729,675 research outputs found

    An architecture for organisational decision support

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    The Decision Support (DS) topic of the Network Enabled Capability for Through Life Systems Engineering (NECTISE) project aims to provide organisational through-life decision support for the products and services that BAE Systems deliver. The topic consists of five streams that cover resource capability management, decision management, collaboration, change prediction and integration. A proposed architecture is presented for an Integrated Decision Support Environment (IDSE) that combines the streams to provide a structured approach to addressing a number of issues that have been identified by BAE Systems business units as being relevant to DS: uncertainty and risk, shared situational awareness, types of decision making, decision tempo, triggering of decisions, and support for autonomous decision making. The proposed architecture will identify how either individuals or groups of decision makers (including autonomous agents) would be utilised on the basis of their capability within the requirements of the scenario to collaboratively solve the decision problem. Features of the scenario such as time criticality, required experience level, the need for justification, and conflict management, will be addressed within the architecture to ensure that the most appropriate decision management support (system/naturalistic/hybrid) is provided. In addition to being reliant on a number of human factors issues, the decision making process is also reliant on a number of information issues: overload, consistency, completeness, uncertainty and evolution, which will be discussed within the context of the architecture

    A concurrent design approach and model management support to prevent inconsistencies in multidisciplinary modelling and simulation

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    Cyber-physical systems are multidisciplinary systems which involve different engineering disciplines in their design. Each engineering discipline tends to use its own domain-specic languages and tools to model different aspects of a system concurrently. The concurrent modelling process may introduce inconsistencies due to lack of common knowledge and communication among domain experts. Especially for co-modelling and co-simulation developments, a huge amount of models, versions of models and design alternatives may be produced, which highly increases the design space and the chance of having inconsistent models. This paper introduces a model management support and concurrent design flow to prevent inconsistencies and maintain synchronization among models. Besides the consistency checking scheme, a co-evolution graph can be generated by the model management system to visualize the concurrent development process and prevent inconsistencies. The model management system and concurrent design flow have been applied on a line following robot to show how to use this approach and its advantages

    The Earth as a living planet: human-type diseases in the earthquake preparation process

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    The new field of complex systems supports the view that a number of systems arising from disciplines as diverse as physics, biology, engineering, and economics may have certain quantitative features that are intriguingly similar. The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly without stopping at all. The earthquake generation is a fundamental sign that the earth is a living planet. Recently, analyses have shown that human-brain-type disease appears during the earthquake generation process. Herein, we show that human-heart-type disease appears during the earthquake preparation of the earthquake process. The investigation is mainly attempted by means of critical phenomena, which have been proposed as the likely paradigm to explain the origins of both heart electric fluctuations and fracture induced electromagnetic fluctuations. We show that a time window of the damage evolution within the heterogeneous Earth's crust and the healthy heart's electrical action present the characteristic features of the critical point of a thermal second order phase transition. A dramatic breakdown of critical characteristics appears in the tail of the fracture process of heterogeneous system and the injury heart's electrical action. Analyses by means of Hurst exponent and wavelet decomposition further support the hypothesis that a dynamical analogy exists between the geological and biological systems under study

    Supporting multi-discipline undergraduate group projects

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    Student group projects are an important part of undergraduate engineering programmes. They provide an opportunity for students to apply the theory that they have learned and experience a situation analogous to that which they will encounter after graduation. A number of significant changes have been made to the group projects run by the School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering at Loughborough University. One of these changes means that students on different degree courses from across the department will be working together on the same projects. This paper reports on a research project that investigated effective practice in the management and support of major student group projects in the School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering and also across Loughborough University. Technological solutions were sought that were of potential use in supporting the student group project process. Requirements for a support system have been identified and an eLearning hub, complete with user guides for both students and staff, has been developed. This new support system will help students manage their group projects, thereby gaining the best experience. It will also aid staff in their understanding of the project and their role in it. Lessons learned here, together with evaluation and guidance, will provide useful points of interest for those involved in other student group projects. This paper focuses on the identification of issues to be addressed during the evolution of a group project module and development of a support system for multi-discipline student group projects

    A model driven component agent framework for domain experts

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    Industrial software systems are becoming more complex with a large number of interacting parts distributed over networks. Due to the inherent complexity in the problem domains, most such systems are modified over time to incorporate emerging requirements, making incremental development a suitable approach for building complex systems. In domain specific systems it is the domain experts as end users who identify improvements that better suit their needs. Examples include meteorologists who use weather modeling software, engineers who use control systems and business analysts in business process modeling. Most domain experts are not fluent in systems programming and changes are realised through software engineers. This process hinders the evolution of the system, making it time consuming and costly. We hypothesise that if domain experts are empowered to make some of the system cha nges, it would greatly ease the evolutionary process, thereby making the systems more effective. Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is seen as a natural fit for modeling and implementing distributed complex systems. With concepts such as goals and plans, agent systems support easy extension of functionality that facilitates incremental development. Further agents provide an intuitive metaphor that works at a higher level of abstraction compared to the object oriented model. However agent programming is not at a level accessible to domain experts to capitalise on its intuitiveness and appropriateness in building complex systems. We propose a model driven development approach for domain experts that uses visual modeling and automated code generation to simplify the development and evolution of agent systems. Our approach is called the Component Agent Framework for domain-Experts (CAFnE), which builds upon the concepts from Model Driven Development and the Prometheus agent software engineering methodolo gy. CAFnE enables domain experts to work with a graphical representation of the system, which is easier to understand and work with than textual code. The model of the system, updated by domain experts, is then transformed to executable code using a transformation function. CAFnE is supported by a proof-of-concept toolkit that implements the visual modeling, model driven development and code generation. We used the CAFnE toolkit in a user study where five domain experts (weather forecasters) with no prior experience in agent programming were asked to make changes to an existing weather alerting system. Participants were able to rapidly become familiar with CAFnE concepts, comprehend the system's design, make design changes and implement them using the CAFnE toolkit

    Domain architecture a design framework for system development and integration

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    The ever growing complexity of software systems has revealed many short-comings in existing software engineering practices and has raised interest in architecture-driven software development. A system\u27s architecture provides a model of the system that suppresses implementation detail, allowing the architects to concentrate on the analysis and decisions that are most critical to structuring the system to satisfy its requirements. Recently, interests of researchers and practi-tioners have shifted from individual system architectures to architectures for classes of software systems which provide more general, reusable solutions to the issues of overall system organization, interoperability, and allocation of services to system components. These generic architectures, such as product line architectures and domain architectures, promote reuse and interoperability, and create a basis for cost effective construction of high-quality systems. Our focus in this dissertation is on domain architectures as a means of development and integration of large-scale, domain-specific business software systems. Business imperatives, including flexibility, productivity, quality, and ability to adapt to changes, have fostered demands for flexible, coherent and enterprise--wide integrated business systems. The components of such systems, developed separately or purchased off the shelf, need to cohesively form an overall compu-tational environment for the business. The inevitable complexity of such integrated solutions and the highly-demanding process of their construction, management, and evolution support require new software engineering methodologies and tools. Domain architectures, prescribing the organization of software systems in a business domain, hold a promise to serve as a foundation on which such integrated business systems can be effectively constructed. To meet the above expectations, software architectures must be properly defined, represented, and applied, which requires suitable methodologies as well as process and tool support. Despite research efforts, however, state-of-the-art methods and tools for architecture-based system development do not yet meet the practical needs of system developers. The primary focus of this dissertation is on developing methods and tools to support domain architecture engineering and on leveraging architectures to achieve improved system development and integration in presence of increased complexity. In particular, the thesis explores issues related to the following three aspects of software technology: system complexity and software architectures as tools to alleviate complexity; domain architectures as frameworks for construction of large scale, flexible, enterprise-wide software systems; and architectural models and representation techniques as a basis for good” design. The thesis presents an archi-tectural taxonomy to help categorize and better understand architectural efforts. Furthermore, it clarifies the purpose of domain architectures and characterizes them in detail. To support the definition and application of domain architectures we have developed a method for domain architecture engineering and representation: GARM-ASPECT. GARM, the Generic Architecture Reference Model, underlying the method, is a system of modeling abstractions, relations and recommendations for building representations of reference software architectures. The model\u27s focus on reference and domain architectures determines its main distinguishing features: multiple views of architectural elements, a separate rule system to express constraints on architecture element types, and annotations such as “libraries” of patterns and “logs” of guidelines. ASPECT is an architecture description language based on GARM. It provides a normalized vocabulary for representing the skeleton of an architecture, its structural view, and establishes a framework for capturing archi-tectural constraints. It also allows extensions of the structural view with auxiliary information, such as behavior or quality specifications. In this respect, ASPECT provides facilities for establishing relationships among different specifications and gluing them together within an overall architectural description. This design allows flexibility and adaptability of the methodology to the specifics of a domain or a family of systems. ASPECT supports the representation of reference architectures as well as individual system architectures. The practical applicability of this method has been tested through a case study in an industrial setting. The approach to architecture engineering and representation, presented in this dissertation, is pragmatic and oriented towards software practitioners. GARM-ASPECT, as well as the taxonomy of architectures are of use to architects, system planners and system engineers. Beyond these practical contributions, this thesis also creates a more solid basis for expbring the applicability of architectural abstractions, the practicality of representation approaches, and the changes required to the devel-opment process in order to achieve the benefits from an architecture-driven software technology

    The Deployment of an Enhanced Model-Driven Architecture for Business Process Management

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    Business systems these days need to be agile to address the needs of a changing world. Business modelling requires business process management to be highly adaptable with the ability to support dynamic workflows, inter-application integration (potentially between businesses) and process reconfiguration. Designing systems with the in-built ability to cater for evolution is also becoming critical to their success. To handle change, systems need the capability to adapt as and when necessary to changes in users requirements. Allowing systems to be self-describing is one way to facilitate this. Using our implementation of a self-describing system, a so-called description-driven approach, new versions of data structures or processes can be created alongside older versions providing a log of changes to the underlying data schema and enabling the gathering of traceable (provenance) data. The CRISTAL software, which originated at CERN for handling physics data, uses versions of stored descriptions to define versions of data and workflows which can be evolved over time and thereby to handle evolving system needs. It has been customised for use in business applications as the Agilium-NG product. This paper reports on how the Agilium-NG software has enabled the deployment of an unique business process management solution that can be dynamically evolved to cater for changing user requirement.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 22nd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2018). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1402.5764, arXiv:1402.5753, arXiv:1502.0154

    A Traceability-based Method to Support Conceptual Model Evolution

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    Renewing software systems is one of the most cost-effective ways to protect software investment, which saves time, money and ensures uninter- rupted access to technical support and product upgrades. There are several mo- tivations to promote investment and scientific effort for specifying systems by means of conceptual models and supporting its evolution. As an example, the software engineering community is addressing solutions for supporting model traceability, continuous improvement of business process, organisational reen- gineering, information system maintenance, etc. Model-driven techniques have been developed in order to analyse systems raising the abstraction level of its specification. However, a support for conceptual model evolution by means of model-driven techniques is still needed. This thesis proposes a traceability- based method that involves model-driven capabilities for designing and provid- ing guidelines, techniques, and tools to support conceptual model evolution. The main idea is to support information system analysts in the tasks related to: justify why the conceptual models have evolved, report and specify what ele- ments have evolved, and guide how to carry out evolution in certain predefined organisational contexts. We plan to apply our method to guide the evolution of an E-shopping software. This way, we also provide mechanism to facilitate in- dustrial adoption.This PhD project has been supported by the Spanish Generalitat Valenciana ORCA (PROMETEO/2009/015); the FPI grant of the Universitat Politècnica de València (3146); the European Commission FP7 Project CaaS (611351); and the ERDF structural funds.Ruiz Carmona, LM. (2014). A Traceability-based Method to Support Conceptual Model Evolution. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/73841
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