuniform Microwave Photonic Delay-Line Filter For Optical Sensor Network Interrogation

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    We propose a new design of nonuniform spaced microwave photonic delay-line filter based generic optical fiber sensors interrogation platform. Both the amplitude and phase response of the microwave filter are used to demodulate optical sensors. Therefore, a large sensor network with different types of optical sensors can be interrogated simultaneously. The concept of this new microwave photonics enabled interrogation approach is presented and verified by simulations where four different types of optical sensors are simultaneously interrogated via inverse Fourier transform of filter frequency response

    Emerging applications of integrated optical microcombs for analogue RF and microwave photonic signal processing

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    We review new applications of integrated microcombs in RF and microwave photonic systems. We demonstrate a wide range of powerful functions including a photonic intensity high order and fractional differentiators, optical true time delays, advanced filters, RF channelizer and other functions, based on a Kerr optical comb generated by a compact integrated microring resonator, or microcomb. The microcomb is CMOS compatible and contains a large number of comb lines, which can serve as a high performance multiwavelength source for the transversal filter, thus greatly reduce the cost, size, and complexity of the system. The operation principle of these functions is theoretically analyzed, and experimental demonstrations are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 136 References. Photonics West 2018 invited paper, expanded version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1710.00678, arXiv:1710.0861

    Dispersive Fourier Transformation for Versatile Microwave Photonics Applications

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    Abstract: Dispersive Fourier transformation (DFT) maps the broadband spectrum of an ultrashort optical pulse into a time stretched waveform with its intensity profile mirroring the spectrum using chromatic dispersion. Owing to its capability of continuous pulse-by-pulse spectroscopic measurement and manipulation, DFT has become an emerging technique for ultrafast signal generation and processing, and high-throughput real-time measurements, where the speed of traditional optical instruments falls short. In this paper, the principle and implementation methods of DFT are first introduced and the recent development in employing DFT technique for widespread microwave photonics applications are presented, with emphasis on real-time spectroscopy, microwave arbitrary waveform generation, and microwave spectrum sensing. Finally, possible future research directions for DFT-based microwave photonics techniques are discussed as well

    Harmonic distortion in microwave photonic filters

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    This paper was published in OPTICS EXPRESS and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.20.008871 . Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under lawWe present a theoretical and experimental analysis of nonlinear microwave photonic filters. Far from the conventional condition of low modulation index commonly used to neglect high-order terms, we have analyzed the harmonic distortion involved in microwave photonic structures with periodic and non-periodic frequency responses. We show that it is possible to design microwave photonic filters with reduced harmonic distortion and high linearity even under large signal operation. © 2012 Optical Society of America.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support given by the Research Excellency Award Program GVA PROMETEO 2008/09 and the FEDER Program "Instrumentacion Avanzada para Comunicaciones Opticas" with reference UPVOV08-3E-008.Rius Mercado, M.; Mora Almerich, J.; Bolea Boluda, M.; Capmany Francoy, J. (2012). Harmonic distortion in microwave photonic filters. Optics Express. 20(8):8871-8876. doi:10.1364/OE.20.008871S88718876208Capmany, J., & Novak, D. (2007). Microwave photonics combines two worlds. Nature Photonics, 1(6), 319-330. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2007.89Yao, J. (2009). Microwave Photonics. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27(3), 314-335. doi:10.1109/jlt.2008.2009551Capmany, J., Ortega, B., & Pastor, D. (2006). A tutorial on microwave photonic filters. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24(1), 201-229. doi:10.1109/jlt.2005.860478Minasian, R. A., Alameh, K. E., & Chan, E. H. W. (2001). Photonics-based interference mitigation filters. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 49(10), 1894-1899. doi:10.1109/22.954804Bolea, M., Mora, J., Ortega, B., & Capmany, J. (2010). Photonic arbitrary waveform generation applicable to multiband UWB communications. Optics Express, 18(25), 26259. doi:10.1364/oe.18.026259Capmany, J., Pastor, D., & Ortega, B. (1999). New and flexible fiber-optic delay-line filters using chirped Bragg gratings and laser arrays. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 47(7), 1321-1326. doi:10.1109/22.775473Mora, J., Ortega, B., Capmany, J., Cruz, J., Andres, M., Pastor, D., & Sales, S. (2002). Automatic tunable and reconfigurable fiberoptic microwave filters based on a broadband optical source sliced by uniform fiber Bragg gratings. Optics Express, 10(22), 1291. doi:10.1364/oe.10.001291Capmany, J., Mora, J., Ortega, B., & Pastor, D. (2005). Microwave photonic filters using low-cost sources featuring tunability, reconfigurability and negative coefficients. Optics Express, 13(5), 1412. doi:10.1364/opex.13.001412Huang, T. X. H., Yi, X., & Minasian, R. A. (2011). Single passband microwave photonic filter using continuous-time impulse response. Optics Express, 19(7), 6231. doi:10.1364/oe.19.006231Dai, Y., & Yao, J. (2008). Nonuniformly-spaced photonic microwave delayline filter. Optics Express, 16(7), 4713. doi:10.1364/oe.16.004713Mora, J., Ortega, B., Diez, A., Cruz, J. L., Andres, M. V., Capmany, J., & Pastor, D. (2006). Photonic microwave tunable single-bandpass filter based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24(7), 2500-2509. doi:10.1109/jlt.2006.874652Marcuse, D. (1980). Pulse distortion in single-mode fibers. Applied Optics, 19(10), 1653. doi:10.1364/ao.19.00165

    Adaptive non-uniform photonic time stretch for blind RF signal detection with compressed time-bandwidth product

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    Photonic time stretch significantly extends the effective bandwidth of existing analog-to-digital convertors by slowing down the input high-speed RF signals. Non-uniform photonic time stretch further enables time bandwidth product reduction in RF signal detection by selectively stretching high-frequency features more. However, it requires the prior knowledge of spectral-temporal distribution of the input RF signal and has to reconfigure the time stretch filter for different RF input signals. Here we propose for the first time an adaptive non-uniform photonic time stretch method based on microwave photonics pre-stretching that achieves blind detection of high-speed RF signals with reduced time bandwidth product. Non-uniform photonic time stretch using both quadratic and cubic group delay response has been demonstrated and time bandwidth product compression ratios of 72% and 56% have been achieved respectively

    Integrable microwave filter based on a photonic crystal delay line

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    The availability of a tunable delay line with a chip-size footprint is a crucial step towards the full implementation of integrated microwave photonic signal processors. Achieving a large and tunable group delay on a millimetre-sized chip is not trivial. Slow light concepts are an appropriate solution, if propagation losses are kept acceptable. Here we use a low-loss 1.5 mm-long photonic crystal waveguide to demonstrate both notch and band-pass microwave filters that can be tuned over the 0 50-GHz spectral band. The waveguide is capable of generating a controllable delay with limited signal attenuation (total insertion loss below 10 dB when the delay is below 70 ps) and degradation. Owing to the very small footprint of the delay line, a fully integrated device is feasible, also featuring more complex and elaborate filter functions.This work was funded by the European Union under the project GOSPEL (grant 219299) and by the Valencian Government (Prometeo GVA 2008-92). We thank S. Hughes and P. Lalanne for enlightening discussion about the impact of disorder in photonic crystal waveguides.Sancho Durá, J.; Bourderionnet, J.; Lloret Soler, JA.; Combrie, S.; Gasulla Mestre, I.; Xavier, S.; Sales Maicas, S.... (2012). Integrable microwave filter based on a photonic crystal delay line. Nature Communications. 3:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms2092S193Seeds, A. Microwave photonics. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 50, 877–887 (2002).Capmany, J. & Novak, D. Microwave photonics combines two worlds. Nat. Photon 1, 319–330 (2007).Yao, J. P. Microwave photonics. J. Lightwave Technol. 27, 314–335 (2009).See special technology focus on microwave photonics. Nat. Photon 5, 723–736 (2011).Capmany, J., Ortega, B. & Pastor, D. A tutorial on microwave photonic filters. J. Lightwave. Technol. 24, 201–229 (2006).Long, J. et al. A tunable microstrip bandpass filter with two independently adjustable transmission zeros. IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. 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