19 research outputs found

    MS-nowcasting: Operational Precipitation Nowcasting with Convolutional LSTMs at Microsoft Weather

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    We present the encoder-forecaster convolutional long short-term memory (LSTM) deep-learning model that powers Microsoft Weather's operational precipitation nowcasting product. This model takes as input a sequence of weather radar mosaics and deterministically predicts future radar reflectivity at lead times up to 6 hours. By stacking a large input receptive field along the feature dimension and conditioning the model's forecaster with predictions from the physics-based High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model, we are able to outperform optical flow and HRRR baselines by 20-25% on multiple metrics averaged over all lead times.Comment: Minor updates to reflect final submission to NeurIPS worksho

    InteractE: Improving Convolution-based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions

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    Most existing knowledge graphs suffer from incompleteness, which can be alleviated by inferring missing links based on known facts. One popular way to accomplish this is to generate low-dimensional embeddings of entities and relations, and use these to make inferences. ConvE, a recently proposed approach, applies convolutional filters on 2D reshapings of entity and relation embeddings in order to capture rich interactions between their components. However, the number of interactions that ConvE can capture is limited. In this paper, we analyze how increasing the number of these interactions affects link prediction performance, and utilize our observations to propose InteractE. InteractE is based on three key ideas -- feature permutation, a novel feature reshaping, and circular convolution. Through extensive experiments, we find that InteractE outperforms state-of-the-art convolutional link prediction baselines on FB15k-237. Further, InteractE achieves an MRR score that is 9%, 7.5%, and 23% better than ConvE on the FB15k-237, WN18RR and YAGO3-10 datasets respectively. The results validate our central hypothesis -- that increasing feature interaction is beneficial to link prediction performance. We make the source code of InteractE available to encourage reproducible research.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202

    Adaptive algorithm in differential privacy : comparative analysis of pre-processing methods

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    Nowadays the amount of data collected on individuals is massive. Making this data more available to data scientists could be tremendously beneficial in a wide range of fields. Sharing data is not a trivial matter as it may expose individuals to malicious attacks. The concept of differential privacy was first introduced in the seminal work by Cynthia Dwork (2006b). It offers solutions for tackling this problem. Applying random noise to the shared statistics protects the individuals while allowing data analysts to use the data to improve predictions. Input perturbation technique is a simple version of privatizing data, which adds noise to whole data. This thesis studies an output perturbation technique, where the calculations are done with real data, but only suffcient statistics are released. With this method smaller amount of noise is required making the analysis more accurate. Yu-Xiang Wang (2018) improves the model by introducing an adaptive AdaSSP algorithm to fix the instability issues of the previously used Sufficient Statistics Perturbation (SSP) algorithm. In this thesis we will verify the results shown by Yu-Xiang Wang (2018) and look in to the pre-processing steps more carefully. Yu-Xiang Wang has used some unusual normalization methods especially regarding the sensitivity bounds. We are able show that those had little effect on the results and the AdaSSP algorithm shows its superiority over SSP algorithm also when combined with more common data standardization methods. A small adjustment for the noise levels is suggested for the algorithm to guarantee privacy conditions set by classical Gaussian Mechanism. We will combine different pre-processing mechanisms with AdaSSP algorithm and show a comparative analysis between them. The results show that Robust private linear regression by Honkela et al. (2018) makes significant improvements in predictions with half of the data sets used for testing. The combination of AdaSSP algorithm with robust private linear regression often brings us closer to non-private solutions