1,232 research outputs found

    Die Virtuelle Videokamera: ein System zur Blickpunktsynthese in beliebigen, dynamischen Szenen

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    The Virtual Video Camera project strives to create free viewpoint video from casually captured multi-view data. Multiple video streams of a dynamic scene are captured with off-the-shelf camcorders, and the user can re-render the scene from novel perspectives. In this thesis the algorithmic core of the Virtual Video Camera is presented. This includes the algorithm for image correspondence estimation as well as the image-based renderer. Furthermore, its application in the context of an actual video production is showcased, and the rendering and image processing pipeline is extended to incorporate depth information.Das Virtual Video Camera Projekt dient der Erzeugung von Free Viewpoint Video Ansichten von Multi-View Aufnahmen: Material mehrerer Videoströme wird hierzu mit handelsĂŒblichen Camcordern aufgezeichnet. Im Anschluss kann die Szene aus beliebigen, von den ursprĂŒnglichen Kameras nicht abgedeckten Blickwinkeln betrachtet werden. In dieser Dissertation wird der algorithmische Kern der Virtual Video Camera vorgestellt. Dies beinhaltet das Verfahren zur BildkorrespondenzschĂ€tzung sowie den bildbasierten Renderer. DarĂŒber hinaus wird die Anwendung im Kontext einer Videoproduktion beleuchtet. Dazu wird die bildbasierte Erzeugung neuer Blickpunkte um die Erzeugung und Einbindung von Tiefeninformationen erweitert

    Vermessung, Modellierung und Verifizierung von Licht-Masse-Interaktions-PhÀnomenen

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    The photo-realistic rendering of scenes showing natural phenomena requires skilled graphic designers not only to produce a convincingly good-looking image but also to convey physical plausibility. This is especially important in industrial context, where a modelled scene showcasing a product has to approximate the actual environment of a product as closely as possible, e.g. in automotive industries. In this thesis, new techniques to measure natural phenomena are presented in order to provide new or verify existing models for rendering the physically plausible image. In contrast to other approaches, the measurement is performed using nonconventional methods: an ellipsometer is employed to capture the specular reflectance with respect to the polarisation behaviour, a transmissive screen attached to a glass tank is imaged to capture underwater reflectances, and the Microsoft Kinect, a motion capturing device, is used to detect the gas flows around objects. The results are the verification of existing, physically plausible models for commodity metals, an enhanced reflectance model for materials immersed in transparent media with known refractive index, and the reconstruction of two-phase gas flows around occluding objects.Das Erzeugen von Szenen mit natĂŒrlichen PhĂ€nomenen in fotorealistischer QualitĂ€t ist aufwĂ€ndig, weil nicht nur ein realistisches Bild erstellt werden soll, sondern auch physikalische PlausibilitĂ€t in Bezug auf das modellierte PhĂ€nomen verlangt wird. Besonders in der Industrie, z.B. in der Automobilindustrie, sollte die modellierte Szene, in der ein Produkt eingesetzt wird, der tatsĂ€chlichen Einsatzumgebung so naturgetreu wie möglich Ă€hneln. In dieser Dissertation werden neue AnsĂ€tze zum Messen von natĂŒrlichen PhĂ€nomenen prĂ€sentiert, die es ermöglichen, fĂŒr bestimmte PhĂ€nomene neue Modelle zu erstellen oder bestehende Modelle erschöpfender zu verifizieren, um damit physikalische PlausibilitĂ€t fĂŒr Szenen, die am Computer ereugt werden, zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Im Unterschied zu anderen Verfahren, werden unkonventionelle Methoden zur Messung umgesetzt: Mit Hilfe eines Ellipsometers wird die OberflĂ€chenreflektanz von Metallen so vermessen, dass auch Änderungen im Polarisationszustand des Lichtes erfasst werden. Unterwasserreflektanzen von Materialien werden mit Hilfe eines lichtdurchlĂ€ssigen Diffusers abgebildet, der an einen Glasbecher angebracht wird, und der Bewegungssensor Kinect von Microsoft wird verwendet, um Gasströmungen um Objekte zu detektieren. Die Ergebnisse sind die Verifikation von bestehenden Modellen fĂŒr handelsĂŒbliche MetallflĂ€chen, ein erweitertes Reflektanzmodell fĂŒr OberflĂ€chen, die in refraktive Medien eingetaucht werden und die Rekonstruktion von Gasströmungen um Objekte

    Holistic Multi-View Building Analysis in the Wild with Projection Pooling

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    We address six different classification tasks related to fine-grained building attributes: construction type, number of floors, pitch and geometry of the roof, facade material, and occupancy class. Tackling such a remote building analysis problem became possible only recently due to growing large-scale datasets of urban scenes. To this end, we introduce a new benchmarking dataset, consisting of 49426 images (top-view and street-view) of 9674 buildings. These photos are further assembled, together with the geometric metadata. The dataset showcases various real-world challenges, such as occlusions, blur, partially visible objects, and a broad spectrum of buildings. We propose a new projection pooling layer, creating a unified, top-view representation of the top-view and the side views in a high-dimensional space. It allows us to utilize the building and imagery metadata seamlessly. Introducing this layer improves classification accuracy -- compared to highly tuned baseline models -- indicating its suitability for building analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021

    CFD Vision 2030 Study: A Path to Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences

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    This report documents the results of a study to address the long range, strategic planning required by NASA's Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences (RCA) program in the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), including future software and hardware requirements for High Performance Computing (HPC). Specifically, the "Vision 2030" CFD study is to provide a knowledge-based forecast of the future computational capabilities required for turbulent, transitional, and reacting flow simulations across a broad Mach number regime, and to lay the foundation for the development of a future framework and/or environment where physics-based, accurate predictions of complex turbulent flows, including flow separation, can be accomplished routinely and efficiently in cooperation with other physics-based simulations to enable multi-physics analysis and design. Specific technical requirements from the aerospace industrial and scientific communities were obtained to determine critical capability gaps, anticipated technical challenges, and impediments to achieving the target CFD capability in 2030. A preliminary development plan and roadmap were created to help focus investments in technology development to help achieve the CFD vision in 2030

    Dagstuhl Annual Report January - December 2011

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    The International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science is a non-profit organization. Its objective is to promote world-class research in computer science and to host research seminars which enable new ideas to be showcased, problems to be discussed and the course to be set for future development in this field. The work being done to run this informatics center is documented in this report for the business year 2011

    Holistic Multi-View Building Analysis in the Wild with Projection Pooling

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    We address six different classification tasks related to fine-grained building attributes: construction type, number of floors, pitch and geometry of the roof, facade material, and occupancy class. Tackling such a remote building analysis problem became possible only recently due to growing large-scale datasets of urban scenes. To this end, we introduce a new benchmarking dataset, consisting of 49426 images (top-view and street-view) of 9674 buildings. These photos are further assembled, together with the geometric metadata. The dataset showcases various real-world challenges, such as occlusions, blur, partially visible objects, and a broad spectrum of buildings. We propose a new \emph{projection pooling layer}, creating a unified, top-view representation of the top-view and the side views in a high-dimensional space. It allows us to utilize the building and imagery metadata seamlessly. Introducing this layer improves classification accuracy -- compared to highly tuned baseline models -- indicating its suitability for building analysis

    Semantic Interpretation of Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds in Indoor Scenes Using Trajectories

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    The data acquisition with Indoor Mobile Laser Scanners (IMLS) is quick, low-cost and accurate for indoor 3D modeling. Besides a point cloud, an IMLS also provides the trajectory of the mobile scanner. We analyze this trajectory jointly with the point cloud to support the labeling of noisy, highly reflected and cluttered points in indoor scenes. An adjacency-graph-based method is presented for detecting and labeling of permanent structures, such as walls, floors, ceilings, and stairs. Through occlusion reasoning and the use of the trajectory as a set of scanner positions, gaps are discriminated from real openings in the data. Furthermore, a voxel-based method is applied for labeling of navigable space and separating them from obstacles. The results show that 80% of the doors and 85% of the rooms are correctly detected, and most of the walls and openings are reconstructed. The experimental outcomes indicate that the trajectory of MLS systems plays an essential role in the understanding of indoor scene
