2,651 research outputs found

    Big Data for Traffic Estimation and Prediction: A Survey of Data and Tools

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    Big data has been used widely in many areas including the transportation industry. Using various data sources, traffic states can be well estimated and further predicted for improving the overall operation efficiency. Combined with this trend, this study presents an up-to-date survey of open data and big data tools used for traffic estimation and prediction. Different data types are categorized and the off-the-shelf tools are introduced. To further promote the use of big data for traffic estimation and prediction tasks, challenges and future directions are given for future studies

    Estimating Observer and Data Reputation in Mariner Volunteered Bathymetry

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    Volunteered Bathymetric Information (more commonly called Crowd-sourced Bathymetry, CSB) has the potential to assist authoritative charting but a lack of formal assessment methods has limited uptake of this idea. This paper proposes a reputation system for observers (and data) to estimate the observer’s ability to match authoritative depths; a time-sequence estimate of vertical bias is also computed. This reputation can form the basis for decisions on how many observations are required from a VBI source before charting actions could be considered. Using data from the IHO DCDB and NOAA surveys from the Puget Sound area (U.S. west coast), bias estimate and reputation assessment are demonstrated for archetypal observers.La Información Batimétrica Voluntaria (más comúnmente llamada Batimetría Participativa, CSB : su acrónimo en Inglés) tiene el potencial de ayudar a la cartografía autorizada, pero la falta de métodos de evaluación oficial ha limitado la adopción de esta idea. Este artículo propone un sistema de reputación de los Observadores (y de los datos) para estimar la capacidad del observador de coincidir con las profundidades autorizadas; también se calcula una estimación de la secuencia temporal del desfase vertical. Esta reputación puede constituir la base de decisiones sobre la cantidad de observaciones que se requieren de una fuente VBI antes de que se consideren acciones en materia de cartografía. Al utilizar datos del DCDB de la OHI y de los levantamientos de la NOAA de la zona de Puget Sound (costa oeste de EE.UU.), se demuestra la estimación del desfase y la evaluación de la reputación para observadores arquetípicos.Les informations bathymétriques fournies par des bénévoles (plus communément désignées par l'expression « bathymétrie participative » ou « CSB ») peuvent contribuer à la réalisation de cartes officielles, mais le manque de méthodes d'évaluation formelles a freiné l'adoption de cette idée. Cet article propose un système de réputation pour les observateurs (et les données) afin d'estimer la capacité de l'observateur à respecter les profondeurs qui font autorité ; une estimation de la séquence temporelle du biais vertical est également calculée. Cette réputation peut constituer la base des décisions sur le nombre d'observations requises d'une source VBI avant que des actions de cartographie puissent être envisagées. Grâce à l'utilisation de données provenant des levés du DCDB de l'OHI et de la NOAA dans la région de Puget Sound (côte ouest des Etats-Unis), l'estimation du biais et l'évaluation de la réputation sont démontrées pour des observateurs archétypaux

    Comparison of Hydrographic Survey Data with Crowdsourced Bathymetry Data

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    A hydrographic survey is a standardized procedure for collecting data for the production of nautical charts and publications. It is a lengthy and costly procedure, so the survey is carried out depending on the capabilities of hydrographic organizations. It is known that relatively large parts of the world’s oceans are very poorly covered by hydrographic surveys. To increase the amount of data collected, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has introduced the concept of crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB). Under the CSB concept, all vessels meeting certain minimum technical requirements (carrying a global navigation satellite system and a single beam echo sounder) can participate in voluntary bathymetric data collection. The paper analyzes the method of collecting bathymetric data from CSB. The depth data collected as part of the CSB are compared with official data displayed on electronic navigational charts (ENC) in the United States of America. Four sea areas were selected in which 104 depths were compared at the same positions, and categorization was also made according to the criterion of navigational importance, i.e., the category zones of confidence (CATZOC). By comparing the official depth data from the hydrographic survey with the depth data collected from public sources for the same positions, their mutual relationships were established, from which it can be concluded that the CSB data, despite its limitations, is a very valuable supplement to the existing official data

    Evaluation of a Crowd Sourced Bathymetric Approach

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    Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry is the process of generating a harbor chart through collecting, enriching, processing, and aggregating depth (and other) measurements from a host of vessels, using standard navigation instruments, while engaged in routine maritime operations. This study explores the accuracy and limitations of one particular approach towards utilizing Crowd-Sourced data, comparing the results obtained from DockTech’s approach to that of a classic MBES survey. As DockTech is a for-profit startup that sells their product to various stakeholders in the maritime supply chain, a balance between protection of proprietary interest and scientific collaboration is necessary. As such, while specific details in regards to both chosen methodologies and their particular evaluations cannot be discussed, a general overview will be provided and the results of DockTech’s solution will be evaluated. This study is based on depth measurements collected by service vessels, active on a daily basis in Ashdod Port over the course of two months. Tug and Pilot boats use stand-alone GNSS navigation and navigation class Single Beam echo sounders for safety purposes when traversing the port and maneuvering between the wharfs. These depths, averaged over a relatively rough grid, were used to produce a chart of part of the port. Data from the service vessels did not include RTK GNSS navigation and hence ellipsoid referenced surveying techniques were not used in lieu of water level monitoring. This chart was then compared to another chart produced from a professional hydrographic survey of the port, using state of the art equipment and strict hydrographic control. The differences were then analyzed according to the latest edition of the IHO S-44 standards. Recommendations were suggested for some relatively simple measures which could enhance the accuracy achieved and the reliability of such a chart, at least for harbor maintenance purposes.La Batimetría Participativa es el proceso de generar un portulano mediante la recogida, enriquecido, procesado y agregado de mediciones de profundidad (y otras) por una diversidad de buques, usando instrumentos de navegación normales, mientras realizan operaciones marítimas de rutina. Este estudio explora la exactitud y limitaciones de un enfoque concreto utilizando datos de Batimetría Participativa, comparando los resultados obtenidos por el enfoque de DockTech’s con los de un levantamiento MBES clásico. Como DockTech es una startup con ánimo de lucro que vende sus productos a varias partes interesadas en la cadena de suministro marítimo, es necesario mantener un equilibrio entre la protección del interés patrimonial y la colaboración científica. Por ello, aunque no se pueden discutir detalles específicos sobre las metodologías escogidas y sus evaluaciones concretas, se proporcionará una descripción general y se evaluarán los resultados de la solución de DockTech. El estudio se basa en la medición de profundidades recogidas por buques de servicio, activos diariamente en el Puerto de Ashdod durante el curso de dos meses. Las embarcaciones de remolque y practicaje usan navegación autónoma GNSS y ecosondas monohaz de navegación con fines de seguridad cuando navegan por el puerto y maniobran entre los muelles. Estas sondas, promediadas en una retícula relativamente aproximada, se usaron para producir una carta de parte del puerto. Los datos de los buques de servicio no incluían navegación RTK GNSS, y por tanto no se usaron técnicas de levantamientos referenciados al elipsoide en lugar de control del nivel del agua. Después se comparó esta carta con otra producida por un levantamiento hidrográfico profesional del puerto, usando el equipo más actual y estrictos controles hidrográficos. Entonces se analizaron las diferencias según la última edición de las normas S-44 de la OHI. Se sugirieron recomendaciones de cambios relativamente simples que podrían aumentar la exactitud alcanzada y la fiabilidad de esa carta, al menos para fines de mantenimiento del puerto.La bathymétrie participative (CSB) est le processus de génération d’une carte por-tuaire en collectant, enrichissant, traitant et agrégeant des données bathymétriques (et autres) à partir d’un grand nombre de navires, à l’aide d’instruments de naviga-tion standard, tout en participant à des opérations maritimes de routine. Cette étude explore la précision et les limites d’une approche particulière de l’utilisation des don-nées participatives, en comparant les résultats obtenus par l’approche de DockTech à ceux d’un levé SMF classique. DockTech étant une start-up à but lucratif qui vend son produit à divers acteurs de la chaîne d’approvisionnement maritime, un équilibre entre protection de la propriété et collaboration scientifique est nécessaire. En tant que tel, bien que les détails spécifiques concernant les méthodologies choisies et leurs évaluations particulières ne puissent pas être discutés, un aperçu général sera fourni et les résultats de la solution de DockTech seront évalués. Cette étude se base sur des mesures de profondeurs recueillies par des navires de service, actifs quotidiennement dans le port d’Ashdod pendant deux mois. Les remorqueurs et les bateaux-pilotes utilisent une navigation GNSS autonome ainsi que des sondeurs monofaisceaux de navigation à des fins de sécurité lorsqu’ils traversent le port et manœuvrent entre les quais. Ces sondes, moyennées sur une grille relativement grossière, ont été utilisées pour produire une carte d’une partie du port. Les don-nées des navires de service n’incluaient pas la navigation GNSS RTK et, par consé-quent, les techniques de levé rattaché à l’ellipsoïde n’ont pas été utilisées en rem-placement du contrôle du niveau des hauteurs d’eau. Cette carte a ensuite été com-parée à une autre carte produite à partir d’un levé hydrographique professionnel du port, en utilisant un équipement de pointe et un contrôle hydrographique strict. Les différences ont ensuite été analysées selon la dernière édition de la norme S-44 de l’OHI. Des recommandations ont été suggérées pour certaines mesures relative-ment simples qui pourraient améliorer la précision obtenue et la fiabilité d’une telle carte, du moins aux fins de l’entretien du port


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    Sol. Spirituality for the digital age. A move towards a more cosmic future. A hopeful call to arms for a more inclusive, liberated culture where the impermanence of life can wash over us in a wave of ambient sonic splendor. Using solar energy to create shifting ambient soundscape Sol is an immersive, interactive civic space for all lifeforms of all persuasions. A reintrepretation of the Shinto shrine for the digital age. An alliance between codified physical computing, emerging interactive technology and the ancient spiritual traditions of the East. Non denominational, non religious wholly universal. Where all beings can remember their cosmic core, their common primordial source, where everything is united through the vibrational properties of sound and light. This is the common link. Vibrational force. Sun to light, light to sound and back again. The great circle of vibrational energy. A place where your presence creates the experience. A reminder that we create our own reality. Awareness of this is the great liberator. Sol the tool

    Internet of things for disaster management: state-of-the-art and prospects

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    Disastrous events are cordially involved with the momentum of nature. As such mishaps have been showing off own mastery, situations have gone beyond the control of human resistive mechanisms far ago. Fortunately, several technologies are in service to gain affirmative knowledge and analysis of a disaster's occurrence. Recently, Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has opened a promising door toward catering of multitude problems related to agriculture, industry, security, and medicine due to its attractive features, such as heterogeneity, interoperability, light-weight, and flexibility. This paper surveys existing approaches to encounter the relevant issues with disasters, such as early warning, notification, data analytics, knowledge aggregation, remote monitoring, real-time analytics, and victim localization. Simultaneous interventions with IoT are also given utmost importance while presenting these facts. A comprehensive discussion on the state-of-the-art scenarios to handle disastrous events is presented. Furthermore, IoT-supported protocols and market-ready deployable products are summarized to address these issues. Finally, this survey highlights open challenges and research trends in IoT-enabled disaster management systems. © 2013 IEEE

    Launching the Grand Challenges for Ocean Conservation

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    The ten most pressing Grand Challenges in Oceans Conservation were identified at the Oceans Big Think and described in a detailed working document:A Blue Revolution for Oceans: Reengineering Aquaculture for SustainabilityEnding and Recovering from Marine DebrisTransparency and Traceability from Sea to Shore:  Ending OverfishingProtecting Critical Ocean Habitats: New Tools for Marine ProtectionEngineering Ecological Resilience in Near Shore and Coastal AreasReducing the Ecological Footprint of Fishing through Smarter GearArresting the Alien Invasion: Combating Invasive SpeciesCombatting the Effects of Ocean AcidificationEnding Marine Wildlife TraffickingReviving Dead Zones: Combating Ocean Deoxygenation and Nutrient Runof
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