156 research outputs found

    Parameterised and Fine-Grained Subgraph Counting, Modulo 2

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    Given a class of graphs ?, the problem ?Sub(?) is defined as follows. The input is a graph H ? ? together with an arbitrary graph G. The problem is to compute, modulo 2, the number of subgraphs of G that are isomorphic to H. The goal of this research is to determine for which classes ? the problem ?Sub(?) is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT), i.e., solvable in time f(|H|)?|G|^O(1). Curticapean, Dell, and Husfeldt (ESA 2021) conjectured that ?Sub(?) is FPT if and only if the class of allowed patterns ? is matching splittable, which means that for some fixed B, every H ? ? can be turned into a matching (a graph in which every vertex has degree at most 1) by removing at most B vertices. Assuming the randomised Exponential Time Hypothesis, we prove their conjecture for (I) all hereditary pattern classes ?, and (II) all tree pattern classes, i.e., all classes ? such that every H ? ? is a tree. We also establish almost tight fine-grained upper and lower bounds for the case of hereditary patterns (I)

    Modular Counting of Subgraphs: Matchings, Matching-Splittable Graphs, and Paths

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    We systematically investigate the complexity of counting subgraph patterns modulo fixed integers. For example, it is known that the parity of the number of kk-matchings can be determined in polynomial time by a simple reduction to the determinant. We generalize this to an nf(t,s)n^{f(t,s)}-time algorithm to compute modulo 2t2^t the number of subgraph occurrences of patterns that are ss vertices away from being matchings. This shows that the known polynomial-time cases of subgraph detection (Jansen and Marx, SODA 2015) carry over into the setting of counting modulo 2t2^t. Complementing our algorithm, we also give a simple and self-contained proof that counting kk-matchings modulo odd integers qq is Mod_q-W[1]-complete and prove that counting kk-paths modulo 22 is Parity-W[1]-complete, answering an open question by Bj\"orklund, Dell, and Husfeldt (ICALP 2015).Comment: 23 pages, to appear at ESA 202

    Honest signaling in zero-sum games is hard, and lying is even harder

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    We prove that, assuming the exponential time hypothesis, finding an \epsilon-approximately optimal symmetric signaling scheme in a two-player zero-sum game requires quasi-polynomial time. This is tight by [Cheng et al., FOCS'15] and resolves an open question of [Dughmi, FOCS'14]. We also prove that finding a multiplicative approximation is NP-hard. We also introduce a new model where a dishonest signaler may publicly commit to use one scheme, but post signals according to a different scheme. For this model, we prove that even finding a (1-2^{-n})-approximately optimal scheme is NP-hard

    Approximating Directed Steiner Problems via Tree Embedding

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    In the k-edge connected directed Steiner tree (k-DST) problem, we are given a directed graph G on n vertices with edge-costs, a root vertex r, a set of h terminals T and an integer k. The goal is to find a min-cost subgraph H of G that connects r to each terminal t by k edge-disjoint r,t-paths. This problem includes as special cases the well-known directed Steiner tree (DST) problem (the case k = 1) and the group Steiner tree (GST) problem. Despite having been studied and mentioned many times in literature, e.g., by Feldman et al. [SODA'09, JCSS'12], by Cheriyan et al. [SODA'12, TALG'14] and by Laekhanukit [SODA'14], there was no known non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST for k >= 2 even in the special case that an input graph is directed acyclic and has a constant number of layers. If an input graph is not acyclic, the complexity status of k-DST is not known even for a very strict special case that k= 2 and |T| = 2. In this paper, we make a progress toward developing a non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-DST. We present an O(D k^{D-1} log n)-approximation algorithm for k-DST on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) with D layers, which can be extended to a special case of k-DST on "general graphs" when an instance has a D-shallow optimal solution, i.e., there exist k edge-disjoint r,t-paths, each of length at most D, for every terminal t. For the case k= 1 (DST), our algorithm yields an approximation ratio of O(D log h), thus implying an O(log^3 h)-approximation algorithm for DST that runs in quasi-polynomial-time (due to the height-reduction of Zelikovsky [Algorithmica'97]). Consequently, as our algorithm works for general graphs, we obtain an O(D k^{D-1} log n)-approximation algorithm for a D-shallow instance of the k-edge-connected directed Steiner subgraph problem, where we wish to connect every pair of terminals by k-edge-disjoint paths
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