
A concurrent design approach and model management support to prevent inconsistencies in multidisciplinary modelling and simulation


Cyber-physical systems are multidisciplinary systems which involve different engineering disciplines in their design. Each engineering discipline tends to use its own domain-specific languages and tools to model different aspects of a system concurrently. The concurrent modelling process may introduce inconsistencies due to lack of common knowledge and communication among domain experts. Especially for co-modelling and co-simulation developments, a huge amount of models, versions of models and design alternatives may be produced, which highly increases the design space and the chance of having inconsistent models. This paper introduces a model management support and concurrent design flow to prevent inconsistencies and maintain synchronization among models. Besides the consistency checking scheme, a co-evolution graph can be generated by the model management system to visualize the concurrent development process and prevent inconsistencies. The model management system and concurrent design flow have been applied on a line following robot to show how to use this approach and its advantages

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